
Primitive words with structure and examples

Primitive words

primitive word is one that does not come from any other of the same language. In addition, as a result of this, many other words can be formed, which in this case are derived words . It can be said that they are formed by a single lexeme . They are also considered as simple words. In this article we will provide you the information about the primitive semantic unit of a text. In other words.

That is, the primitive words are the antecedent of the other words , hence they are of vital importance, since, in our language, when the root of a word has to be formulated, it is vital to know which is the primitive one.

Also add that the set of words that derive from a primitive is considered as a family of words .

It is, then, that which designates an idea, a concept. It is not a rule, but as a result of it it is easier to know the meaning of all its derivatives. However, we must strictly define word families as the set of words that derive from the same lexeme or root.

Word structure

In connection with this last statement, we must say that words are broken down into roots and affixes . Thus, the root is the part of the word that comes from the primitive word, while the affix is ​​a letter or group of letters that are added at the end, at the beginning or through the word to form the derivative. Primitive word with structure and examples

Affixes can be prefixes, without going in front, infixes without going in the middle, and suffixes , when they go at the end:

  • Prefixhyper – market.
  • Infix: flower – ec – er.
  • Suffixes: seller – dor .

We also find other types of derivatives of primitive words. In this case we can distinguish between diminutives, augmentatives and depreciators.

  • Diminutives: man – ecito .
  • Augmentatives: cas – erón .
  • Contempt: animal – ucho .

Other kinds of words

In addition, we will distinguish other types of words that, as always, are based on a primitive word.

Compound words

We have the compound words , which are formed as a result of the union of two or more primitive words or lexemes:

  • Car
  • Well – coming

Parasynthetic words

On the other hand, we have the parasynthetic words , which in this case combine derivation and composition, as, for example, adding a suffix:

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover what parasynthetic words are .

Examples of primitive words

And now, since what was promised is a debt, we are going with some examples of primitive words that will always be of great use to you. Remember that from these you can form countless derivatives. Do the test!

Bee, oil, acid, water, alcohol, love, animal, surname, tree, assemble, art, auto, beard, ship, garbage, mouth, boot, canister, diver, pump, horse, chain, street, camera, cancer, singing, face, meat, house, helmet, brain, closure, cinema, car, color, food, horn, body, sport, tooth, pain, hard, energy, figure, edge, flower, photo, fruit, force, sheath, hen, cat, glove, oven, bone, human, insect, garden, lens, firewood, letter, book, liquor, moon, light, hand, sea, medical, measure, mind, metal, militia, myth, mucus, grind, coin, mount, furniture, music, child, name, note, eye, oyster, country, pigeon, bread, hair, dog, fish, floor, plant, put, beginning, cheese, watch, king, clothes, sack, salt, seed, chair, dream, time, earth, tropic, life, wine, shoe, zoo, fox.

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