
Tools used in human resource management with Top 11 HR Tools List

HR Tools

When we talk about Tools used in human resource management , we are referring to a set of strategies, processes and systems used to manage an organization’s staff. These tools help:

  • Manage and develop your workforce to achieve strategic objectives.
  • Identify the resources necessary to achieve the objectives of an organization.
  • Recruit and develop people.
  • Manage labor relations.
  • Develop benefits and compensation.
  • Manage security programs.

In general, they are computer tools used to manage the HR area of ​​a company, so that they allow managers to manage the processes of recruiting, hiring, training, employee maintenance and other aspects related to personnel.

Why use digital tools in HR?

The tools for managing the Human Resources area can be used by both SMEs and large companies. These are designed to simplify processes, save time and, ultimately, make the work of this department much simpler and obtain better results. Some of the advantages they provide include the following:

  •   Time Savings – Once the implementation and launch phase is completed, it will improve the efficiency of the HR team. The most repetitive tasks can be automated, which will save the team a lot of time. This represents an improvement in the team’s internal processes.
  •   Improving employee experience : Digitizing the HR department will allow employees to interact with the team through digital means and make processes more agile and direct, improving company communication.
  •   Cost savings for companies : the cost of HR software is generally calculated based on the use that will be given to it. In return, the organization will reduce spending on technology, allowing it to reallocate this item to other areas.
  •   Helps in decision making : unifying company and employee data under the same platform will allow you to make better use of it and obtain information that was previously inaccessible. This will give you the ability to obtain high-value metrics automatically and accurately to make more efficient decisions.
  •   Provides transparency : the information provided by HR software is hosted in the cloud. This way, all team members can access them through one device and an Internet connection. This not only improves accessibility but also facilitates transparency since everyone will be able to have the same information and be up to date with everything.
  •   Improved competitiveness : when the company has more information about its employees and the processes of the HR department, it has the ability to carry out a better analysis of the situation of the company as a whole and therefore, be more competent.

Top 11 human resource management tools List

The HR department’s responsibilities are complex, as it concentrates the main aspects that concern the company’s management and how it relates to employees to achieve better results.

The role of HR is to be intermediary between area managers, employees or candidates for job openings and its strategic functions, easing conflicts, promoting good relationship and identifying the appropriate profiles to the functions of office .

In this case, the HR tools exert a positive influence on their subsystems and support the processes that include Human Resources.

See now the solutions applicable to HR and the tools that can be used to help the company achieve the desired results!

Recruitment and Selection Tools

The selection’s challenge is to find the ideal profiles to fill the positions available in the company. It is necessary to cross the information and identify skills and abilities that are compatible with those required in some vacancies.

Thus, it is essential to have tools that help in this process.

1. Recruitment and Selection Software

An ATS – Applicant Tracking System or Candidate Tracking System, as is the case with Gupy – is not just a recruitment and selection software , but a system that helps all processes and provides the most important functionalities for an HR.

Its applications cover all stages of the selection process — attracting candidates, recruiting, selecting, evaluating and hiring — until the new employee is included in onboarding .

2. Chatbot

A chatbot is a program that performs simple tasks, including automatic replying to messages.

He can also keep candidates engaged and up-to-date on the process, schedule interviews, send confirmation emails, etc. That is, a huge time savings on the recruiter’s side and a big improvement in terms of the candidate’s experience.

3. Gamification

The gamification has the power to provide significant efficiencies in the recruitment process as an attraction and engagement tool. It also helps to quickly identify people with the right skills for a specific role.

In addition, it can be used to better connect, communicate and build relationships with candidates in the talent pool .

4. Selective process step generator

An organized and coherent selection process is a fundamental step for better results when choosing talent. Therefore, use the Selective Process Step Generator tool to build the steps that will help you find the perfect talent, considering skills, competences and profile.

HR Management Tools

Human memory is trained to retain information and remember key everyday tasks. It turns out that, in companies, the large volume of data, commitments and activities can overload and interfere with the completion of planning.

To help optimize your routine and ensure you keep to your schedule, see some tools that allow you to manage tasks with greater efficiency and agility.

5. Trello

If you have many activities that require management and follow-up, Trello is the ideal tool because it allows you to create a project and all the steps involved in its planning — who, when, how, why, and how much will it cost the company.

6. Asana

Without the need to use an email, Asana is a software that allows you to produce a new project and manage its activities. Each step can be inserted in the project settings and be closely monitored by those responsible.

The possibilities for using task management tools to facilitate the work of the HR department are endless, helping to recruit, hire and fire employees, as well as provide training.

HR Strategic Planning Tools

To monitor the company’s strategy, considering objectives and goals, HR also needs to organize and plan. Therefore, to make the sector less reactive and more proactive, actions and tools must be used. This is the ideal way to direct efforts towards concrete and coherent results.

7. Recruitment and selection diagnosis

A strategic tool that will help you is the Recruitment and Selection Diagnosis , where, by answering just a few questions, you will be able to analyze in depth the strengths and weaknesses of the process. To do so, outline actions, tactics and strategies to leverage your R&S.

8. HR Budget

To be efficient in planning, you must not forget the budget part. To achieve your goals, will you have to hire people, tools or implement new processes? All this you can plan in the HR Budget tool , and organize the area‘s finances in a strategic way.

Cloud Data Storage Tools

In the recent past, information was stored on computers and equipment installed within the company. Only in very specific situations, professionals were authorized to extract information for a device and use it outdoors.

With time and the advent of technology, new tools have emerged that allow access to important information from anywhere that has the internet. Thus, a selection process , for example, no longer needs to be exclusively carried out within the company.

We are talking about cloud solutions, which allow data to be stored in a virtual base, without the need and limitation of a physical environment. Thus, the cloud ends up storing information on the internet, securely and with online access.

9. Google Drive

The giant Google has always thought about offering practical solutions to its users. Always ahead of its time, it developed Google Drive, to provide a cloud storage service with synchronization of all files.

This way, it is easy to edit documents and create presentations and spreadsheets, which can be edited in real time and shared among users.

10. OneDrive

Microsoft was not left behind and developed the OneDrive cloud system that stores and hosts various files through an account.

It is possible to configure the account so that the files are public (with unrestricted access), only for friends or defined users (some people who will have access to a certain folder or file).

11. Dropbox

Dropbox is another one that bet on the cloud storage format and offers users secure options to store files and documents, which can be shared according to the definition of access.

With these tools, the HR team is able to carry out the same recruitment and selection process in more than one unit of the company, maintaining the standardization of documents, even if some last-minute change or adjustment is necessary.

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