Locution definition features types examples of sentences
Permanent combination of two or more words, which make up a sentence and which has its own meaning that does not derive from the literalness of the words that make up the sentence At the request of the grammar , the permanent combination of two or more words will be called locution and that make up a sentence that has its own meaning but will not be the literal of those words that make up the aforementioned sentence. This is then the singular characteristic of the phrases, that the meaning does not come from the literal reference of the words that form it, but that knowledge of the general meaning of the phrase will be necessary. Locution definition
Locution is the characteristic expression of a language that is formed by a set of words with a fixed structure and that has a meaning that cannot be deduced from the meaning of the words that form it.
Locutions are frequently used syntactic constructions that have as their main characteristic that their meaning does not derive compositionally from the literal meaning of the words that form it, but that it is necessary to know the general meaning of the phrase. The existence of the phrases shows that the meaning has not strictly literal components.
Grammatical operation
- Adjective Which is equivalent to an adjective and works as such: a woman of flag, a truth like a temple.
- Adverbial. The one that is equivalent to an adverb and works as such: It all worked like a charm; Suddenly appeared.
- Conjunctiva. The one that works as a conjunction: so, for more than, despite.
- Determinative The one that works as a determinative adjective.
- Nominal. Which is equivalent to a noun and works as such: gypsy arm (‘cylindrical cake‘), porthole (‘circular window’).
- Prepositional The one that works as and replaces a preposition: about, with a view to, next to, despite.
- Pronominal. Which is equivalent to a pronoun and works as such: one or another, each.
- Verbal. Which is equivalent to a verb and works as such: to miss, to realize, to pay attention, to carry out.
Types of grammar phrases
– Nominal phrases are those that are equivalent to a noun, such as “housewife”, “underworld” or “the hereafter”. Locution definition
– The adjective phrases are equivalent to an adjective, such as “madman of contentment” or “gala dress”.
– Adverbs have the same grammatical value as an adverb, such as “in a jiffy,” “without fool or are,” “together,” or “the beast.”
– The verbs have the same grammatical value as a verb and some examples could be the following: “giving birth” means giving birth, “shattering” is the same as breaking and “missing” expresses the same idea as needing.
– The prepositional work grammatically as a preposition and some of them are the following: “heading to”, “according to”, “by force of” or “in the absence of”. Locution definition
– The conjunctiva logically trigger a conjunction, such as “as long as”, “as soon as” or “given that.”
Types of locutions
- Adjective . It is used as an adjective. For example: I bought second-hand clothes . (Used)
- Adverb . It is used as an adverb. For example: The criminal shot him at close range , without saying a word . (Directly)
- Nominal. It is used as a noun. For example: Apparently, Raúl found his better half Of him. (ideal love)
- conjunctiva . It is used as a conjunction. For example: I will explain the exercise to you on the condition that you pay more attention in class. (Yes)
- pronominal . It is used as a pronoun. For example: I did not find any serious errors, only some other , but that can be corrected . (Mistake)
- Prepositional . It is used as a preposition. For example: There was an error in the sale of tickets and I was in the middle of a couple . (Among)
- verbal . It is used as a verb. For example: I missed you all these months. (I missed)
- Interjective . It is used as an interjection. For example: Oh my God! I can’t believe you’re here. (Surprise)
Examples of sentences with locutions
- Roman is a man of few words . (adjective phrase)
- Lucia is a difficult person to read . (adjective phrase)
- In the congress there were two crazy cats , it was a fiasco. (adjective phrase)
- What you are proposing is another matter. (adjective phrase)
- Everything went wonderfully . (adjective phrase)
- Those children are in the good of God . (adjective phrase)
- I will not be able to go to dinner with my friends because I am dry , (adjective phrase)
- It seems to me that your comment is irrelevant , we are talking about the terrible working conditions in this place. (adjective phrase) Locution definition
- He took a month’s vacation, no more, no less . (adverbial phrase)
- Maybe I’ll throw a party for my 25th birthday. (adverbial phrase)
- Of course I’ll help you study. (adverbial phrase)
- I foolishly took the exam because I was afraid of being late for the game. (adverbial phrase)
- I did the exam conscientiously , because last time I made a lot of mistakes. (adverbial phrase)
- He bought the car on the sly . (adverbial phrase)
- He murdered an entire family in cold blood . (adverbial phrase)
- The cow suddenly appeared in the middle of the road . (adverbial phrase)
- I can see our cabin in the distance. (adverbial phrase)
- Juan was kicked out of the bar . (adverbial phrase)
- Of course your children can sleep at home. (adverbial phrase)
- I called him and he arrived instantly . (adverbial phrase)
- I ‘m not aware of what happened between the two of them, but something happened, because they don’t speak. (verbal locution)
- Throughout the meeting, I felt that it was too much (verbal locution)
- When I heard the news, I got goosebumps. (verbal locution)
- I need you to update me because last week I was on vacation (verbal locution)
- You failed the exam because you rested on your laurels . (verbal locution)
- When I saw him like that, my heart broke . (verbal locution)
- Madam, please don’t raise your voice to me . (verbal locution)
- You hit the nail! They were the Carolingians. (verbal locution)
- After her grandmother’s death, she hit rock bottom . (verbal locution)
- When the teacher told him to come forward, he turned red . (verbal locution)
- Since there was an hour left before the movie started, I went to kill time at the bookstore. (verbal locution)
- We have already filled the position, but we will keep it in mind for future searches. (verbal locution)
- Don’t tease me , it’s something serious. (verbal locution)
- It seems to me that Marita left her mouth and her in-laws didn’t like it. (verbal locution)
- You should show your face , otherwise your boss will mistrust the entire team. (verbal locution)
- Don’t pay attention to them , you have to wear what you like. (verbal locution)
- If you sit idly by , things will never change. (verbal locution)
- I’m not going out with her again, she stood me up on the second date. (verbal locution)
- Juan Pablo is very violent, he beat up a boy because he accidentally pushed him. (verbal locution)
- As much as you complain, you will be grounded all weekend. (conjunctive phrase)
- Even though I studied hard, I failed the exam. (conjunctive phrase) Locution definition
- The teacher made me give the lesson in front of all my classmates. (prepositional phrase)
- In the middle of the movie my cell phone rang. (prepositional phrase)
- This jacket cost me an arm and a leg . (noun phrase)
- I’ll go with this dress, I don’t care what they say . (noun phrase)
- I’m tired of my boss ‘s abuse of power over us. (noun phrase).
- My sister always says that she will play pranks on us from beyond the grave . (noun phrase)
- It seems to me that I am on my boss‘s blacklist , he never pays attention to what I say and criticizes everything I do. (noun phrase)
- How awful! I’m not going to hang that painting in my living room. (interjective phrase)
- I never had dolls, just one or another that I inherited from my older sister. (pronominal locution)