What is a Business Consultant Main functions
A business consultant is the professional of a company or business, responsible for providing sufficient and complete information to potential buyers or customers for a sale to take place.
The most important functions of a business consultant are to provide relevant information, understand markets, products and services, and follow up with customers.
The business consultant is a salesperson, but he is also much more than that, as he is not limited to making a sale, but also seeks to obtain from the customer the necessary information to be able to offer him the product that best suits him according to his needs. .
The business consultant also plays a two-way role in the company, as in addition to offering useful information and advising the client, at the same time obtaining these relevant data that can be used by the company to improve its products or services, trading and its main market.
Main Duties of a Business Consultant
1- Know the market
A broad knowledge of the market encompasses not only accurate information about the object of sale, but also research and knowledge of the real needs of the customer, in order to offer them the product or service that best suits their needs.
Knowing the market will also allow the business consultant to spot potential customers, know where they are and how to reach them.
2- Know the product or service you offer
There’s no better way to give good business advice than to try the product or service on offer and put yourself in the customer‘s shoes for a moment.
In this way, the seller will be able to answer any question the buyer may have and even anticipate it, providing him with the exact information he is looking for.
3- Be an active consultant
The big difference between a salesperson and a commercial advisor, perhaps, is the active position against selling the latter compared to the former.
It is not simply about answering the questions that the customer may ask, but trying to delve into their needs, listening carefully and offering the best alternative, although this may be totally different from what the buyer was initially looking for.
4- Provide relevant information
In line with all the above mentioned items, the business consultant must have all the information about the product at hand.
This is accomplished by reading the merchandise’s instructions and descriptions, but also by testing it, investigating its attributes and shortcomings, applications and precautions.
A seller searches for the item requested by the buyer. A business consultant asks about the need that the customer wants to meet with the purchase of this item and advises better options or confirms the usefulness of the selected item.
5- Maintain efficient communication
The business consultant must have the appropriate tools to establish good communication with his client.
This implies good oral and written communication, but also knowing how to listen, apply psychology to obtain the necessary information from the client to offer him the best option and make him change his mind, if necessary.
Effective communication also includes being insightful and understanding and having a sense of opportunity, both with the customer and with co-workers and company managers.
6- Have a proactive attitude
Always thinking about customer satisfaction and solving their problems, the business consultant must anticipate their needs.
This is only possible by knowing the customer well, knowing what they are looking for and why, keeping a record of their portfolio: what they bought, what their lifestyle is, their tastes and hobbies, how the family nucleus is formed, etc. .
In this way, the business advisor will be in a position to anticipate and offer his clients benefits and options before he even discovers he needs them, such as new releases or updated versions of merchandise he already owns.
7- Be very well informed
The business consultant’s work will benefit greatly as he has the most complete information at his disposal, not only on the products or services he sells, but also on his competitors and the characteristics of his market.
This implies being curious, investigating and being up to date on news, launches, discontinued products, changes in commercial or manufacturing policies, laws and anything else that may affect or affect the sale.
8- Customer follow-up
This is one of the most important parts of customer service and involves not only following up with shoppers but also those who haven’t found their need in the store.
The regular customer must be loyal, but the non-customer must try to capture it all the time.
To achieve both, it is necessary and useful to create and maintain a database that allows the business consultant to keep in touch with his clients (actual and potential) after they leave the store.
This is done through telephone or email contacts to inform them of news that may be of interest to them.
9- Combine interests
Three actors are involved in the sales action: the buyer, the seller and the product or service sold, which in this case represents the company.
In any business relationship, the goal is for all actors to make a profit, that is, the customer gets a need satisfied, the company gets money in return, and the seller earns a commission for that sale.
For this relationship to be balanced and lasting, it is necessary that the business consultant, who is nothing more than the bridge that connects the company to the customer, can keep everyone satisfied and satisfied.
This is achieved through good communication between the three parties and by being honest and clear with the information provided at both ends of the business relationship.