What is Employee Net Promoter Score categories and How it works with advantages
Employee Net Promoter Score
The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is an accurate way to measure how your employees feel in relation to what your company provides them . It’s that simple.
As we said at the beginning, the employee net promoter score (eNPS) is a method built around the net promoter score (NPS) and serves to measure employee loyalty to a brand.
For better understanding: Instead of products and services, eNPS questions help organizations measure the loyalty of their workers.
Specifically, it measures how willing your employees are to recommend their workplace to their family or friends .
ENPS categories
Of all the possible HR metrics, eNPS is the easiest to measure. All you have to do is ask your collaborators questions like this:
“ On a scale of zero to ten, how likely are you to recommend this company as a place to work? ”
Employees are asked to give their rating on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is “not very likely to recommend” and 10 is “very likely to recommend.”
Let’s look at the 3 possible categories according to the answer:
These are employees who give a score of 9 to 10, indicating that they are very likely to recommend your organization to a friend, colleague or family member.
Likewise, as an employer you should not relax if you see 9 or 10 in the majority of the answers. It’s a mistake to think that those who rated your organization highly are already happy and you don’t need to focus on them .
You must stay focused and pay attention to the satisfaction of your collaborators to see why they like your organization, aiming to know the exact reason why these promoters would recommend your company to people close to them.
They are collaborators who provide scores of 7 to 8, which indicates that they are satisfied with the organization but not totally committed to it.
They are considered passive or neutral because they are not supposed to promote your brand but they are not going to say anything negative about it either.
They are generally satisfied, but since their actions or proposals do not directly affect the company they work for, their opinions have little emphasis. It is a more neutral behavior that they show.
But does this mean that an organization should not pay attention to them or ignore them because their comments are not “determining”? Not at all: if your business has a similar attitude, then you should propose changing it immediately.
The thing is that although their score is not taken into account when calculating the eNPS, you should not ignore the comments of this type of workers. Your ultimate goal should always be to constantly work to turn them into promoters .
To do this, you can ask them a simple question such as: “What is stopping you from recommending your family/friends to this organization?”
More than anything, seek to create a culture of feedback in your business where anyone can express themselves freely. Try to obtain data from your own workers: give yours a chance to express themselves without bias.
These are employees who give a score between 0 and 6. They are generally dissatisfied, disconnected from their workplace, and unlikely to recommend the organization.
What does this score mean? It means you have employees who are extremely unhappy with your organization. Certain things are bothering them and you, as their employer, need to get to the root cause and identify the problem .
The first step is to find out why they are unhappy and the reason for the bad feedback. Something is bothering them, and you need to get to the bottom of it.
Encourage them to share what they think and feel. You must genuinely care about what they tell you, and also communicate to all your collaborators that their comments are valuable in order to achieve those changes they want in the organization.
Employee burnout is terribly annoying for them and painfully expensive for you. Being proactive and listening to your workers can prevent you from much more than a bad reputation.
What is ENPS and how does it work?
It is a metric that, in fact, is nothing more than an extension of the NPS (Net Promoter Score), widely used in the Marketing strategies of most organizations to measure consumer satisfaction, considering the following question:
“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to others?”
Thinking of the organizational environment, the HR adapted this metric to its processes personnel management , performing the same question, but to reviewers. The human language. The objective is to quantify the employee experience , that is, the quality of the employee’s experience in front of the company.
By using ENPS, the company has the chance to identify whether its culture is in line with the profile of its employees or whether the environment and organizational climate are healthy, for example.
What are the advantages of using ENPS to measure employee satisfaction?
With the ENPS data in hand, it is possible to correct management errors and make more accurate decisions regarding the company’s human capital using People First strategies . Therefore, actions that put people first in the organization.
Furthermore, this metric helps managers and leaders to understand if employees see the company as a place that provides development and growth for their personal and professional lives and, of course, if they are brand promoters, recommending the company to friends and family.
Thus, the company also works with employer branding actions , which are nothing more than actions and strategies that make the company an employer brand in the market. You know when on LinkedIn you find testimonials from employees or articles in the company’s feed commenting on the product or organizational environment?
So, the employee himself is there showing his pride in being part of the organization, attracting the eyes of the best talents to his business. Now, we don’t waste any more time, let’s understand the application of ENPS in practice!
How to classify collaborators within the methodology?
Before applying the ENPS survey, it is important to understand what each answer will say about the employee’s level of satisfaction. See how it works!
1-Scale from 9 to 10 – Promoters
This is the portion of employees who are more motivated and engaged with the company, that is, who are satisfied with the environment, culture and organizational climate. Therefore, they are always willing to recommend the company as an excellent environment to work and develop, being true poster boys for the brand. Employee Net Promoter Score
2-Scale from 7 to 8 – Neutrals
This group of employees is not fully engaged and motivated with the company they work for. The reasons can be several, such as a position incompatible with the behavioral profile, remuneration disproportionate to the market, lack of cultural fit with the company, among others.
In view of these employees, it is important that HR, together with managers and leaders, identify the problems that have occurred and work on actions and stimuli to motivate them. In this sense, one of the tools that can be allied by explicit knowledge. Knowledge management at this time is the mapping of the behavioral profile and the People Analytics methodology.
3-Scale from 0 to 6 – Detractors
This is the group of collaborators that deserves immediate attention. This is because this is the portion of employees who are dissatisfied with the company and can still contaminate other colleagues with their dissatisfaction. In addition, they are professionals who tend to complain about the organization to friends and family.
Therefore, to reverse this scenario, it is first necessary to have feedback from these employees and understand if the company can adopt measures so that these professionals feel more motivated and engaged in being part of the team. Oftentimes, the employee simply does not identify with the company’s culture, and sometimes it is better to follow other paths.
But it is important that, before that happens, the company is aware that it has done everything possible for it to remain.