What is lucid dreaming Why and how do we have lucid dreams
Lucid dreaming
When we go to sleep, it is normal to indulge in involuntary thoughts that exert a noticeable influence on our emotions. In some cases, the scenes that appear while we are sleeping seem to be totally unreal. However, there are other types of circumstances under which the sensation is produced that everything is extremely real, even though we know that it is nothing more than a scene created by our imagination. In this article we will provide you the insights about Lucid dreaming.
If this sounds familiar to you, chances are you’ve had this kind of feeling at some point in your life. Therefore, we recommend that you continue reading to learn more about this very particular phenomenon.
More about lucid dreaming
Lucid dreams are those productions that the mind makes during sleep, in which the person who is dreaming is fully aware that the images, words and actions that take place there are part of a dream. In other words, lucid dreams have as their main feature the fact that the person is lucid despite being asleep.
For this reason, during this type of dream, it is possible to recognize what is part of the dream and which situations are not real. However, it is important to understand that dreams always capture information from the subconscious and are the basis on which dream scenes are built.
Why do we have lucid dreams?
Going beyond the meaning that these types of dreams may have, it is interesting to know how they originate. To bring more clarity regarding this information, below, we will explain the causes of lucid dreams:
- Psychological reasons : lucid dreams arise from unconscious desires or fears that cannot be dealt with while we are awake. When that happens, the mind resorts to a defense mechanism called repression, which produces a forgetfulness of what is feared or desired. However, these productions return in the form of lucid dreams, since elements that are part of the person’s life are presented.
- Genetic reasons : during the sleep cycle, the brain goes through a series of stages to rest and process all the information acquired during the day. According to different research carried out, lucid dreams happen during the REM phase , the sleep of rapid eye movements, since in this phase there is greater brain activity. In turn, the neural connections that interfere in this process actively participate, as they communicate faster compared to other sleep phases.
How to Have Lucid Dreams
Another aspect that generates great interest is knowing the ways to have this type of manifestation at bedtime. Next, we’ll tell you how to have lucid dreams:
- Keep a record of your dreams : so that you can know your own interior, it is essential that you know which dreams you usually have. For this, it is convenient that you keep a record of the dreams you have to understand which are the most frequent and thus be able to control them.
- Plan a sleep interruption : to have lucid dreams it is essential to set an alarm that wakes you up after having had a few hours of sleep. Once you go back to sleep, you are more likely to experience the REM phase of sleep, which is necessary for lucid dreaming to occur.
- Mentalize the occurrence of a lucid dream : this technique consists of thinking that you will have this type of dream when you sleep. It is important to project this wish so that it is understood by your unconscious mind and results in lucid dreaming.
- Train your perception : if you can identify the thoughts that arise while you are awake, you are more likely to have this process repeated during your sleep cycle.
- Call for meditation : this technique allows for greater concentration on the thoughts, emotions and attitudes of the human being. If you produce a greater record of these qualities, it is possible for you to have lucid dreams. In this article you will find all the information you need on how to do meditation at home.
- Write Your Wishes : Write down the pending wishes you have. Once you do this, there will be a stronger record of what has not yet been completed. This material can end up entering the mind during rest and will help you to have lucid dreams.
- Visualize dream control : this methodology consists of pronouncing out loud that it is possible to control lucid dreaming. That way, you’ll be more involved in what’s going on. In general, visualization can be used to prevent recurring nightmares and create dreams.