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What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship/comparison table

The main difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is the figure on which power rests. In fact, both are often considered poles apart in terms of their form of government. Within a democracy, the citizens’ vote is used to elect their representatives, as well as their ideals and interests. Theoretically, in a “pure” democracy the majority is not limited in any way and should always be able to prevail over the minority. What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship?

As for dictatorships, this is a form of government in which power is centered in a single person, the dictator. In a dictatorship there are no democratic elections, no divisions of power, and no way in which the opposition can legitimately come to power. This type of government is usually for life, that is, it does not have a maximum, minimum or specific duration, it lasts until the death of a dictator. What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship?

Comparison table What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship?

Definition The majority rule. In a democracy, an individual or group of individuals who make up a minority have no power against the unlimited power of the majority. It is a case of the majority over the minority. Only one rules. It is a type of government where a person takes power almost always through coups or thanks to military forces. Nobody, neither the majority nor the minority prevails over the dictator’s word.
Government restrictions No. The majority is imposed at all times. The dictator has the last word at all times.
Philosophy The voice of all citizens has the same value and weight when making decisions. What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship? A single person has the power. There is totalitarianism and authoritarianism. They also tend to work in socialist or communist schemes.
Ancient examples Ancient Rome and Greece are the two greatest examples of this ideology. The Roman dictatorship, although the concept of this was different from what is currently understood.
About sovereignty The sovereignty of a nation governed by this system depends entirely on the people. The sovereignty of a country ruled by a dictatorship depends at all times on the dictator. No one has the right to intercede in the decisions of the country.
Political system Democratic (it should be mentioned that it is not related to the American Democratic Party) A dictatorship is the opposite of a democracy in this sense. There is no freedom, opposition or regulations.
Social structure Because it coexists with a capitalist society there are pronounced class distinctions. There are usually not many class distinctions. They all generally live in the same, albeit limited, conditions.
About religion Freedom of belief is allowed although the majority could limit the beliefs of the minority without problems. There may or may not be freedom of belief. In any case, atheism or secularism is preferred.
Economic system This is chosen by the voters or their elected representatives. It is usually capitalist or Keynesian. They are usually communists or socialists.
About private property Broadly speaking, private property is allowed. However, it is not ruled out that some majority put limits to this at some point. It does not allow private property, since dictatorships are usually communist or socialist.
About discrimination In theory all citizens have the same value and should be treated as equal. However, it is often the case that the majority acts tyrannically over the minority. All citizens are equal. Everyone should be treated as equal. Neither the majority can over the minority nor the minority over the majority.
Variations Direct democracy, parliamentary democracy, representative democracy, and presidential democracy are some variations of democracy. Fascist dictatorship, authoritarian dictatorship and totalitarian dictatorship are the main types of dictatorships. Although they are often confused, they are all different and represent different ideals.
Modern examples More than half of the countries of the modern world, including the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, among others. There are very few dictatorships compared to other forms of government. The main ones are Cuba, China, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, among others. What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship?
Key elements Freedom of choice. Coup d’etat, military intervention.

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