Language and Linguistics

Emblem definition and its elements


An emblem is a symbol in which some figure is represented, meanwhile, usually at the foot of it a text or explanatory slogan is usually written , which of course refers to that represented with the mission of reinforcing the symbol, the image. Emblem definition

Symbol that represents a figure and that is usually accompanied by a text or motto

The aforementioned concept was very popular between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries , it has a Greek origin, which in Greek terms implies what is placed inside or failing to be enclosed . By these times it was quite frequent to find emblems, enigmatic images, which were accompanied by a phrase or legend that helped when deciphering the dark moral sense of the image.

Emblem concept

The word emblem has its etymological origin in the Greek ἔμβλημα; from there it was taken by the Latin as “emblēma” with the meaning of superimposed ornament.

An emblem is a symbolic artistic representation of an idea or feeling , with pragmatic, ethical and didactic purposes, which may or may not be accompanied by words or phrases (slogans) that complement or clarify it.

They are synonyms of the word emblem: hieroglyph , currency and company. The Italian writer Andrea Alciato, representative of Humanism , who lived between 1492 and 1550, published a work called “Emblems” in 1531, and was the creator of this genre that included a painting, figure, symbol or image, engraving , painted or embroidered; a motto, title that in general was a sentence written in Latin; and a comment , epigram or explanation , which established the relationship that existed between the figure and the motto, often made in verse. Emblem definition

He stood out in Spain as creator of emblems, Juan de Borja, educated by the Jesuits, and in the service of the Spanish Crown, as a diplomat. He wrote the first Spanish emblematic book, called “Moral Companies”, where he combined literature with plastic to convey a message of moralizing content.

The emblems represent values, immaterialities, such as the white dove as a symbol of peace, or the balance of two cymbals as an emblem of justice. As representative of the national feeling, its history and as distinctive elements of a State, the national emblems or symbols (the flag, the shield, the cockade and the national anthem) demand the respect of nationals and foreigners, being considered a serious affront to make fun of them or taint them. These symbols are generally honored during patriotic celebrities, being a great honor to carry the national flag, for which positively valued attitudes are required: to be a great student, a good companion, stand out in the military ranks, etc. The emblems generate links of unity among those who share them.

Elements that compose it

The classic emblem is composed of three elements: the figure (it is usually incorporated into an engraving, although it can also appear embroidered, painted; the figure turns out to be fundamental at the time of the moral precept to be transmitted, because it must be able to achieve that it is recorded in the memory of the receiver), the title (sometimes it can be a sentence or in other cases an acuity that remains cryptic and almost always written in Latin language; its mission is to give clues to complete what the image we want to transmit; appears at the top of the figure in question or inside the engraving) and the explanatory text(Its objective is to link what the figure transmits and expresses the title; this text usually appears in the form of a verse, using the language of the receiver to which it was intended; in addition to describing the figure, it tries to explain the morality of which it is the carrier ). Emblem definition

Patriotic emblems: flag, shield, cockade, anthem

The emblems have had a fantastic use throughout human history as we have already pointed out, meanwhile, they have been used and still used as representations of national sentiment, of nationalism of a nation , as a symbol of political history . Among the national emblems we must mention the flag, the shield, the cockade, the national anthem, without doubt the most popular and known to all who belong to a nation.

They have a huge history because most of these arose from the independence deeds of the nation that welcomes and creates them and, for example, in addition to the long trajectory they have on their backs, the citizens of that country and the citizens are required that they are not the most absolute respect for them.
To make fun of them, to defile them in some sense, will be considered a very serious offense and surely whoever does so will have the punishment provided by law for these acts that are so despicable and unpatriotic of course.

Generally, during the national dates or the remembrance of a national hero, these emblems are of special importance as they are displayed as a tribute as well.
So surely on the anniversary of for example the independence of the nation the national anthem will be sung, the flag will be raised, a special place will be crossed with the flag, and the officials and citizens will have the national cockade hanging on their breasts. Emblem definition

Respect and honor them

In addition, respect and love for these emblems generate a link between the citizens of the country and that is why it is so important to know their stories, to engage in their assessment and defense of how to place.
We must never allow someone to insult them when they see or hear them and if so, we must denounce them so that whoever does so receives a punishment, this defense reinforces our relationship with the country and with others.

Thanks to the success achieved by the emblems, their own literature was developed , which promoted and gathered emblems of different motives such as: about flora, fauna, classical mythology, history, biblical situations, among others.

Symbolic representation of something

On the other hand the term emblem refers to the symbolic representation of something , such is the case of the white dove that is used as an emblem of peace, or the scale with two emblematic symbol dishes that are used historically to represent justice. Emblem definition

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