What is scientific initiation/Who can do/benefits/4 tips
When starting their academic life, many young people are faced with little information about what can be explored during college. scientific initiation
There are several things that can be done and scientific initiation is one of them.
It consists of introducing the student to scientific production, that is, the first steps in the development of projects , which can last from 6 to 12 months, on a specific topic.
Because it is purely scientific, it must have validation or demonstration , explaining or solving a matter.
And don’t worry, you won’t be alone!
One of the main steps to start the journey is to choose your advisor , the person who will accompany you throughout the process.
Usually, it is the professors in your area or in the area of the topic addressed who are available to dedicate time and studies to help the project.
Thus, it is the role of the teacher to guide the student throughout the development of the scientific project.
Thus, taking responsibility for clearing doubts, indicating bibliographies that match the content studied and contributing in every way to the growth of the research .
Thus, it is essential that the student chooses the professional who will accompany him/her, opting, for example, for those who have expertise in the area addressed.
Oh, and stay tuned: there are scholarships dedicated to academic research, but we will see that throughout the text.
Although it is not such an easy job and requires dedication over a long period, believe me, you can!
The prerequisite for a scientific initiation is to be duly enrolled in a higher education institution, whether public or private.
However, it is worth remembering that the production of research is not just for those who want to enter the academic career !
After all, it also helps students who want to delve deeper into an area of interest, even if they decide to enter the traditional job market .
So how about we understand some of the benefits of this activity? Check only!
time optimization
For starters, who doesn’t want to save time and effort on the final stretch of graduation?
Making the most of hours is every student’s dream, as most courses have an amount of time required to dedicate to extracurricular activities, such as courses, projects, research, among others.
Therefore, in some cases, Scientific Initiation can be used to complement academic hours .
Also, another benefit is that the project has the same standard as the TCC , that is, the structure and theme can be leveraged .
However, it depends a lot on the university you are in.
Possibilities for a new journey
It’s okay to be studying for a degree and still not know specifically what you want to follow at the end of it.
But scientific projects give students opportunities to understand how research works in our country, deepen their knowledge in the area they have an affinity for and, perhaps, find themselves in something they would never have imagined.
Networking and authority
We don’t need to say that scientific initiation will open several doors for you, do we?
Think about the possibility of connections that can be developed along the way and that, if done well, the spotlight will be on you.
Therefore, it is a great differential in your Lattes Curriculum , in addition to the experience to get vacancies in the job market or to continue your studies, entering a postgraduate, master’s or doctorate.
Curious to know about Scientific Initiation Scholarships? Just look!
We know that some students have to choose between working and dedicating themselves to college projects.
Therefore, a scholarship, financial aid from institutions , can be a good alternative for those who go through this type of problem.
Scholarships for scientific projects exist and it is possible to acquire them.
Some universities even offer partnerships, but it is important to inform that they often require exclusivity .
That is, the student cannot have other associations, such as internship or work, to participate in the selection process.
In addition, your commitment throughout the course (school history) can influence your scholarship.
Therefore, try to dedicate yourself from the beginning and understand the particularities of the most well-known scientific initiation programs , such as PIBIC , PIBITI and the Research Support Foundations in your state .
It’s time to take the first step. Want to know where to start? Check out the next topic!
Believe us, it’s not a seven-headed bug!
1. Define the theme, the object of study and the problem
Shall we start with the basics? Choose the topic, the object of study and the research problem.
Focus on prioritizing something that you have a good relationship with , because you will have to delve into the subject and probably spend good months studying about it.
2. Choose your advisor well
As we discussed earlier, choosing the right professional for your scientific project is not so easy, but it makes a big difference along the way.
3. Search
Selecting a subject that does not have so much available collection can be a risk and further complicate your work.
In this way, before hitting the hammer on the cut that you will give to the theme, look for the variety of what you have available and study the possibility of even exploring other contents.
4. Plan yourself
Although simple, it’s what will make your initiation flow without major headaches.
Every minute is sacred when working to deadlines.
So, think about the time you will dedicate to research and meetings with your advisor, in addition to counting on other factors that may end up demanding more than necessary, such as interviews and in-depth topic studies.
After developing the scope of the scientific initiation project, it was time to take it to the supervisor’s evaluation and to be submitted to institutions, aiming, for example, for scholarships .
Once approved , it is possible to start research development, data collection and all other essential points discussed with your teacher.
For the presentation of the work, you can carry out different formats, such as a monograph or a scientific article .
Despite a long road, the results are immense when you dedicate yourself to producing original and quality work , fundamental for a prosperous future in the academic environment.
In this case, our goal was to bring what scientific initiation is to clarify relevant topics and help you if you want to start your journey.