English Grammar

What are verbal nouns/definition/examples/vs gerund

A verb noun is a noun derived from a verb. Although it is derived from a verb, it has all the properties of a noun and none of the properties of a verb. This is the main thing about. What are verbal nouns?

What are verbal nouns

A verb noun is a noun derived from a verb. Although it is derived from a verb, it has all the properties of a noun and none of the properties of a verb. This is the main feature of a verbal noun. In this article, we are going to discuss what verb nouns are, how they are formed and used. What are verbal nouns?

Verbal nouns, as mentioned above, or verbal nouns are composed of a verb. They can be formed in several ways, but the most common way is to add a suffix to the base form of the verb. What are verbal nouns?

Examples of verbal nouns

verb Verbal noun example
To read reading The second reading of the book gave us new information.
Murder Murder He condoned the murder of innocent women.
To arrive arrival His arrival was delayed by 3 hours.
move away departure Her departure saddened us all.
Return Return


We look forward to your return.
Reiteration Repetition I do not approve of repeating yesterday’s mistakes.
destroy destruction He was arrested for the destruction of property.
Decide Decision Her decision affects all of us.
narrate retelling Her story about this story saddened us all.

In some verbs, the verb noun is identical to the main verb form. Examples include Attack and Return.

A verbal noun has many noun qualities.

His sudden arrival surprised us all.

It was a wonderful building .

  • It may be preceded by qualifiers

He attended a private show .

accepting the Prize meant a lot to him.

  • Can be plural

Many religious books can have multiple readings .

This was another of her bad decisions . What are verbal nouns?

His beautiful drawing from the countryside won first prize.

Your money will fund the construction of the bridge.


The second reading of the invoice was scheduled for January 19th , 2016.


The second is an adjective

Reading is a verbal noun

Bills – Preposition

As these examples show, verbal nouns have noun qualities and function like nouns in a sentence. However, some verbal nouns, especially those ending in -ing, can be easily confused with existing participles and gerunds. What are verbal nouns?

Neglecting a convention may not be a crime, but it is morally questionable.

Neglect of the rules cannot go unpunished.

He was breaking the rules.

The construction of the building was postponed.

Verbal Noun vs Gerunds

A verb noun can be formed by adding the suffix –ing. However, a verbal noun should not be confused with a gerund. Although the gerund looks exactly like a verb noun, it retains many of the properties of a verb.

Gerund can take items and can be changed by adjectives.

He loves to watch TV.

Smoking cigarettes is unhealthy.

In both of these cases, you can watch the gerunds pick up items. TV is the object of viewing, and cigarettes are the object of smoking. What are verbal nouns?

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