Difference between Latin and Spanish/definitions
Latin and Spanish are two languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Difference between Latin and Spanish
The main difference is Latin versus Spanish
Latin and Spanish are two languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. When looking at the difference between Latin and Spanish, it is important to note that Spanish is derived from Latin. In addition, Latin is considered a dead language while Spanish is a living language. It is used in many countries around the world.
What is Latin
Latin is a classical language belonging to the Indo-European language family. Many languages in the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family are descended from Latin.
If we look at the history of the Latin language, it is one of the languages spoken in the area known as Lazio, Italy, and Rome was a city in Lazio. The earliest known inscription in Latin, dated 6 th Century BC and the Latin alphabet comes from the Etruscan alphabet. Latin became the dominant language as Rome began to spread its influence to other parts of Italy and then to Europe. Difference between Latin and Spanish
Classical Latin is a modern term used to refer to the Latin language used in writing. When we say we are learning Latin, we mean Classical Latin, as many modern Latin textbooks and courses look at texts written in Classical Latin. Vulgar Latin is a term that defines the spoken language spoken by people at the time. However, some authors, such as Cicero and Petronius, used Vulgar Latin in their work. It is a language that later evolved into cursive / romance languages such as Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc.
Latin began to lose its leading position as the main language of education and religion throughout Europe in the 15th century. It was largely replaced by languages that were developed or heavily dependent on Latin. Latin is still used by the Roman Catholic Church and Christian clergy. It is also the official language of the Vatican. In addition, Latin terminology is used in fields such as biology, medicine, and theology.
Latin can be called a dead language for several reasons. It is no longer anyone’s mother tongue and is no longer used for everyday communication. Although Latin is still being studied, it cannot be called a developmental language. Difference between Latin and Spanish
Analyzing the structure of Latin, you will notice that it is a strongly curved language. Latin has three different genders, four verb conjugations, seven nouns, three people and moods, six tenses, two voices, aspects and numbers.
What is Spanish
Spanish is a cursive language derived from Latin and originated in Castile. It is estimated that over four hundred million people use Spanish as their first language. Spanish is the official language of Spain, Equatorial Guinea and 19 countries in the Americas. Spanish is also one of the six official languages of the United States and is used as an official language in many international organizations such as the European Union.
Spain has two main dialects of Spanish: Andalusian and Castilian. Many other dialects can be observed in regions such as South America. Spanish is classified as a macro language due to this vast geographic distribution and dialectal diversity. The Spanish vocabulary was influenced by Basque, Arabic Occitan, French, Italian, Sardinian, etc. Difference between Latin and Spanish
When speaking about the grammatical structure of the Spanish language, it can be seen as a relatively altered language, consisting of two genders, voices and aspects, three tenses, moods, personalities, etc.
Difference between Latin and Spanish
Latin originated in Lazio, Italy.
Spanish originated in Castile, Spain.
Latin is older than Spanish
Spanish comes from Vulgar Latin.
Latin The alphabet comes from the Etruscan alphabet.
the Spanish alphabet uses the Latin alphabet.
Native language
Spanish is the native language of hundreds of millions of people.
Latin is no longer used as a mother tongue.
Latin can be considered a dead language as it is not used in everyday life and does not develop like other modern languages.
Spanish is a modern language.
Latin is a strongly inclined language.
Spanish is a relatively inclined language.