What is Geoplane Purpose creation and types
Geoplane is a manipulative material used in mathematics, formed by a wooden or plastic board, with several pivots that form a grid or circumference. The size of the Geoplane is variable and the arrangement of the pivots as well.
With it, boys and girls can build geometric shapes, discover properties of polygons, learn about areas, perimeters or even solve mathematical problems. It is an essential resource for learning mathematics.
Below, you can see the different types of Geoplanes that exist and how to use them to work on geometry with your children.
Who created the Geoplane ?
It was created by the Egyptian mathematician Caleb Gattegno in 1960. Gattegno was looking for a method to teach geometry in a more manipulative way.
Although today most Geoplanes are made of plastic, the original consisted of a square wooden board with nails forming a pattern, in such a way that these protruded and elastic bands could be attached to represent different geometric figures.
Therefore, it is easy to make a homemade Geoplane, you only need a wooden board and nails. If you don’t see yourself making a Geoplane, you can also buy them. In that case, the board will be made up of pivots.
Geoplane types
In the market you can find different Geoplanes depending on how the pivots are arranged. Within each type you have larger or smaller Geoplanes and made of wood or plastic.
1. Orthometric Geoplanes
The pivots are arranged in a grid pattern.
In plastic, you can find it in sets of six double-sided Geoplanes (one side is orthometric and the other isometric):
2. Isometric Geoplanes
Triangular frame, the points are located at the vertices of equilateral triangles. Therefore, given two consecutive points are always at the same distance.
The compositions and problems that can be proposed are different from those posed with orthometric Geoplanes.
3. Circular Geoplane
The pivots are arranged in a circumference. It allows to build regular polygons with 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 24 sides. It also serves to study the properties of the elements of the circumference and of the figures inscribed and circumscribed in it.
Ideas to create a homemade Geoplane
In the following article you have detailed how to make a Geoplaneat home or at school with little material and in a simple way. The result is fantastic and your children and students will enjoy creating this manipulative material, which will help them work on geometry.
Also here are a couple more ideas on how to do it:
With a tree stump, as you can see on Jojoebi ‘s blog
It is important that the points are equidistant and that there are as many points as possible.