How to Get Promoted at Work quickly with12 Key Tips
How to Get Promoted at Work
The new professional in the market is not only looking for good remuneration and benefits, but also to work in a company that has a good career plan and encourages their professional development and growth. But do you know how to get promoted at work quickly?
Standing out among your teammates and earning a promotion in the company can be a challenge, but when that goal is achieved it is also rewarding. After all, this shows that the company recognizes your performance and results, in addition to trusting you as a high-performance professional who can reach other levels.
So, if you’re looking to get promoted at work and want to show your full potential, but don’t know how, check out this post! Follow the reading and learn about 12 fundamental tips to boost your career!
1. Incorporate the company’s culture
Nothing leaves a manager more satisfied than an employee who literally “wears the company’s shirt”. Therefore, when you demonstrate that you are in line with the policy and values that the organization preaches, your chances of being promoted will consequently increase.
That’s because an employee who matches the organizational culture will always work more motivated, becoming more productive. In addition, this professional tends to contribute more so that the company achieves the best results.
2. Understand what your leader expects from your performance
Try to go further. That’s right, fulfilling only what is within the activities designed for you is not enough to get promoted at work.
Therefore, in addition to paying attention to what is said in one-on-one meetings and the periodic feedback that your manager gives you about your performance, try to question him about where he wants you to go . Also, it is important for you to express what your professional goals are within the organization and what paths you have followed to achieve them.
Therefore, propose projects and ideas for the team to work better and in a more practical way so that the goals are more easily achieved.
3. Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence has been one of the most requested soft skills in the job market. This is because the professional who has this skill finds it easier to deal with the challenges that the corporate environment presents daily.
Thus, the professional can have a good interpersonal relationship, better assess which actions and strategies are most suitable for solving problems. So, with your emotional intelligence up to date, you have the opportunity to achieve promotion more easily.
Also, this is an advantage if you want a leadership role, as emotional intelligence is also related to empathy and the power to motivate other teammates.
4. Know what skills you need to develop
Through feedbacks and performance evaluation, you can get a sense of what your strengths are and which ones you need to improve.
But the key to having a deep self-knowledge is in the behavioral profile . By mapping it, you will know exactly how, where and even when you will need to develop to improve the soft and hard skills that demand the positions you seek to reach within the company.
5. Be positive and avoid gossip
Showing good humor and a positive attitude towards the organizational environment, its challenges and changes, is essential for your chances of being promoted at work to grow.
An example of this is a survey by the National Bureau of Economic Research , which found that MBA students who were optimistic were more likely to find work than their professional peers. Also, according to the study, they were 5-10% more likely to be promoted than the naysayers.
After all, no manager or teammate likes to work with someone in a bad mood, right?
6. Create an Individual Development Plan
When you know your behavioral profile and align it with an Individual Development Plan , your chances of being promoted at work grow even more.
That’s because you will have a determined route of which courses and trainings to take, which soft skills you should develop with the coaching method, for example, among other advantages.
Thus, you will feel more secure, motivated, becoming a high-performance professional. Therefore, it will be much more advantageous for the company to offer a promotion than to hire an outside professional quickly to take over the position immediately.
7. Constantly seek to qualify
Every good professional knows that just having a degree is not enough to perform well and grow professionally.
In a globalized society, both technical and behavioral skills valued in the labor market are constantly changing . Therefore, it is necessary to invest in a postgraduate degree at recognized institutions or even in short courses.
We know that there is not always time and money left to invest in training and improvement. But there are many free quality certifications that can even be taken online. For those in the people management area , for example, there are a multitude of free HR courses that help boost your career.
8. Ask for more responsibilities
If you understand that you can go beyond the tasks that are assigned to you without hindering your productivity, don’t hesitate to ask for more responsibilities.
In this sense, if you are an HR professional who only takes care of the recruitment and selection area , but you know that you can help with the management of other demands in the area, make a well-founded request to your manager, without undermining the work of other colleagues .
Therefore, it is possible to present in a visual way, through a presentation, how your performance in metrics has been and what qualifications you have to perform a new activity or even a new position.
9. Talk to whoever has been promoted
Talking to other team members who have already been promoted at work is essential for you to understand the path they took to achieve professional growth within the organization and collect some tips. But remember that each individual is unique and has their own trajectory.
Understand that this dialogue can bring an understanding of the skills and practices that the company values and prioritizes when promoting an employee. This way, you can be more effective when designing your individual development plan.
10. Know how to order at the right time and in the correct way
Currently, most companies go through the need to place their employees in a home office and communication has been done remotely, so you must be careful when asking for a new responsibility or promotion.
We know that with remote work, managers and leaders need to hold more meetings during the day, especially in the early morning and late afternoon.
So try to schedule a meeting at a quieter time, for example after lunch, so you can talk to your manager with greater peace of mind. Also, it is important to write down the arguments you will use in topics, in addition to rehearsing a good speech before the chat.
Finally, be practical and objective by demonstrating which position you want to conquer, present the skills you have for the new role and also ask for feedback on where you need to improve to be promoted in the job in the future.
11. Have humility to learn continuously
It is very common to think that only employees in operational roles and analysts seek promotions at work. But those in leadership positions also want to grow and, for that, it is necessary to understand that learning is constant, regardless of hierarchy.
Therefore, it is essential to always be reading literary works on leadership, taking specialization courses, that is, improving skills to reach positions of presidency or CEO.
12. Make your personal marketing
Last but not least, promote your professional image on social media, especially LinkedIn .
This social network is a powerful personal marketing and networking tool . On LinkedIn, you can post photos of your daily life in the organizational environment, prepare posts and articles that show which subjects in your area of expertise you dominate, and also connect with other professionals and companies, providing mutual knowledge.
In addition, by publishing about the company and its work, you will still be helping the organization to establish an employer brand image in the market, attracting other talents to the organization.