English Grammar

Implicit Subject with 100 examples and elaboration

Implicit Subject

The implicit subject is one that does not appear expressly in the sentence but must be inferred. The subject is omitted because it is understood in the sentence and it is not considered necessary to express it. This type of subject is also known as an implied subject , omitted subject , or elliptical subject .

The implicit subject will correspond to one of the grammatical persons of the speech : first of the singular ( yo ), second of the singular (  ), third of the singular ( he, she, you ), first of the plural ( us, nosotras ), second of the plural ( you, you, you ), third of the plural ( them, them ).

The subject can be inferred from the verb conjugation of the core verb of the predicate: the verb will be conjugated according to the grammatical person being spoken about. Likewise, other words such as possessives or adjectives can refer to the person who corresponds to the subject of the sentence.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • “I am very happy with my work.” The implied subject is me ; it can be inferred by the conjugation of the verb ( I am ) and by the possessive mi that refers to the first person.
  • “Do you have change for this bill?” The implied subject is the second person singular:  ; it can be inferred by the conjugation of the verb ( you have ).
  • “Come with us to have fun!” The implied subject is you ; it can be inferred by the conjugation of the verbs ( you guys come; you guys have fun ).
  • “It has very nice handwriting.” The implied subject is the third person singular: it can be he , she , or you ; can be inferred by the verb conjugation ( he has, she has, you have ).
  • “We will see each other very soon to talk about our future.” The implied subject is us ; it can be inferred by the conjugation of the verb ( we will see ), by the pronoun nos and by the possessive our .

100 Examples of Implicit Subject

  1. I rushed to the vet when I saw that my dog ​​was sick. (Implied subjectI )
  2. Would you like to take an all-inclusive beach trip at a low price? (Implied subjectyou )
  3. He made me a promise that in the end he could never keep. (Implied subjecthe, she )
  4. We’ll be saving for a year so we can pay the down payment on a new car. (Implicit subjectus, us )
  5. You are very naive to have believed a scammer. (Implied subjectyou )
  6. You will be convinced until you see it with your eyes. (Implicit subjectyou )
  7. They managed to finish the quiz in record time. (Implied subjectyou or them, them )
  8. Do you wish that all your dreams would come true just by asking? (Implied subjectyou )
  9. You put in a lot of effort and that’s why they decided to give you the award. (Implied subjectyou )
  10. You have missed out on many experiences with your family by spending so much time at work. (Implied subjectyou )
  11. What time will you get off work this Friday? (Implied subjectyou )
  12. I met a friend when I went to the mall this afternoon. (Implied subjectI )
  13. I was invited to give a lecture at a university in another city. (Implied subjectI )
  14. I contracted a throat infection that caused a lot of weakness in my body. (Implied subjectI )
  15. My photograph has appeared in a local newspaper; They took it from me without realizing it. (Implied subjectI )
  16. He went home early because he wanted to celebrate his birthday with his family. (Implied subjecthe, she )
  17. He is a very hard-working boy who constantly wants to improve himself. (Implied subjecthe )
  18. He has worked body and soul to complete this project. (Implied subjecthe, she )
  19. Would you like something to be brought to you while your food arrives? (Implied subjectyou )
  20. How have you been lately? (Implied subjecthe, she, you )
  21. She’s too tired to come with us; she prefers to sleep for a while. (Implied subjecther )
  22. She is a very kind woman, who always has a good-natured smile on her face. (Implied subjecther )
  23. Some disturbances were reported to us in a very conflictive area of ​​the city. (Implied subjectwe )
  24. We meet every Thursday to chat about each other’s lives. (Implied subjectwe )
  25. How much more distance do we need to travel to reach our destination? (Implied subjectwe )
  26. We are the best in this type of work. (Implied subjectwe )
  27. Shall we see each other tomorrow to spend some time together and talk? (Implicit subjectus )
  28. When we finish the work, you will see how nice it will have turned out. (Implied subjectwe )
  29. Are you already aware of what is happening? (Implied subjectyou )
  30. You can make a difference as long as you want to do your part. (Implied subjectyou )
  31. You have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. (Implied subjectyou )
  32. You are very good at understanding the way people act. (Implicit subjectyou )
  33. Are you ready to go? (Implicit subjectyou )
  34. They have our support for whatever they need. (Implied subjectyou or them, them )
  35. They discuss many things but do not reach any agreement. (Implied subjectyou or them, them )
  36. They inaugurated a new campus of the university, which will focus on biological sciences. (Implied subjectthem, them )
  37. Do you have some time available to help me with this? (Implied subjectyou )
  38. Can you come here for a moment, please? (Implied subjectyou )
  39. I can’t believe they don’t realize reality just because they’re in love. (Implied subjectI )
  40. They are trained to perform this type of work without injury. (Implied subjectthem, them )
  41. I could see in his face that what he was telling me was the truth. (Implied subjectI )
  42. I had a very strange dream: half of my teeth fell out and at the end of the dream I managed to insert them again. (Implied subjectI )
  43. What will I do with so many things I have to do! (Implied subjectI )
  44. I immediately called an ambulance when I saw that an accident had occurred. (Implied subjectI )
  45. I always had a good feeling about all this and I ended up being right. (Implied subjectI )
  46. Do you hear me okay now? (Implied subjectI )
  47. I went into the house, took off my work clothes, put on my pajamas and slept for a couple of hours. (Implied subjectI )
  48. I would not betray your trust because it has taken us a lot of time and effort to build it together. (Implied subjectI )
  49. I appeared on television in an interview they did to me for a news program. (Implied subjectI )
  50. You will have at least two children in your life: a boy and a girl. (Implied subjectyou )
  51. Do you know the movie they’ve been talking about? (Implied subjectyou )
  52. How long have they broken up and you’re not going out with her anymore? (Implied subjectyou )
  53. It is up to you, as the head of the family, to guide them to make a decision. (Implied subjectyou )
  54. You got away with it after all. (Implied subjectyou )
  55. Have you ever had the feeling that you had already lived before some moment of your life? (Implied subjectyou )
  56. Integrate with others and try to socialize with them. (Implied subjectyou )
  57. You will meet the love of your life and when that happens you will know that it is. (Implied subjectyou )
  58. You get angry very easily with people if they say something you don’t agree with. (Implied subjectyou )
  59. He participated as a secondary actor in a film that received more than ten international awards. (Implied subjecthe )
  60. Will you come with us tomorrow when you get off work? (Implied subjectyou )
  61. He told me a secret that I can’t tell anyone because I gave him my word. (Implied subjecthe, she, you )
  62. All her life she has tried to learn from her mistakes to be a better woman. (Implied subjecther )
  63. What would you like me to give you for your birthday? (Implied subjectyou )
  64. It is very kind of you to come tonight to join us. (Implied subjectyou )
  65. He testified against the defendant in front of many people who knew him. (Implied subjecthe, you )
  66. He ran out of the office this morning and didn’t tell us where he was going. (Implied subjecthe, she )
  67. He’s going with me to take an exam for the master’s degree. (Implied subjecthe, she )
  68. He is not guilty of all the charges against him. (Implied subjecthe, she )
  69. Will you honor us with your presence tonight? (Implied subjectyou )
  70. By himself he directs many people who are in his charge. (Implied subjecthe )
  71. We would love for you to come visit us one day at our residence. (Implicit subjectus, us )
  72. We’ll check the billboard to see which movie we’re most interested in getting into. (Implicit subjectus, us )
  73. We will not change our convictions for anything or anyone! (Implicit subjectus, us )
  74. We were hired by the manager to work in the administrative area. (Implicit subjectus )
  75. We’ve lost contact with the central base. (Implicit subjectus, us ).
  76. We like that our customers are always satisfied with the service we provide. (Implicit subjectus, us )
  77. See you soon! (Implicit subjectus, us )
  78. We will be volunteers in a program to help street children. (Implied subjectwe )
  79. Are we going to see the play tonight? (Implicit subjectus, us )
  80. Let’s do more things to save our planet. (Implicit subjectus, us )
  81. You will know the mysteries of this world. (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  82. When will you come to visit us in our new house? (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  83. Have you ever seen such an adorable little thing like this before? (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  84. To what extent will you be willing to get involved in the project? (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  85. How existing are you with your work? (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  86. You know very well the end of this story. (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  87. You will be taking classes with several teachers who are excellent in their subjects. (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  88. You will have more opportunities to show what you are capable of. (Implicit subjectyou , you )
  89. Take this application to the administrative department. (Implied subjectyou )
  90. Could you tell me what time the session will start this afternoon? (Implied subjectyou )
  91. Think of innovative ideas that we can implement in this campaign. (Implied subjectyou )
  92. If you could change something about your current life, what would it be? (Implied subjectyou )
  93. Eat only things that are healthy for your body. (Implied subjectyou )
  94. You can’t imagine how much I missed you when I was away. (Implied subjectyou )
  95. They will all change partners when this dance is over (Implicit subjectthem, them, you )
  96. I know a lawyer who could help you with this case. (Implied subjectI )
  97. I am a person who always pays my debts. (Implied subjectI )
  98. You are very lucky to have the family you have by your side. (Implied subjectyou )
  99. Do you know of a place where we can do the photo session? (Implied subjectyou )
  100. What did you get sick of last week? (Implied subjectyou )

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