Cartesian definition/dualism/person/system/plan
Cartesian is an adjective referring to Descartes , French philosopher, physicist and mathematician, “considered the father of modern philosophy”, whose Latin name was Cartesius , which gave his name to Cartesian thought . Cartesian definition
The Cartesian rationalism is a thought established by Descartes in his works the “Discourse on Method” (1637) and “Metaphysical Meditations” (1641), which expresses concern over the problem of knowledge.
The starting point is the search for a first truth that cannot be doubted. Therefore, he converts his doubt into a method to lead to Reason and seek the truth in Sciences.
The Cartesian thought begins doubting everything, convinced that both the traditional view as the experiences of humanity are dubious merit guides, decided to adopt a new method entirely free from the influence of both.
The Cartesian method is based on pure deduction, it consists of starting with simple and self-evident truths or axioms, and then reasoning on the basis of it, until reaching particular conclusions. Cartesian definition
Descartes stated that everything was doubtful, and nothing could be considered “a priori” as certain, except for one thing: “If I doubt, I think, if I think, I exist”: “ Cogito, ergo sum ”, “I think, therefore I am”, starting point of Methodical Doubt, from where all his thinking is built.
Cartesian dualism
The Cartesian Dualism or Psychophysical Dualism (or even Body-Consciousness Dichotomy), is a concept according to which the human being is a double being, composed of a thinking substance and an extended substance.
This is because the body is a physical and physiological reality and, as such, has mass, extension in space and movement, as well as carrying out activities of feeding, digestion, etc., always subject to the deterministic laws of nature, while mental phenomena do not have extent or location in space. Cartesian definition
The mind performs activities of remembering, reasoning, knowing and willing, without submitting to physical laws, but they are the place of freedom.
Cartesian person
The expression “Cartesian person” is used to characterize an inflexible person, who always thinks and acts in the same way .
The Cartesian mind is egocentric and when it thinks of the other, its evaluation is always about the advantage it will be able to obtain from the situation.
Cartesian system
The Cartesian Coordinate System was created by René Descartes and allows locating points in a given space through a set of information.
The Cartesian Coordinate System is an important tool for the development of works in the field of geometry, calculus, graph construction and also in the elaboration of work related to geographic location, such as the creation of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Cartesian definition
Cartesian plan
The orthogonal Cartesian system is used to locate and represent points in the Cartesian coordinate system, consisting of two perpendicular lines that intersect, forming two axes.
The horizontal axis is called the abscissa or x axis, the vertical axis is called the ordinate axis or y axis.
The origin point is the zero point, the intersection point of the axes. The system is divided into four parts, each forming a quadrant. Each point on the Cartesian plane is given by an ordered pair (X,Y). Cartesian definition