English Grammar

Ordinal numbers definition Dates and hierarchies and Sentences

“ Ordinal numbers ”, in English ordinal numbers, is one of the first topics that should be taught as soon as the student starts studying the language. In this article we will provide you the definition of Ordinal numbers.
The numbers in English are ranked among ordinal numbers ( ordinal numbers ) and cardinal numbers ( cardinal numbers ). Many find it difficult to learn ordinal numbers, but it is a very easy and simple subject.

What are the ordinal numbers?

“Ordinal numbers” are numbers used for the purpose of indicating orderpositionrank, or sequence.
Generally used to indicate the position of winners in competitions, the first three ordinal numbers are:
• First – 1st / First
• Second – 2nd / Second
• Third – 3rd / Third
In addition, these first “ordinal numbers” are different from the others, because after the third (third), the suffix –th is added at the end, with the exception of the numbers 5² and 9th which undergo changes in the extended form.
• Fourth – (4th) / Fourth
• Fifth – 5th / Fifth
• Sixth – 6th / Sixth
• Seventh – 7th / Seventh
• Eighth – 8th / Eighth
• Ninth – 9th / Ninth
• Tenth – 10th / Tenth
• Eleventh – 11th / Eleventh
• Twelfth – 12th / Twelfth
• Thirteenth – 13th / Thirteenth
• Fourteenth – 14th / Fourteenth
• Fifteenth – 15th / Fifteenth
• Sixteenth – 16th / Sixteenth
• Seventeenth – 17th / Seventeenth
• Eighteenth – 18th / Eighteenth
• Nineteenth – 19th / Nineteenth
• Twentieth – 20th / Twentieth
• Thirtieth – 30th / Thirtieth
• Fortieth – 40th / Fortieth
• Fiftieth – 50th / Fiftieth
• Sixtieth – 60th / Sixtieth
• Seventieth – 70th / Seventieth or  Seventieth
• Eightieth – 80th /  Eightieth
• Ninetieth – 90th / Ninetieth
• Hundredth – 100th / Hundredth
From the twentieth, in broken numbers only the second number goes into ordinal form.
• Twenty-first – 21st / Twenty-first
• Twenty-second – 22nd / Twenty-second
• Twenty-third – 23rd / Twenty-third
• Twenty-fourth – 24th / Twenty-fourth
• Twenty-fifth – 25th / Twenty-fifth
• Twenty-sixth – 26th / Twenty-sixth
• Twenty-seventh – 27th / Twenty-seventh
• Twenty-eighth – 28th / Twenty-eighth
• Twenty-ninth – 29th / Twenty-ninth
• Thirtieth-first – 31st / Thirty-first
• Thirtieth-second – 32nd / Thirtieth second
• Thirtieth-third – 33rd / Thirty-third
• Thirtieth-fourth – 34th / Thirty-fourth
• Thirtieth-fifth – 35th / Thirty-fifth
• Thirtieth-sixth – 36th / Thirty-sixth
• Thirtieth-seventh – 37th / Thirty-seventh
• Thirtieth-eighth – 38th / Thirty-eighth
• Thirtieth-ninth – 39th / Thirty-ninth

Dates and hierarchies

It is possible to express the date in English with the ordinal numbers in the following ways:  traditional –  Sep 20 or 20 Sep  – and ordinal –  ep 20th or 20th Sep .
For hierarchical titrations, the representation that is done in roman numbers , in the pronunciation and in the form in full, are used or ordinal numbers. See some examples:
• King Henry VIII – King Henry the Eighth.
• Dom Pedro II – Dom Pedro the Second.
• Queen Elizabeth II – Queen Elizabeth the Second.


• Today is his sixteenth birthday. (Today is his sixteenth birthday).
• She got the second place in the competition. (She got second place in the game).
• They got married on March the twenty-seventh (They got married on March 27).
• We were the first ones to get to the party (We were the first to arrive at the party).
• This is the third time I am speaking. (This is the third time I’m talking).
• I’m the twenty-ninth. (I am the twenty-ninth).
• He’s the seventh person to be let go this week. (He is the seventh person released this week).

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