DISC test meaning its impact and 4 DISC behavioral profiles and Working
What is the DISC test?
Here we will make you aware about DISC test meaning its impact and 4 DISC behavioral profiles and Working.
The work of managing people is not easy, after all, it is necessary to deal with different styles, generations and profiles within the same team and still be able to get the most out of each professional in pursuit of the company’s goals . The good news is that there are some tools that can make this task more efficient, such as the DISC test.
Based on an assessment based on four pillars, you can, for example, identify how a certain professional can fit into your team or even what he needs to do to have greater productivity . In practice, it is a method of valuing employees and, of course, the work performed by their team
The DISC test is defined as a tool that makes it possible to identify the dominant profile of the individual, and is frequently used in the Human Resources sector to identify the characteristics of a company’s employees.
It is based on the theory of four behaviors created by Maston. Because of this, it is composed of questions about personal characteristics, aiming to lead the result to one of the four matrices chosen by the psychologist: dominance, influence, stability or conformity.
Basically, it can be said that the test is based on psychological factors that help to assess human behavior, taking into account the profiles and patterns that prevail in a certain type of environment.
The evaluated individual can answer the questionnaire either by hand or using specific software. The test answers help managers, recruiters and HR analysts to study the behavior patterns and characteristics that predominate in an employee or candidate for the position offered and, thus, see what can be improved.
What is the impact of the behavioral profile within the company?
Within an increasingly competitive scenario with digital transformation and with extremely demanding consumers in relation to what they buy — whether a service or a product — companies need to do everything to qualify. For a manager , this means making the most of your budget and better allocating available resources to your team .
This work is not just about finding the best tools and processes or adopting the most efficient Digital Marketing strategies , for example. After all, your team is made up of people and deciphering this behavior can be vital. Understanding how employees are encouraged and the profile of each one of them is a necessity.
What is the use of having extremely qualified professionals if, in practice, they are not yielding enough? The reasons for low performance can be many, such as fitting into your company’s organizational culture or even whether or not he is qualified to fill a certain role. That’s why the DISC test can be useful.
To get an idea, a study by the Locomotiva Institute found that more than half of Brazilians with a formal contract (56%) are dissatisfied with the functions they currently perform in their jobs. In addition to remuneration, lack of recognition, professional stagnation and low productivity are the main causes.
In other words, problems that can be solved by trying to understand the behavioral profile of your employees . After all, allocating each professional in a position that is most suitable for them, for example, will increase their productivity and satisfaction in the work environment, helping with the task of retaining talent as well.
What are the 4 DISC behavioral profiles?
The DISC concept first appeared in the late 1920s in the book The Emotions of Normal People, written by psychologist William Moulton Marston—the same creator of Wonder Woman. It is one of the most accurate assessment tools and seeks to better understand the behavioral pattern of individuals .
The possibilities of use are the most varied, being very useful for Human Resources teams, for example, in a recruitment process or identification of points to be developed by employees. It can also contribute to improving internal communication and understanding between the professionals on your team.
Motivation, management, guidance, in short, the possibilities for using the DISC are the most varied. But, in practice, what does this acronym mean? Dominance, Influence, Stability and Compliance , which are the four behavioral profiles used within this concept and, therefore, we will explain what each one of them means. Check out!
The first indicator shows how the professional behaves in challenging situations or when solving problems. Usually, this competence stands out for those who have characteristics such as competitiveness, determination, demand and control over certain situations. DISC test meaning
Influence represents the way the individual acts in relation to other members of a team or customers, for example. In practice, it represents the ability to influence other people, whether to get a job or close a sale. Persuasion, optimism and enthusiasm are the main characteristics.
This profile is related to your reactions to patterns, routines and, of course, the ability to deal with change, for example. Loyalty, persistence, team spirit and regularity are the main descriptors of this factor.
Discipline, precision, analytical and careful work are common characteristics of those who have this profile as a highlight. Compliance is an indicator of how the professional is able to react to what is established by others, such as rules and processes within a company, for example.
How does DISC testing work?
But in practice, how does the DISC test work? The first step is to understand that the final result cannot be good or bad, it simply indicates the professional’s behavioral profile.
The result alone does not have its own meaning and it is up to the evaluator to understand, for example, which is the best position or function for that employee.
Therefore, the DISC test can be used to find a professional in your team to manage a certain project , for example, a leadership position. The profile serves only as a guide to how that person behaves in certain situations and, thus, whether he is better suited to do one job or another.
Quite directly, only one question is asked in this test: “which of the following words best defines your behavior?”. It is usually repeated between 15 and 30 times, depending on the depth and purpose of the person taking the survey. What changes are the answers, which always appear in four options.
The idea is that the professional responds quickly , without evaluating too much, in a natural, objective and direct way. Usually, the four possible answers are quite distinct, such as “calm, sociable, energetic or methodical?”. Then, the same question is repeated and other answer options appear: “organized, secure, shy or spontaneous?”.
After the last question, you will have as a dominant result one of the four profiles – dominance, influence, stability and compliance – which will indicate to the person responsible for the test which is the best way to deal with you, which functions and activities best fit. your behavior or even whether or not you fit within that organization.
What is the purpose of DISC?
Increasingly used in organizations, the DISC is a very useful tool to identify a person’s behavioral profile. Its application helps to better understand how a professional behaves in certain daily situations, according to the context in which he is involved.
As a result, the DISC test is advantageous for both the professional and the company. This is because it allows checking which attitudes are more appropriate and which need to be improved.
In this way, there is more basis for creating an efficient personal development project , which helps the individual to achieve their goals and dreams and has a greater chance of being successful.
What are the best tips to deal with the behavioral profile of employees?
With the results in hand, it’s important to do something useful with them, right? For this reason, we have separated some tips so that you know how to deal with the behavioral profile of each employee and, thus, be able to make the most of the DISC test, enhancing all the work carried out within your team or even the company. Check out!
1-Perform A/B tests on the team’s functioning
The A / B tests are widely used in marketing , right? But they can also be useful for people management work. In a Sales team , for example, you can set up a team to deal with older customers and, after a month, change some professionals. Then compare some indicators and find out what the best fit between those different profiles.
Create an individual development plan
More suitable for those professionals who do not have dominance as a prominent behavioral profile, the individual development plan (PDI) is an excellent solution to encourage those who have a more analytical thinking and like stability. In other words, those who want data, information and solutions that help them grow professionally.
2-Carry out endomarketing actions
Some profiles of professionals, such as those who have stability and conformity as dominant, deal well with stimuli and actions. Therefore, investing in some Endomarketing (or Internal Marketing ) practices can contribute to the creation of a closer and more stable relationship with these employees, also serving to motivate them.
The DISC test, therefore, is an excellent ally for any manager who is always attentive to the performance of his team and does everything to improve the development of each professional. With the variety of applications of this methodology, it is possible to find one that best fits your company’s objectives, profile and needs .
Applying this concept ends up impacting different situations and sectors within an organization. One of the benefits is also the maintenance of the best professionals on your team, creating a favorable climate for this.
Why know your behavioral profile?
Knowing your behavioral profile brings a series of benefits to your personal and professional life. First, you become more self-aware, knowing what your strengths are, how you react to everyday circumstances, and which ones you need to change.
According to Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Dave Winsborough, in a text published in the Harvard Business Review, the knowledge of your personality helps professionals to improve their ability to work as a team, given that it is possible to adapt to their work environment.
In addition, the use of DISC is a starting point for your personal development , as you identify good and bad behaviors, and work to correct weaknesses, having the opportunity to direct your actions, studies and career.
Not to mention that this process is also important for those who want to take on leadership positions, because when you become aware of their characteristics, you understand what kind of leader they will be and how they can engage people.
Without self-knowledge, it is practically impossible to create goals, make decisions and perform better actions, which is essential for professional growth. With the application of the DISC test, you can adopt a more consistent posture with the environment in which you participate.