
What is Photoperiod Importance Process and types


We call photoperiod the set of processes that allows plants to regulate their biological functions using the number of hours of light throughout the year. This implies that this process takes place both in summer –when the days are longer– and in winter –when the days are shorter–. The photoperiod was a concept that arose at the beginning of the century to explain the behavior of plants based on their exposure to light. It is what is known as phototropism, a concept that we will see later.

In fact, living beings regulate their vital processes to the conditions of their environment. Light and water are two essential natural resources for carrying out their vital functions . For this reason, the photoperiod is key to its metabolism.

Why is photoperiod important?

This time of exposure of the vegetables to sunlight determines the growth of the leaves and their direction. In addition, it influences other important processes such as germanization and flowering . This is because, depending on the number of hours that a plant receives from the sun, it will grow more or less. For example, in winter, as there are fewer daylight hours, many plant natural resources  by man. In fact, in these areas, not only species stop growing.

It should be noted that the photoperiod not only affects plants, it also affects animals, since many species depend on environmental factors for their sexual behavior, thus affecting their reproduction and breeding.

What does this process consist of?

Light rays are captured by plants through receptors that are responsible for “translating” these rays into energy to carry out vital functions for the organism. This reaction is known as phototropism.

When a plant grows towards the source of a light source, it is known as positive phototropism and is what the stems of the plants perform. However, if this growth occurs in the opposite direction to that of the light, it is negative phototropism . The latter is typical of the roots that tend to grow away from the light.

The photoperiod in plants, according to their type

Photoperiodicity allows plants to perform regulation of physiology or development in response to day length. The photoperiod process makes it possible to differentiate plant natural resources  by man. In fact, in these areas, not only species according to the response they give to light signals.

  • Short-day plants : this type of vegetable flourishes and grows on those days when its light exposure is lower. This is because they are able to speed up your metabolism.
  • Long-day plants : are those that need more exposure for their growth. Two long-day plants are spinach and beets.
  • Neutral plants : whose response to photoperiod is null and their growth occurs from a series of autonomous mechanisms that allow the regulation of their organism.

On some occasions, the photoperiod is manually manipulated to provide the plant with the amount of light it needs to develop normally. This occurs especially in places where weather and light conditions make it difficult for some natural resources  by man. In fact, in these areas, not only species to develop. To lengthen the day artificially, special light lamps are used that allow regulation of the time and intensity of light exposure. On the contrary, sometimes it is preferred to extend the night, for which it is necessary to use thermal screens that create total darkness.

On the other hand, the photoperiod also activates the flowering process of some plant natural resources  by man. In fact, in these areas, not only species. That is, the photoperiod allows these living beings to switch to reproductive mode, although this process is activated only at certain times of the year.

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