What is the importance of teamwork leadership role and difficulties in teamwork
Here we we make you aware about What is the importance of teamwork leadership role and difficulties in teamwork.
We can define teamwork as a joint effort of people with different skills and who work towards a common goal.
Since prehistory, the first men threatened by dangers saw that it was more advantageous to unite to ensure survival , creating the first tribes, using each of their individual skills in search of a greater good.
Within companies, teamwork has become part of a culture that no longer sees employees as simple labor , but rather as their most valuable asset. Thus, that centralizing leadership philosophy no longer fits.
Today, the trend is that, more and more, organizations practice a shared vision, facilitating communication between the team, the exchange of ideas and interdependence.
How important is teamwork in companies?
Currently, even after so many transformations in society, when we talk about the corporate environment, for a company to survive and grow in the market, it is necessary that people from the most diverse behavioral profiles work together , sharing their hard and soft skills , creating insights and creative solutions for solving business challenges.
In addition, teamwork is a fundamental tool in people management for identifying leaders . That’s because, within a team, it’s much easier to recognize who has an executive profile, that is, professionals who have all the energy necessary to motivate and create ideas that make the team stand out and reach even higher flights.
Even though it requires patience and empathy, when people with the most diverse skills, thoughts and diverse cultural backgrounds work as a team, an organizational environment rich in knowledge emerges , which makes employees feel much more motivated and engaged in fulfilling their role within company, resulting in incredible data.
Importance of teamwork for the employee
Today, most professionals working in the labor market place a high value on being in a company that provides knowledge and invests in their professional and personal development.
Therefore, when the company encourages teamwork, everyone can learn from the technical and behavioral skills of others , making the business environment a culturally rich place.
Thus, if within a team there is a person who is a great communicator, he can help someone who is more shy to express themselves more easily. An executor, for example, can contribute to a more analytical person becoming more proactive and less demanding of himself.
In this way, everyone can highlight their strengths and improve points they need to develop, becoming even better professionals and individuals.
The role of leadership in teamwork
According to the author, a specialist in people management: “The leader needs to inspire and also develop people and teams”.
Therefore, we can conclude that a good leader is the one who achieves the best results, through the performance of his team, always encouraging growth and preserving the team’s behavioral identity. That’s because, to be a good leader, the right thing is not to use your hierarchy to try to influence or change the behavior of your followers.
The ideal is for a leader to inspire his collaborators, carrying out a management by competences, managing differences, awakening the potential of each one in favor of the greatest objective, which is the company’s.
In addition, it is the leader’s role to monitor the team’s performance and productivity indicators . Thus, when goals are met and objectives are achieved, it is also up to the leader to develop actions and strategies that reward the team’s good performance, such as awards.
How to improve teamwork?
As with the improvement of all employees in a company, training focused on teamwork is essential for the success of the group.
The training focused on teamwork should focus, first, self – knowledge of each employee that make up the group. This practice allows each one to know their potential, points of greater attention and, above all, their role within the team.
Secondly, it is important that training promotes dynamics in which team members are able to apply their skills in addition to the skills of their peers.
In this way, they will be able to visualize the relevance of their individual contribution towards achieving a common goal.
Building mutual trust between team members is the foundation for a job well done and the achievement of established goals. Trusting your team member also allows the employee to express their opinions freely and feel comfortable asking for help when they need it.
In addition, the group dynamics allow the integration between the members to develop, guaranteeing the prior knowledge of each participant in relation to what is expected of themselves and of the colleague.
Finally, team training is essential so that members can get to know the group leader and understand that more than just giving orders, the position of leader aims to organize tasks and ensure that everyone can develop their talents autonomously and creative.
The leader is the one who will allow ideas to be put into practice and who will show alternative paths when the initial idea encounters obstacles to its completion.
What are the difficulties faced by teamwork?
Knowing that people are different and behave in different ways in the same scenario , it is easy to understand that working in a team is a challenge that must be fulfilled day after day in an organizational environment.
Find out now some factors that can make it difficult to apply the teamwork culture in the company.
Individualism is a behavior that has grown in an increasingly technological society, where almost everything can be solved by a simple smartphone.
Still, with the expansion of home office work , as a result of the new coronavirus pandemic, it is natural for employees to self-manage and seek less and less collaboration from their teammates.
However, this individuality has negative impacts, not only for the employee’s professional development, but can also harm their mental health, causing disorders such as depression and panic syndrome.
2-unprepared leadership
As we’ve already mentioned, for a team to be aligned towards the company’s goals, good leadership is essential.
But when the leader is not prepared and has centralized management, making decisions without consulting the team, not worrying about the human factor , only demanding results, it is natural that the team does not feel motivated and engaged.
Thus, team spirit will not be developed, since employees will not feel valued as a person, seeing themselves as a simple “employee” who is only there to bring profit to the organization.
As a result, absenteeism and presenteeism will increase, and even the turnover rate will increase, because the company will no longer be a good place to work.
3-Lack of company commitment
Unfortunately, many companies still do not pay attention to how people management with a focus on behavior is fundamental in the development of high-performance teams.
Therefore, when the organization does not invest in an automated HR sector that, through software with data intelligence, collects and analyzes information about the profiles of each employee, management becomes inefficient, as it does not have solid data.
This information is essential to, for example, identify profiles that are missing in a given team so that it can reach its goals more easily and quickly.
4-inefficient communication
This is one of the main factors that contribute to teamwork not working. In this sense, for a team to be efficient in carrying out its tasks, it is necessary that everyone is aligned in their role and also informed of the progress of the work of their colleagues.
In addition, remote work brought more challenges in communication between the members of a team . Information is often lost in chats and emails. Also, a written message can be misinterpreted, compromising the understanding and development of the team’s performance.
Thus, even if there are meetings via videoconference, not everyone will always be involved in the conversation, as they are concerned with other factors in the face-to-face world that can divert the employee’s attention.
As we have seen, teamwork, even though it is a trend, is something that has been around since the beginning and has contributed to the development of our society as a whole.
Therefore, it is impossible for your company not to use the culture of teamwork and want to remain in the market, growing along with it . For this reason, as a member of HR, be sure to seek solutions to the challenges that will always occur in the business environment, as each employee has their own particularities.
When working in the business environment, it is important to keep in mind that people are different, with opinions, work methodologies, with completely different routines, histories and desires, and this set of differences that has the power to change the history of a company, with a diversified team that works with quality.
Being flexible is having the perception that respect is the basis for a healthy relationship within the team, and with other members of the company. You must learn to listen to opinions contrary to yours, and respect, without thinking and verbalize that your opinion is the best, and argue.
Ideally, ideas are equally heard, so that, afterwards, there is a collective understanding about which will have the best result among the scenario being evaluated, as a solution to a recurring problem, or about any other scenario.
The union of ideas, without conflicts , is capable of generating incredible solutions.