What is Exploratory Research Advantages steps to do Examples
All academic work begins with exploratory research, that is, an informal investigation without strict rules to understand the situation and what there is theory about the subject. The object of study is the target of many analyses, in order to identify variables and obtain understanding.
Research methodology is a subject that leaves many students with doubts. This part of the project requires detailing the methods and techniques used to collect data and obtain information. To write this section, it is essential to understand the research modalities and their characteristics.
The research exists with the purpose of facilitating the understanding of the investigated reality (FONSECA, 2002). There are three modalities: descriptive research , explanatory research and exploratory research. Studies can also be combined with quantitative and qualitative approaches .
What is exploratory research?
Exploratory research is a methodological procedure widely used to carry out academic work. With it, the student acquires “greater familiarity with the problem and thus manages to build hypotheses” (GIL, 2002, p. 41).
As Malhotra (2001) states, exploratory research has two essential characteristics: randomly defined information and a flexible and unstructured research process. The methods employed are much less rigorous than descriptive and explanatory research.
Exploratory research seeks support, above all, in the qualitative approach. For this reason, the study takes shape through case study , group discussion and survey of secondary sources.
Conducting an exploratory study makes sense even when the researcher is already familiar with the subject. It allows the collection of essential qualitative data to direct the investigation, that is, it provides a basis for confirming or refuting hypotheses .
What about exploratory-descriptive research?
The investigation can be an exploratory-descriptive research. This means that she sought information in bibliographical references and interviews, but also applied typical instruments of descriptive research, such as the questionnaire.
An example of exploratory-descriptive research is a study on consumer behavior.
Advantages of this type of study
- Evaluates whether the scientific study is really relevant to the area and society;
- Expands knowledge about the topic and the problem;
- It generates new study possibilities;
- It helps to make the study more specific.
Exploratory research steps
An exploratory study has as main objective to improve the ideas and make possible the first contact with the subject studied. Gil (2002, p. 41) states that this type of research involves three steps:
1 – Bibliographic survey
The bibliographic survey is the identification of works of interest (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 2003, p.47). At this stage, the researcher curates scientific articles, books, theses and other materials that address the subject studied. The work of bibliographic research includes printed materials and also available exclusively in electronic media.
In addition to checking the bibliographic files of the university library, it is also interesting to evaluate what the digital repositories have to offer. There are several reliable databases that can be consulted.
According to Marconi and Lakatos (2003, p. 47), in the identification phase it is necessary to recognize the subjects relevant to the subject studied, find materials and analyze the summaries to verify what each study is about. Abstracts are also good identification guides.
2 – Interviews
The person responsible for the research should interview people who have had practical experiences related to the research problem. The procedure involves asking direct questions about a behavior or situation you want to “explore”.
The interview is a research technique that obtains information on a given topic through conversation. In order to make the most of the meeting, the researcher must have a script with clear questions in hand, which define the direction of the conversation.
Marconi and Lakato (2002, p.195) state that the interview is a procedure widely used in social investigation, with the purpose of diagnosing and treating a problem.
3 – Analysis of examples
The analysis of examples is a step that encourages reflection and understanding of the subject studied.
After exploratory research, the investigation focuses on descriptive research, which describes the facts and explores the finding. Finally, the last level of research is explanatory, which seeks an acceptable theory.
How to do exploratory research?
1 – Take readings
The first contact with the subject of scientific work is established through reading. Therefore, read books, expanded abstracts, journal articles, reports and other materials that talk about the topic. If you don’t know which work to start with, ask your advisor for tips. See how to organize the readings and save time .
2 – Consider other materials
Other materials can be considered in your investigation, such as documentaries, podcasts and online lectures. These contents help to understand contexts and expand the repertoire on the subject.
2 – Define the theme
Exploratory research aims to understand a particular subject. In addition, they also serve to specify the topic as much as possible and avoid the development of very broad studies.
3 – Trace the objectives and hypotheses
The exploratory investigation is carried out from well-defined objectives , as well as the raising of hypotheses. Pay attention to these points when writing the research project .
4 – Find people to interview
The interview is an important instrument to learn a little more about practical experiences. Look for people who are related to your research problem and promote a face-to-face or remote meeting.
The search for people to interview can be carried out through social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram). In cases of geographic barriers, communication with the interviewee should be established with the help of videoconferencing tools .
On LinkedIn, you can connect with subject matter experts and arrange an interview. This meeting can yield relevant information for the study and is aligned with qualitative research.
5 – Find situations that serve as examples
Exploratory research can take shape from the analysis of real examples.
Imagine that you are going to study the use of content marketing strategy by fintechs. It is pertinent to select from two to five cases to evaluate the actions performed and the results obtained, as well as the similarities and differences.
Examples of exploratory research
- Analysis of the offer of tourist itineraries offered by tourism agencies in Porto Seguro (BA)
- Exploratory study on self-managed enterprises in the Midwest of São Paulo.
- Exploratory study on the teaching methods used by public school teachers in Bauru (SP).