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What is the difference between a Republic and a Country/comparison table

Many nations carry the term “republic” within their official name. This is indicative of the type of government that said nation has chosen to exercise. A republic is a form of government in which there is a constitution and it has a privileged place, since all important decisions are made based on what this constitution says. This type of government, like others (monarchy, dictatorship, etc.) are chosen to rule in each of the countries that exist in the world. By country , on the other hand,  is understood any geographically well delimited territory that has its own constitution, laws, citizens and governments. What is the difference between a Republic and a Country?

Comparison table What is the difference between a Republic and a Country?

What is it? A republic is a political system. This is distinguished by some characteristics, such as its autonomy, that it has a constitution at the center of everything and where all its citizens are equal to each other before the law, among others. What is the difference between a Republic and a Country?

A republic is almost always democratic and is the opposite form of government to a monarchy .

As for a country, it is a territory classified as a sovereign State, delimited (geographically speaking) and politically independent. A country must also have its own government (of any kind) and citizens.

It is desirable but not mandatory that it has a constitution or a registry of laws that must be followed by those who inhabit it.

Mutual exclusivity Republics always constitute countries. However, not all countries are republics.
Examples There are many examples of republics in the world. In addition, there are several types of republics, for example:

  • Parlamentary republic
  • Monarchical republic
  • Presidentialism
  • Democratic Republic, among others.

Among these types of republics, the most popular are:

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • chili
  • Argentina
  • South Africa
  • Russia
  • France
  • Portugal
  • India
  • China
  • Iceland
  • Swiss
  • Germany
  • Italy
By 2017 there are between 193 and 195 countries, according to the UN and the United States Department of States, respectively. Among them are:

  • Argentina, Brazil, Canada, United States, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, among others in America.
  • Germany, France, England, Italy, Spain, Norway, Portugal, among others in Europe.
  • Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Algeria, Ethiopia, Namibia, among many others in Africa.
  • Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Cambodia, North Korea, South Korea, Lebanon, the Philippines, Japan, China, India, among others.
  • Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, among others. What is the difference between a Republic and a Country?

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