What is your teaching methodology/requirements
What is teaching
Teaching refers to the transmission of knowledge, values and ideas among people . Although this action is usually related only to certain academic fields, it should be noted that it is not the only means of learning . What is your teaching methodology?
Other institutions can be mentioned , such as religious or clubs and also outside them , be it in family , cultural activities, with friends etc. In the latter cases, teaching ceases to be strictly planned, to take a much more improvised form. However, this does not mean that it cannot have transcendental effects on that person who receives the teachings.
What are your methods and techniques? What is your teaching methodology?
In the case of teaching in a much more programmed way, with a specific purpose, the methods and techniques used are very diverse . Throughout history , many teaching methods have been developed from different theoretical frameworks.
Some for example suggest very strict strategies, where there is a certain methodology and steps to follow . This type of teaching has been abandoned by many educators to take somewhat more flexible positions, since they consider that their function is to guide their students to acquire knowledge .
They understand that it is important to adapt to the circumstances and groups with which they work, not all are equal, nor do they have the same needs or interests.
Therefore, not only the content is emphasized, but also the way of transmitting them. There are those who talk about adapting to the same demands, rhythm and desires of the students. On the other hand, presenting options to students so that they themselves can propose content to be transmitted and the methods that will be used.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, many thinkers talked about student participation , so that it incorporates the teachings and transforms it. That is why many educators opt for activities that please and encourage their students and in turn plan the axes of study focused on their interests. Many times these methods are used since it is known that boredom results in the estrangement and disinterest of those who should learn. What is your teaching methodology?
Teaching techniques can be very varied, for example one is that of “interrogation”, where knowledge is presented based on questions so that the students themselves reflect and raise their previous knowledge. In addition, it usually generates a lot of interest in them. On the other hand there are expository techniques, these are usually dictated by the same teachers or people who know the subject to be discussed in depth. It can be stimulated or guided by the question of those interested in learning.
Individual or group teaching
- Individual learning There are those who propose learning individually. It is considered that the student acquires abilities to develop himself more efficiently and allowing him to exploit his possibilities. These techniques are widely used in students who have greater difficulties, allowing the contents and times to be adapted to their needs. It also gives educators the possibility to choose topics that are more in line with their personality and tastes.
- Group learning. On the other hand there is teaching in groups. It allows to become aware of oneself and peers, participation and cooperation between them, allows interaction with various people and characteristics, and stimulates the skills to work in groups . Although these positions
- seem somewhat antagonistic they can be complemented, allowing true learning for the student.
Requirements for teaching What is your teaching methodology?
A person who wants to dedicate himself to teaching must comply with the requirements regarding qualities necessary to practice the profession. They are:
Personal qualities: When talking about personal qualities, reference is made to their general physical condition, their state of health and their personal appearance. These three conditions are of the utmost importance, since you must have a good state of health, specifically to be able to do the job.
- The same goes for physical conditions and personal appearance . People who decide to choose this profession must have adequate personal hygiene and a good presence to work in the best possible conditions. What is your teaching methodology?
- Another personal quality is the responsibility , indispensable for this type of profession, and it must be demanded that the students themselves also have it.
- The originality is also very necessary because new and innovative teaching methods can make further interest students to learn. The teacher must create and produce new things throughout his career and professional life, but would only be a simple repeater of content. The tolerance , justice , patience and firmness are essential qualities for any teacher or teacher, without them many obstacles occur, not only for himself but also for teaching the students themselves. That is why each teacher must be fully prepared to practice in a classroom or any field of education.
Cultural qualities: The power of knowledge should not be limited and only focus fully on the area in which it is exercised, but it is also necessary to acquire content to be able to possess a cultural balance that places it in the position of a cultured person.
Other factors that affect teaching
As these qualities there are also direct and indirect factors that positively or negatively affect teachers as well as students, they are:
- An attempt should be made to create a group climate between teachers and students and an affective climate. These requirements can become fundamental to be able to work fully and achieve all the objectives set before starting a class.
- The vocation is also an almost mandatory requirement. To face this type of profession, you must have a vocation that allows access to all the necessary values to be able to exercise without any problem during the working life of each teacher. What is your teaching methodology?
- Be a true instructor. When we talk about being an instructor we mean that you should try to help the student in everything you need to get him the best possible performance and learning ability, in this way both parties will benefit, the teacher as much as the student .