Greek gods and goddesses names/12 Gods of Olympus/Other Gods
The Greek gods were deities worshiped in Ancient Greece, a civilization that existed between the 20th and 2nd centuries BC These deities populated myths, fantastic stories that explained everything from the creation of the world to the birth of life and human beings. Greek gods and goddesses names
The gods and goddesses of Greek mythology were powerful beings, but full of typically human feelings and passions, such as envy, jealousy, vanity, desire and anger. According to the myths, these deities had control over a certain aspect of life or nature and represented characteristics of human existence, such as strength, justice and wisdom.
The 12 Gods of Olympus
The Olympic gods are the most important in the Greek pantheon. They live in a palace located on top of the highest mountain in Greece, Mount Olympus. From there, they ruled the world, meting out punishments and interfering with everyday life. Greek gods and goddesses names
name of god/goddess | roman name | Who is it |
Zeus | Jupiter | Lord of the gods, supreme chief, god of celestial phenomena and justice. |
Ivy | Juno | Goddess of light, childbirth and fertility. She is protective of women. |
Poseidon | Neptune | God of the seas and rivers and lord of storms. |
Artemis | Diana | Goddess of hunting, wildlife and nature. It is associated with the Moon. |
Apollo | Phoebus | God of the Sun, divination, arts and beauty. |
aphrodite | Venus | Goddess of beauty, love and sexuality. |
ares | Mars | Greek god of war, aggression and strength. |
hephaestus | Vulcan | God of fire (who from the depths of the Earth), of crafts and metallurgy. |
Athena | Minerva | Goddess of wisdom and civilization. |
Dionysus | Spleen | God of wine and theater. |
demeter | Ceres | Goddess of agriculture and fertility. It is protective of crops. |
Hermes | Mercury | God of commerce, language and wealth. He is the patron of travelers. Greek gods and goddesses names |
Other Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology
In addition to the Olympian gods, there are a number of deities and entities that figured in Greek myths. Some of them even existed before the birth of the Olympian gods.
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name of god/goddess | Who is it |
hades | God of the underworld, where the souls of the dead go. It is the Pluto of Roman mythology. |
Hestia | Goddess of home and hospitality. She is the protector of the family. For the Romans, it was Vesta. |
Gaia | Goddess of Earth (Mother Earth), responsible for the origin of all things. |
Eros | God of love, desire and passion. |
Morpheus | God of dreams. It has the ability to appear in people’s dreams. |
Asclepius | God of Medicine. It has the power to prophesy. |
Themis | Justice God. She was the goddess Justitia among the Romans. |
Kratos | Titan who personifies power and strength. Greek gods and goddesses names |
Hebe | Goddess of Youth. It served ambrosia to the gods of Olympus. |
Circe | Goddess of sorcery, witchcraft and enchantments. |
Thanatos | God of death, has the function of taking humans to the underworld. |
pan | God of the woods and fields, he is patron of shepherds. |
Phobos | God of fear and panic. |
Uranus | Primordial entity, he is the sky god. He is the husband of Gaia. |
Point | Primordial god of the seas, he is the father of marine entities. |
Chaos | The first of the gods, he is the personification of the original void. |
Aeolus | God of the winds, king of the island of Aeolia. |
Eos | Goddess of Dawn. |
Bia | Titanis who is the personification of strength. |
Persephone | Goddess of agriculture and ruler of the underworld, alongside her husband Hades. |
Nemesis | Goddess of retribution, balance and revenge. |
anteros | Younger brother of Eros, he is the god who avenges unrequited love. |
Helium | God of the Sun, daily drive your golden chariot from east to west. |
Ether | Primordial entity, it is the personification of the upper air, breathed in the world of the gods. Greek gods and goddesses names |
amphitrite | Goddess of the seas and aquatic life. She is Poseidon’s wife. |
anemoi | Children of Aeolus, they are four gods of the winds (North, South, East and West). |
deimos | Son of Aphrodite and Ares, he is the god of terror. |
Enio | Goddess of war and destruction. She is Ares’ sister. |
hours | Daughters of Zeus and Themis, they are the goddesses of the seasons. |
nice | Goddess of victory, symbolizes success in all walks of life. |
momo | Deity of sarcasm, satire and mockery. |
Nix | Daughter of Chaos, she is the very personification of night. |
Hecate | Goddess of magic, witchcraft and crossroads. |
Iris | Goddess of the rainbow and divine messenger, a role later assumed by Hermes. |
Harmony | Goddess of understanding, conciliation and, as her name says, harmony. |
generates | Son of Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness), he is the god of old age. |
hypnos | God of sleep He is the brother of Thanatos (Death) and father of Morpheus (Dream). |
eris | Goddess of discord, famous for causing the Trojan War. Greek gods and goddesses names |
Eileitia | Daughter of Zeus and Hera, she is the goddess of childbirth. |
Erebus | Primal deity born of Chaos. It is the personification of darkness. |
Zelus | Brother of Bia, Kratos and Nice, he is the god of rivalry. |
Hemera | Daughter of Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness), she is the goddess of day and light. |
moros | God of fate. In Roman mythology, it is Fatum. |
phyllotes | Primordial deity that represents friendship and affection. |
oizus | Daughter of Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness), she is the goddess of misery and suffering. |
areas | Children of Gaia (Earth), they are the gods of the mountains. |