English Grammar

Adverbs of place examples and quantity/manner/time


Adverbs serve to modify verbs, telling the way, time or place where the action takes place. Example: Adverbs of place examples

– They were extremely happy (they were extremely happy)

The word “extremely” says what their state (manner) was. So it’s an adverb. Many adverbs are formed just by adding the suffix ly in an adjective, such as successfully , quickly , carefully . However, other adjectives do not change their form when they become adverbs, for example: fast, hard.

Adverbs that define frequency, usually come before the main verb (often also come before or after the verb to be):

  1.  She never arrives late (she never arrives late).
  2.  I always wear hats (I always wear caps).
  3. She is sometimes unhappy (she is unhappy at times).

Attention : adverbs of infrequency (rarely, never) should not be used in negative phrases or in questions. Example: Does he never come here? I don’t rarely play video games.

Types of adverbs Adverbs of place examples

Adverbs indicate a circumstance associated with the action of the verb and therefore there are different types of adverbs: adverbs of time, place, mode, quantity, company, instrument, purpose, cause and belonging; and that answer questions such as how, when, where, how much, with whom, with what, for what, why, from whom?

There is another category of adverbs that do not answer any particular question, but that add information and complete or clarify the meaning of the sentence. Such is the case of the adverbs of doubt, of desire (or desideratives), comparative, interrogative, exclamatory, affirmative and negative. Adverbs of place examples

Adverbs of Place

  • there (The ball is down there )
  • there (Juan ate there
  • here (don’t leave here )
  • here (Come here as soon as you can)
  • in front (It is better to be in front of everyone)
  • behind (The cat is behind the table)
  • up (The dog jumps up from the bed)
  • below (There was an argument below the building)
  • near (Juan lives near home)
  • far (Spain is far from Argentina)
  • on top (My pets are always on top of me)
  • out (The tennis player was  out of the tournament)
  • inside (The gift is inside the box)

Adverbs of Time

  • now (I need those papers right now )
  • yet (I still don’t know if I pass the exam)
  • today ( Today I will play a football game)
  • late (Maria was late for my birthday)
  • soon (see you soon )
  • still ( I still can’t go)
  • yesterday ( Yesterday they gave me the keys of the department)
  • just (What happened? Just arrived)
  • never ( never rains )
  • always (On Sundays we are always going for a walk)
  • Never ( I never went on vacation)
  • now (I want to see my friends right now )

Adverbs of manner Adverbs of place examples

  • bad (I went wrong in the exam)
  • well (the dress was fine ) Adverbs in English Grammar with examples
  • regular (The mason did a regular job  )
  • Slowly (My grandmother drives slowly )
  • like this (you always get like this when you get angry)
  • Better (This meal came out better )
  • worse (This was my worst game)
  • of course  (speak clearly )
  • similar (My brother’s dog is similar  to mine)
  • easily (it Approved easily the test)

Adverbs of Quantity

  • very (I did very well in the exam)
  • more (This test was more difficult)
  • Little ( Little food left)
  • enough (studied enough for the exam)
  • Too much (I read  too much this weekend)
  • less (My daughter is less than her cousin)
  • much (This year was  much better)
  • something (He told us  something to think about)
  • almost (We did almost all the work)

Adverbs of Doubt and Denial

  • maybe ( Maybe you get lucky and succeeded)
  • perhaps ( perhaps we are going)
  • maybe ( maybe let’s go see it)
  • maybe ( Maybe it gets fixed fast)
  • neither (I didn’t know the answer either)
  • probably ( It will rain tomorrow)
  • Surely (You will surely recover from the flu)
  • possibly (You may have to miss work)

Interrogative and Exclamative Adverbs Adverbs of place examples

  • where ( where  is Europe?)
  • When ( When will we leave?) ( When is your birthday?)
  • what ( What are you doing here!) (How impressive the panoramic view!)
  • How ( How big will your house be?)
  • I wish (I hope it doesn’t rain!)
  • how much ( Long time no see!)
  • how much ( How many people here!)
Adverbs of place examples

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