Diet Therapy
Diet therapy is a science in the area of nutrition that studies specific diets according to illnesses and individualized nutritional needs. This diet is dedicated to the individualization and observation of nutritional needs in the most individualized way possible, so that nutritional objectives and deficiencies are corrected so that health can be restored. A healthy person can turn to a nutritionist and receive guidance on maintaining and correcting their eating habits in order to improve their quality of life and health. People with specific illnesses, on the other hand, seek nutritional care to restore their health through the use of specific and individualized dietary therapies that adequate nutrition provides.
What are the benefits of Diet Therapy?
The use of diet therapy contributes to numerous benefits since the introduction of this therapy has the function of contributing to the restoration of nutritional status. Among the numerous benefits, the following can be highlighted:
- Aid in pain relief;
- Contributes to restoring health;
- Reduces discomfort;
- Contributes to achieving adequate weight;
- Maintenance of blood glucose levels;
- Increased immunity;
- Improves protein rates.
Types of diseases treated by diet therapy
Many food-related illnesses are caused by too much or too little nutrients. This is common in our society due to the amount of misinformation about eating plans. In addition, due to the excessive consumption of some foods that cause the appearance of the following pathologies:
– Diabetes
– High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
– Heart attacks, angina pectoris, arrhythmias.
– Hypertension in the arteries.
– Digestive diseases (ulcer, gastritis, poor digestion, hernias).
– Hepatitis
– Kidney failure
– Food allergies
Who is Diet Therapy indicated for?
This therapy can be indicated in a variety of diseases such as obesity , cancer, preoperative, postoperative, kidney problems, dysphagia, pancreatitis, ulcers, intestinal problems, among others.
Diet therapy precautions
As mentioned above, prescribed diets must be specific to each patient. If people have medical conditions or any food sensitivities, they should let their family doctor or dietitian know. And they have to be very careful about what they eat. Best of all, these patients don’t follow an elegant eating plan without first consulting a professional. In fact, popular diets can be dangerous because they are low in carbohydrates. This means that they deprive the body of the glucose needed for the central nervous system and your brain functions.
In short, there are many treatments based on healthy foods. Thus, resorting to diet therapy as a tool to prevent or eliminate the symptoms of the disease is key. Therefore, for a healthy lifestyle, food should be based on the consumption of natural food. Likewise, having as main reference the basic nutritional pyramid.