What is Systems Theory definition/concept
The word system comes from the Greek systema and expresses the union of elements in a coordinated way. Thus, a bicycle, a living organism, a society or a company receive this name, as they all have a structure in which their different elements maintain a union. Systems Theory
It assumes an explanatory model that emerged in the 20th century in the field of natural sciences and that has spread to other areas.
The Austrian philosopher and biologist Ludwig von Bertalanfy was the first to develop general systems theory. Its principles state that living organisms have a cohesive yet open dimension.
In this sense, nature in general and organisms in particular have a series of characteristics:
1) each being is integrated into a larger whole,
2) the structures of relationships of a globality tend to preserve its identity,
3) the change in an aspect or part affects its entirety,
4) there is a constant exchange of information between the elements or parts of the entire system,
5) the functions of a globality that are no longer operative are assumed by other parties. Systems Theory
In short, everything that exists in nature has a close relationship between its various constituentelements. What is relevant in Bertalanfy’s view is not the parts of a system, but its global structure. In other words, when studying life, a purely biological or chemical approach to a series of components is not employed , but rather an analysis that takes into account the properties, functions and organization of nature or the organism. Systems Theory
This explanatory model has expanded with cybernetics, in a very special way with the feedback mechanisms that allow a balance in systems
According to the theory of autopoiesis exposed by Humberto Maturana, there is in systems the ability to spontaneously reproduce their constituent elements. In the field of sociology, this theory allowed us to better understand the role of human collectives. In psychology, this model has been employed to explain individual roles within a family structure.
Understanding the phenomenon of education from this paradigm
Within an educational center there is a set of elements: students, teachers, pedagogical programs, state laws and an administrative system. Systems Theory
All these parts act in a coordinated way as if it were a living organism in a constant process of transformation.
No part or element of an educational model is completely independent, so that everything together functions as a global system.