What are the branches of Philosophy/characteristics
Perhaps it is one of the most difficult to define, its thinkers have been in charge of conceptualizing what philosophy is. However, it is easier to delimit the branches of philosophy. What are the Branches of philosophy and characteristics of each one of them? We will tell you. What are the branches of Philosophy?
Philosophy can make us question everything we believe, even no matter what religion we profess. Indeed, it is interesting to know what the important points of this current are, so that we can learn from it and leave behind any strange ideas that we have.
In the following lines you will learn about a series of branches of philosophy in which each one encompasses its own perspective and the thinkers who developed it:
This branch of philosophy maintains that the knowledge of the human being is generated from the reflections that it makes , and the relationships it has with the environment. Therefore, taking into account the initial data and the applied methodology determines the authenticity of the knowledge. To do this also, consider the social environment and the questions to be answered to define this knowledge.
Philosophy of Logic
This branch is responsible for studying logical systems from the point of view of their nature and the justification for them. It also includes the qualities, coherence and the way in which knowledge is expressed. On the other hand, this field of philosophy is responsible for reflecting on logical operations (nature and anthological) . One of the questions that this current can ask: is it part of nature or is it something built by humans? What are the branches of Philosophy?
This branch has a direct link with Computer Engineering . Some of its outstanding thinkers are: Charles Sanders Peirce, Aristotle and Kurt Gödel.
The branch of philosophy that is responsible for determining what is morally correct and what is not is called ethics. Perhaps most people abide by the principle of morality. However, few people are dedicated to asking questions or analyzing on the subject.
One of the points on which ethics focuses is to discover if universal morality exists, or if it is just a creation of man developed over time. Among its thinkers are: Plato, Socrates, or Thomas Aquinas.
This current is closely linked to art . It is responsible for studying beauty from the point of view of how it is perceived and its nature . It follows from the modern Latin word aestheticus, and in turn from the Greek aisthētikós, which translates as “perception or sensitivity”.
Its meaning will depend on the context in which it is found, usually it refers to what is beautiful. Within everyday life its meaning is oriented to the physical appearance of something (person, thing or space). Among its thinkers are: Plato, Martin Heidegger or Denis Diderot. What are the branches of Philosophy?
Philosophy of science
This discipline of philosophy is responsible for studying the nature of scientific knowledge , in a general and human way. That is, it analyzes how it affects people and how knowledge is concentrated. On the other hand, among his occupations is to find the research methodology to obtain scientific data. Sometimes this discipline is used as if it were epistemology, its meaning is oriented in two directions:
- That discipline that is oriented to the General Theory of Knowledge, whose purpose is to clarify the scientific discourse.
- The philosophy of science treated as taxonomy, leaning on cognitive qualities.
It is the branch of philosophy that is responsible for studying the nature and organization of reality , that is, the existence of phenomena. It is not only wondering if it exists or not, it is also knowing the meaning of things. For example, will it be the same to say a crocodile or a dragon, knowing that the latter is fictitious?
Among the prominent philosophers under this current are: Georg Hegel, Aristotle, Gottfried Leibniz, Plato or George Berkeley. What are the branches of Philosophy?
This discipline studies reality as a whole ; the forms of life and concepts such as: time, the reason for the existence of everything, relationships between objects of the Cosmos, among others.
Political Philosophy
The branch of Political Philosophy is the one in charge of studying and reflecting on political issues . For example the State, the government, justice, the law, the power, the common good and the laws. In addition, political philosophy is closely related to political ethics, for example that applied by Confucius in China and Aristotle in Greece.
Confucius said that a good government must proceed from charity, justice, respect and hierarchies. In addition, he argued that the purpose of any government is to achieve harmony and peace. Instead Aristotle said that politics is part of the nature of man, as something innate in the pursuit of happiness. Among the forms of government he identified was democracy mixed with aristocracy.
Philosophy of Language
This philosophical discipline is responsible for studying the general and specific aspects of language . For example the relationship between language, the use of language, the meaning and the reference of language; thought and the world, translation, interpretation, etc.
The philosophy of language differs in many aspects from linguistics, it uses non-empirical methods to draw its conclusions. On the other hand, this philosophical current does not differentiate between what is written or spoken, since it studies everything that is common to them. The approach to the philosophy of language is oriented to the abstract and emerges from the study of specific languages. What are the branches of Philosophy?
The philosophy of language analyzes the nature of language , and the use that is given to it on a daily and institutional level. In addition, it is a point of support for science that is dedicated to studying the practices that are given to language.
An example posed to those who study this trend is to resolve the interpretation between what is significant and signified. Also the way how verbalized concepts are created. Among the thinkers of this current are: Ferdinand de Saussure or Ludwig Wittgenstein.