Research Writing

Types of survey questionnaire multiple choice yes/no open

Collecting quantitative data may require different types of survey questionnaire . That’s right: the question and answer scheme is not always enough to meet the objectives of the investigation.

The choice of method depends very much on the intentions of the study. Therefore, there is no ready-made recipe for collection. Even so, it is possible to rely on consolidated models to facilitate the effort during the preparation of the TCC.

Main types of survey questionnaire

A questionnaire serves to generate statistics. When a significant number of subjects answer the same questions, it is possible to compare the results in the form of graphs or tables. Thus, you have a general idea of ​​the behavior of a population, based on percentages and averages.

Variables must be taken into account . They are age, education, socioeconomic conditions or any other aspects that may justify certain habits.

For example, a low-income person is expected not to buy luxury items. Even so, there may be a point outside the curve – someone who gathers savings to fulfill a consumer dream, for example. This deviant attitude does not correspond to the average of the public, so it must be interpreted based on variables.

As the informant is not always able to justify his answer, the quantitative data may be somewhat limited. However, they serve as a basis for deeper studies. Check out some types of survey questionnaire:

multiple choice questions

It is a very common resource to identify preferences of a group of individuals. To facilitate both the answers and the subsequent tabulation of data, it is suggested to restrict the participant’s choice to a single alternative, among the options presented.

However, it is worth remembering that the suggestions do not always match the information that the subject would like to give. A blank gap for eventual filling meets this demand.

yes/no questions

This is an even simpler variant. The fewer possible paths, the easier the decision tends to be. The researcher should only be careful to adopt a neutral tone , which does not condition the informant’s behavior.

For example, instead of asking “Sunday is a day to praise the Lord, right?”, use “Do you agree that Sundays should be reserved for prayer?”. Try to elaborate simple and clear statements, which do not give rise to dubious interpretations.

open questions

Questions without predefined answers leave the interviewee free to explain, in his own words, what he is thinking. The range of data is usually wider, as each person can have very own interpretations of the same situation.

On the other hand, some themes tend to repeat themselves. This allows the researcher to group the speeches into categories, according to the common content they have. This measure facilitates the tabulation of information .

Rating scale

In this model, it is customary to assign a score from 1 to 5 or from 1 to 10 for services. You can also use the Likert scale . Instead of a question, use a statement. The possible alternatives for the respondent are “totally agree”, “agree”, “indifferent”, “disagree” and “totally disagree”.

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