Spiritual Happiness relationship between spirituality and happiness
Spiritual Happiness
In Positive Psychology (the scientific study of well-being and flourishing as a human being) we consider spirituality as one of the 24 personal strengths, located within the transcendence virtue. This virtue refers to that set of strengths that seek outside of oneself to connect with something magnificent and permanent, connect with others, with the future, with the divine, with the universe, with the future. In this article we will provide you the information about Spiritual Happiness.
Spirituality is a notion that has not been worked on much in the most classical psychology, but we pay special attention to its value. We are going to conceptualize spirituality as something that is not really necessarily linked to a particular religion, we can see it as a deeper way of connecting with our lives, with our being. It is that ability to have faith, to be able to connect with “something” that is bigger than ourselves.
By spirituality we understand the set of beliefs and practices based on the absolute conviction that there is a non-material dimension of life. Psychologically these beliefs are important for the person, since they influence the meaning that they construct and the way in which they establish their relationships with others and with the world. Spirituality, unlike religion, describes the private, that shared intimacy between the human being and the divine.
Causes of Spiritual Happiness
This joy that comes from moments as simple as a deep and sincere conversation with a friend. The contemplation of a perfect landscape. The desire to stop time and keep forever the perfection of an instant in the form of now.
Situations of reciprocated love. Family celebrations. The pleasure of vacation. The unforgettable experience of a trip.
Without a doubt , leaving the comfort zone is an experience that invites to spiritual happiness, otherwise we would be stuck in an existential comfort zone.
Spiritual happiness is born from happy memories of the past. And the conviction of being in that place where I really wanted to be.
The relationship between spirituality and happiness
Prayer, meditation, contemplation, journaling, reading and singing. Chances are you’ve already resorted to at least one of these practices throughout your life as a way to connect with your higher self.
Many people carry with them the desire to understand things they cannot explain, and spirituality points the way to discovering some of life’s mysteries.
And while there are countless religions and spiritual beliefs alive and vibrant in the world today, science shows that spirituality is a universal trend and has an extremely positive effect on humankind’s health, happiness and relationships.
Spirituality: concept
Spirituality is paradoxically a universal and highly personal concept that tends to highlight two fundamental ideas: it is seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself and recognizing that what connects you to a higher power also connects you to others.
Here are some modern definitions of spirituality:
Speaker Mastin Kipp, author of Daily Love: Growing with Grace, says that “spirituality is the measure of how willing we are to allow some power greater than ourselves to enter our lives and guide us on our path.”
Dr. Brené Brown, an expert on vulnerability and empathy, defined spirituality in her book “The Gifts of Imperfection” as “recognizing and celebrating that we are all connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power is a to the other is based on love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to our lives.”
Oprah Winfrey, in her discussion of the subject with spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, said, “Spirituality for me is recognizing that I am connected to the energy of all creation, that I am a part of it and will always be a part of me. Whatever label or word we use to describe “it” doesn’t matter. Words are completely inadequate.”
Spirituality and happiness
Tal Ben-Shahar, one of the leading professors of positive psychology and well-being, defines happiness as “the overall experience of pleasure and meaning”. A happy person is not like that because he experiences only positive emotions.
Happy people generally experience pleasurable emotions, but they also identify their lives as meaningful – that is, they feel that they contribute in some way to their community and that they have an effect on the world around them.
Since spirituality is deeply rooted in providing meaning, it is a direct access point to greater happiness. Spirituality brings a sense of meaning to a confused world.
When life events (big and small) take on greater meaning, spiritual people are more able to handle stress, are more likely to be grateful for pleasant life events, and more steadfastly to process the challenges they face. .
Whether because they feel supported by a higher power or because they are aware of their higher self, spiritual people identify with life as having a purpose, rather than seeing it as a random and meaningless trajectory.
Spirituality calms things down and generally encourages optimism and the pursuit of a joyful life. It helps people identify their values and appreciate them in others. Spiritual people are more selfless, compassionate, and forgiving of others because they identify with what connects them—not what separates them.
Many spiritual traditions encourage bonding with a community in order to promote healthy relationships – one of the highest indicators of a happy life. In fact, positive psychology studies show that spiritual people have more positive relationships overall with their spouses, children, and friends.
If you are on the spiritual path and want to strengthen your sense of spirituality, you can begin this process by exercising your gratitude. Take a few minutes out of your day just to write down what you are grateful for. This is an efficient way to amplify the positive experiences and people that are part of your life.
Practicing meditation daily is also an excellent choice for getting closer to your divinity. As you breathe in, invite your highest source into your life, and as you breathe out, offer your loving-kindness to all beings everywhere.
Talk to strangers. Smile at people. Talk to people you might pass by. Making connections with others reminds you that you are not alone and that everyone has struggles and blessings in their lives.
By the way, being still and learning to quiet your mind is one of the most powerful things you can do to feel in touch with your true nature. Mindfulness is able to offer you benefits in different fields of life.
Deep down, you are a spirit that longs to know your fullness. So, seek to develop it continuously! As the French idealist philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin put it: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”