Calligraphy exercises for students adults printing secondary
Calligraphy exercises are part of the education given to children at the stage during which they begin to learn both to read and to write . The practice of calligraphy helps to have a handwriting that is legible and also beautiful to look at. With the realization of exercises, a firm pulse can be as a result and that also helps the person to gain confidence when writing in the long term. In this article we will provide you the Calligraphy exercises for students.
In addition, there are different ways of making calligraphy, some more stylized than others, that their practice turns out to be a hobby for some people. This is really a broad topic and that is why in this article we will talk about the different exercises and tips that are most useful to improve penmanship.
Calligraphy exercises for adults
Calligraphy is, itself, the art of writing gracefully so that the handwriting looks beautiful and elegant. The word itself explains it, etymologically it is the union of two words of Greek origin: “kallos” and “graphein”, these words are translated as “beauty” and “writing”. The importance of the practice of calligraphy is that it helps to improve concentration, memory, cognitive abilities and is itself directly related to the learning process. This is because we learn mainly by reading and writing.
In addition, having a calligraphy with a certain style expresses a lot about the person who writes it. This is noticeable in the shape of the letters and in the strokes, without a doubt you can make a reading of the personality of the person. It’s not always about having nice handwriting, it’s more about being legible and mostly conforming to the style rules that have already been established for writing. It is therefore important to start with the basic lines that help shape the letters, gradually the exercises can be made more complex.
The first lessons include how to take the pencil correctly, this is a common mistake and that sometimes when it is not corrected in time it is still done even into adulthood. Thus; it becomes easier not to have control over the pencil and the strokes appear jerky. The ideal position is to hold with the thumb, middle finger and index finger.
It is best to use paper that already has the lines marked or printed, which serve as a guide during the practices. The measurements for these lines have been standardized, however it can be said that the use of those that are at least 1.5 centimeters is recommended . Depending on the type of calligraphy that is going to be done, you can find one that best suits it.
It is important to remember that the practice of these exercises should be done slowly without wanting to rush the march . The important thing is to pay attention to the strokes that are made, with enough practice time it may be possible to increase the speed of writing. It is also important to have control over the pressure regulation that is done with the pencil. By pressing too hard, the muscles of the hand will be more tense and you begin to feel a feeling of fatigue in your hands.
Letters lowercase and uppercase letters have their own complexities at the time of writing. Perhaps achieving a good capital letter that has elegant characteristics and that is seen with a clean and firm line can take a long time. However, lowercase letters also have their own complexity, above all because they must maintain uniformity both in size and style. In addition, depending on the type of pencil or pen with ink of various types, this makes the letter when it is put on paper to change a bit. For this reason, some will find it more pleasant to use one type or another or have to adapt.
Calligraphy for adults also seeks to put into practice precision in terms of the pressure that is exerted on the lines that are drawn on the paper. It can be seen that there is a difference between the line that is made in a descending or ascending way. When going down, more pressure is usually exerted and the width of the line also thickens. On the other hand, when climbing, less pressure is exerted and the line is also observed as a slightly almost imperceptible line due to the thinness of the line.
Thus; the directions for each exercise even include how the trace should start and which direction it should go. Concentrate on changing the pressure you exert , so you may have to grip the pencil in a firmer or softer way. It is important not to tire and tighten the muscles of the hands so that the exercise obtains the expected results. Practice curves and changes of direction even with your usual handwriting to see how important they are.
Exercises for printing
It is possible to purchase notebooks or publications in which a wide variety of exercises are found on their pages. They already have enough space to fill out each sheet by following the steps indicated for each of the proposed lessons. However, it is also possible to find both free and paid versions of downloadable versions that are ready to print on the Internet . The facility that these versions have is that when you make a mistake or if by accident the ink of the pen that is being used runs, you simply proceed to start over on another printed sheet.
Whether purchased or printed versions, they also usually contain some exercises that have already become classics for the practice of calligraphy. For example, this oval lesson, which consists of repeating the shape of an oval in a row, is seen as a continuous and infinite line. The importance of this lesson is that handwriting practically relies on making sinuous lines gracefully.
It really is very simple, the oval leans a little to the right. The stroke should start from the top and then go down to the left. Again you go up to the right and then continue repeating these steps. It is important to maintain the concentration to avoid that the size and the extent to which the shape continues to remain constant without variables . The success of achieving a good page with handwriting exercises is to achieve the greatest possible perfection.
The calligraphy for adults is basically the practice of shapes and lines to help beautify the letter, unlike calligraphy for children who are looking for them to learn to spell each letter of the alphabet with their particular characteristics. It is important to achieve basic strokes that build the letters and therefore constant practice will even help to gain speed when writing.
Secondary calligraphy exercises
It is more common to observe that more attention is paid to calligraphy exercises during elementary school. During high school, it is necessary not to stop promoting the practice of calligraphy exercises. While some educational institutions do not pay much attention to this, the truth is that students can easily start to greatly degrade the quality of their writing. By not correcting this problem in time, it will be much more difficult to solve it later.
From an early age children should be taught to practice calligraphy if possible on a daily basis. Usually; Children are taught to write from the age of four while learning to speak and improve their pronunciation. A common mistake is to think that the calligraphy exercises only apply to the style of writing called cursive, the practices include typeface and it is with which one usually starts due to the complexity that cursive can represent.
Children with the passage of time as the practices progress and the level of complexity of the exercises increases, improvement can be observed. Children begin to show that they improve markedly in terms of their fine motor skills . In addition, they learn to control their pulse, soften the stroke of the pencil and learn to place their writing within the space of the paper and to maintain order.
Students may find this activity a bit boring, or very repetitive, so implementing games or combining it with other activities makes it easier for them. Some games can start from the creation of some shapes, pictures or words. There are a wide variety of activities. A good example can be to complete a series of lines that have combined letters and numbers and shapes that must be completed with the use of colored pencils.
During class note-taking or when participating in writing on the board, the student can practice. Likewise, students can be asked to make lists of things to do for the next class or to carry out hand-made essays, this not only encourages them to get used to writing by hand but also to make reflections or mental associations while writing. .