
Political marketing definition its strategies Characteristics and Examples

Political marketing

The definition of political marketing is the system that is responsible for promoting reciprocity between a ruler, candidate or political party with the electorate applying different techniques and methods.

It originated in the middle of the 20th century in the United States, with the aim of projecting the talent and image of political candidates.

It can be defined as the discipline that unites digital services with political branches, this allows to study the strategies and plan of the campaigns.

This political marketing is the summary of the research achieved by the methods used to develop the planning to execute the strategic steps designed for a campaign or the transmission of a political message.

 Strategies of Political marketing

Regarding the strategies that are applied to achieve political marketing, the following stand out:

  • Introduce a political brand where the identity and profile of the candidate being promoted and what their proposal is is appreciated.
  • The analysis of the political market, which uses research techniques such as polls, in addition to the use of the internet and social networks, this allows a candidate to respond to the voters.
  • The presence of social networks is essential because it allows direct contact with voters, knowing their opinions, project suggestions and their proposals.
  • A candidate must organize the community if he aspires to have the political support of his constituents, which is why contact and communication with people is important to convey their trust and security.

Characteristics of Political marketing

Among the characteristics of political marketing are these stages that also apply in general marketing, which are described below:

  • Identify the consumer’s need: This allows a politician to convey a message that meets the demand of the voters.
  • Communicate changes to the user: explain the renovations that are being executed to respect the promise and commitment to solve their needs.
  • Grant the product: it is to give the benefit in a way that satisfies what the voter demands of the politician.


  1. The political marketing is the action information coordinated by marketing professionals in order to promote a representative or political group.
  2. The main goal of political marketing is based on the projection of the proposed ideas of a candidate to his constituents.
  3. Marketing uses the strategy of creating a solid image of its political representative through continuous communication of the candidate with his constituents.

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