What is Oligophrenia definition/concept
Like most terms related to medicine, the word oligophrenia comes from the Greek, more specifically from the word “oligos”, which means little and from “phrenia” which means mind. Therefore, oligophrenia is synonymous with low intelligence. Intellectual limitation from certain levels is considered a disease, as this type of person has difficulties to develop their daily activities.
or use of the word
The word oligophrenia is currently in disuse, since in medical terms it is more common to use more precise and rigorous terms, such as autism, dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, among others.
When a mental illness is not diagnosed, the word oligophrenia is used to indicate any type of mental problem. Over time, mental problems were more rigorously diagnosed and the term oligophrenia lost its original meaning. Oligophrenia
The diagnosis of mental retardation
Some strange behavior can be a symptom of a mental problem. On the other hand, intellectual limitations are highly variable and that is why experts in human behavior perform tests to measure intelligence, more specifically the intelligence quotient or IQ to establish the degree of mental retardation, which can be mild, moderate or severe in function of the results. Diagnosis of intellectual disability should be made based on measurement standards and by a medical professional. For this, there are mental health centers and several professionals in psychiatry, psychology or neurology that work in this direction. Oligophrenia
Different ways to refer to mental problems
Throughout history intellectual or cognitive limitations have received various names. The most used word in the past was mad. However, other terms came to be used as retarded, imbecile, idiot, incapable or abnormal. This terminology has evolved as many of these words carry a derogatory and insulting connotation. Nowadays, the most common name is mental retardation or intellectual disability. Oligophrenia
Fortunately, the mentally ill are seen nowadays not as a social oddity or as someone dangerous, but as a person who has an illness, that is, as a patient who should be treated with respect and consideration. It should be noted that in the 19th century, physicians used the word idiocy, a definition that today is inadmissible.