Difference between concept and theme
The concept can be defined as an abstract idea. This can refer to a phenomenon that exists in society, or even to an abstract idea formed mentally. The concepts can be seen across all disciplines. Let’s take sociology as an example. In sociology, we are talking about so many concepts in different institutions. Social solidarity, anomie, the nuclear family and the extended family, social order, bureaucracy, commodification, hegemony, power, ideology are some examples of different concepts. These concepts are used to talk about various social phenomena that can be observed in society. It must be emphasized here that while some concepts are physically visible, such as the nuclear family and the extended family, others are not. Most of the concepts, such as hegemony, ideology, are more abstract in nature.
Theme or Topic
A topic or topic is a subject that is being discussed. In literature, students are often asked to identify themes that might be seen in a particular work, such as a novel, films, drama, or even a story. In such a situation, students are asked to highlight topics that are repeated in the work. For example, in Jane Eyre, some of the main themes are love, gender relations, religion, and social class.
The term topic is also used in the social sciences, especially research. Most researchers conduct a thematic analysis when writing a research report. Here, once again, the researcher identifies the various topics that arise as a result of his research. Some people use these topics for chapter breakdowns as well. Then, for each topic, the researcher presents his findings. It may even include different concepts. For example, the study of the commodification of language may have different topics such as language as a cultural commodity, student perception, the role of the teacher, the role of organizations, etc. Within each topic there may also be different concepts. … For example, within the framework of the theme of the role of organizations, one can speak of the concept of a “new international crusade”. This emphasizes that while concepts and themes are largely related to each other, there is a clear distinction between the two. This can be summarized as follows.
Major Differences
A concept can be defined as an abstract idea.
A topic is a specific subject or idea that is repeated in a specific work.
The concept is limited in scope.
The topic usually has a lot of lengths.
The concept is specific.
A topic can include a variety of ideas; hence it is not very specific.
The concept can be displayed under the topic.
several concepts may fall under the same topic.