
Policy survey questions Tips for creating with Sample

Sample Policy Survey Questions

Policy survey questions are applied in a poll to collect the opinion and attitude of potential voters. This tool is used by consultants, members of the municipal council, government agencies, research agencies, or the candidates’ own team.

For example, one of the strategies for creating electoral polls would be to understand the beliefs and opinions of the target population. In such a case, policy survey questions allow you to collect information that can be used to increase presence and formulate social and political activities based on this data.

What are political polls for?

Policy survey questions can be used to generate a variety of insights that will help:

Create strategic initiatives: These questions can help politicians to survey their target audience and understand their needs and wants. This is one of the fastest and best methods of giving voters a voice.

Based on the data collected, the necessary support for the elections can be guaranteed.

Formulate new policies: With these surveys it is possible to get an idea of ​​what kind of policies would benefit the general population. Using these questions, you can measure and draw policies that help the population and achieve a better image among potential voters.

Create new laws: Such questions are used to give the public a voice regarding laws and regulations. This gives them the feeling of being part of the team proposing reforms where new laws and regulations are needed or where they have been overlooked in the past.

Formulate Strategic Political Campaigns: Policy survey questions are best for conducting strategic campaigns. The use of the collected data can allow the geographic concentration, needs and gaps of voters to be understood.

Therefore, specific appearances, fundraisers, or speeches that address the issue of people in that geographic concentration can be a strategic move to better position the political candidate.

Aside from the points mentioned above, policy survey questions also yield information on the strengths and weaknesses of opponents, on creating effective marketing campaigns, and possible election results.

Tips for creating policy survey questions

Here are some tips for conducting policy surveys:

Take care of the wording of the questionsQuestions in policy surveys should be formulated appropriately, taking into account not to offend anyone on sensitive issues such as gender, religion, race, ethnicity, etc.

Do anonymous surveys : Respondents will answer more honestly if they are sure that the survey does not collect personal data.

Pay attention to the order of the questionsChanging the order of the questions can reduce bias during the survey, as well as provide more accurate results and eradicate survey abandonment .

Run a pilot survey : All policy surveys should be tested first in internal teams to ensure that all questions are easy to understand, do not create confusion, or offend someone.

Pick Your Right Audience: The target audience is the most important aspect of a political poll. Make sure your target audience is made up of people from all the necessary demographics.

Policy survey questions help you identify supporters and understand what the public needs. Using them, it is possible to formulate policies, strategize for campaign messages, and increase support from potential voters.

If you want to create your own political survey, try our free license, or if you have a project on the doorstep and need to know our more advanced functions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Sample Policy Survey Questions

These are some examples of questions that you can apply in a voting intention survey :

  • Are you registered to vote at your current address?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Do you think that the current government is going in the right direction to benefit the population of the country?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Which party do you support to deal with sensitive issues like national security?
  2. How likely are you to vote in the next election?
  • Very likely to vote
  • Low probability of voting
  • I will not vote
  • I do not know
  1. Please indicate who you voted for in the last election.
  2. On what basis do you evaluate a political candidate?
  • News on television
  • Newspaper articles
  • By attending events where the candidate addresses people
  • Research all channels before making your choice
  • The candidate’s family education
  • Others
  1. In your opinion, do you think the laws should be changed for issues like public safety?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Do you think that the possession of firearms should be allowed all over the world?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Do you think there should be stricter rules and regulations on the use of money in political campaigns?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I do not know

Please indicate your level of agreement for the following:

  1. All ethnicities must be integrated into society
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. The emphasis should be more on the rehabilitation of offenders than on punishment.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. Public officials must have competitive salaries, as offered by the private sector.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. Corporations must not be allowed to interfere in political campaigns
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. There must be policies to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. There must be stricter laws and regulations to eradicate corruption.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. There must be rules to include all religions in all political parties.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. The government is responsible for being transparent in all public initiatives.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. We must work to build stronger relationships with other countries.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. The government must help companies to increase employment.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. The government should increase incentives for companies that are socially responsible.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. Environmental safety is more important than corporate tax revenue.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree
  1. The government should increase incentives for companies that are friendly to the environment.
  • Totally agree
  • A little agree
  • Neutral
  • A little disagree
  • Completely disagree

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