Theological knowledge Examples Catholic and Protestant
Theological knowledge is the study of things related to God or divinity. He doesn’t try to question or actually prove its existence, because he considers it to be his main premise. Its word comes from the Greek “theos”, which has the meaning of God, and “logos”, which is translated into study or reasoning.
In addition, these studies are based on the concept of belief, which refers to the mental state in which a person plunges when he has some completely certain knowledge, or the experience of something that he could have lived or not. The problem is that this state is usually very subjective.
Some of the main characteristics that define theological knowledge is that it is not earthly, as it considers that the revelation that believers have does not depend on man, but is given by divine entities.
Furthermore, it is an evaluative study and knowledge, because it is based on different norms and doctrines that over the years have been instituted as sacred matters.
Theological knowledge is considered systematic, as it explains the origin, meaning, purpose and future of the created world, because it has divine foundations that establish it.
It is a study that cannot be verified, since the evidence presented is in no way verifiable. Finally, it is dogmatic knowledge, since believers need acts of faith to gain acceptance.
Furthermore, it is considered that theological knowledge can be acquired through the various sacred texts and books, such as the Koran, the Torah or the Bible.
For scholars in this regard, the content established therein is fully and rationally accepted and the facts narrated are pure truth for believers.
Examples of theological knowledge
We will mention which different types of theological studies and knowledge are based on the religion you study, especially the Abrahamic religions.
Catholic theological knowledge
The theology of Catholicism closely resembles the Catholic knowledge of the Christian religion. Its main objective is to understand and deepen understanding, through the Bible, which is taken as the word of God.
Furthermore, one of the foundations of theological knowledge is that it believes that faith can be acquired through experiences and at the same time be expressed. Therefore, it seeks to understand and analyze, through knowledge, faith.
On the other hand, Catholic theology questions and asks questions about the nature created by God, in addition to its properties and its essence, focusing mainly on the fact that this God is, in turn, two more persons. This is called Trinity, composed of God the Father, the Son Son and the Holy Spirit.
Its main scholars in the past were bishops, with Agustín and Anselmo of Aosta as the most prominent.
This postulated what is now known as the basis of Catholic theology, a phrase in Latin: “quaero intelligere ut credam, sed credo ut intellam”, which in our language means that “understanding must be taken as a principle, but also faith ”. Understanding to analyze and understand belief, but faith is also the reason why reason is used.
Scholars in this branch measure their truth and have human reason as their main reliable source, but taken hand in hand with the revelation given by God.
Furthermore, it is considered that the church is the perfect place to analyze theology, as it is the place where all faith and professed Christianity come together and this is the object of study.
The theological study of Catholicism is considered to also include parallel questions such as:
- The study of salvation (called soteriology)
- the study of the life of the Virgin Mary (called mariology)
- The Beginning and End of Things According to God (Predestination)
- The study of end-time events or Revelation (eschatology)
- And, finally, he is credited with studying the sustained defense and explanation of the basis of faith (apologetics).
Protestant theological knowledge
Mainly, it is based on Catholic theological knowledge, however, from Martin Luther, a rupture arises in both religions, because he brings Protestantism to the world, eliminating certain dogmas that until then Catholicism considered completely true.
The main characteristics of this religion is that it considers that salvation is achieved through a single faith, thanks to the unique and manifold grace of God.
Furthermore, everything is for the intercessory work of Christ, the son of God, although God alone has the Glory, and man has no acknowledgment or part in Salvation.
All this is included in 5 postulates written in Latin: Sola Fide , Sola Gratia , Sola Scriptura , Solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria .
The main characteristics of Protestant Christianity, which differ from Catholicism, is that Protestantism recognizes the Bible as infallible and is widely recognized as the most important book in the world. Furthermore, this aspect excludes so-called apocryphal books, included in the Catholic Bible.
On the other hand, no kind of worship of images, saints, statues or even human persons is allowed.
Likewise, it is forbidden to worship the Virgin Mary, or any other prophet or biblical character, considering that they are simply people used by God, but not intercessors before Him.
In this way, no bowing or prostration is practiced before any of the images mentioned above.
Finally, purgatory is not believed to actually exist, nor does it allow for the baptism of newborn babies or young children. They will simply be baptized when the subject has a moral conscience of himself and so decides.