Difference between analysis and synthesis
The analysis is a research method that consists of reducing information, explaining each idea or section that can be derived from it, in a simpler and more minimalist way. Difference between analysis and synthesis
The term analysis comes from the Greek analusis which means “rupture” which refers to the decomposition of a subject in its main ideas. It is a method implemented in sciences such as logic and mathematics.
In general, scientific works require that there be an analysis of the content so that in this way a compendium can be made with the information produced.
Analysis consists of the detailed examination of a particular matter or subject , observing all the details that form each part of a whole.
In short, an analysis is the same as a detailed study of something, and can be applied in different areas of knowledge as a way of closely observing a given topic.
From a sociological and artistic point of view, for example, analysis corresponds to the critical and evaluative comment that someone makes about a certain work, such as a film, book, play, etc. The objective of this analysis is to scrutinize the content, interpreting the information contained between the lines of the work. This type of analysis is also known as exegesis .
In the branch of psychology, analysis is understood as the technique of psychoanalysis , developed by Sigmund Freud. It is a psychotherapeutic method that is based on the analysis of the unconscious through external signs of the individual, such as words and actions, for example.
Synonyms of Analysis
Among the different meanings of this term, the main synonyms for analysis are:
- Exam;
- Observation;
- Diagnosis;
- Investigation;
- Search;
- Verification;
- Evaluation;
- Appreciation;
- Exploration;
- Inspection;
- Decomposition;
- Criticism;
- Seem;
- sieve.
SWOT Analysis
It consists of a strategic planning technique where important data about a particular company or brand are analyzed, either in the internal environment (its strengths and weaknesses) or in the external environment (its opportunities and threats).
Syntax analysis
It is the part of grammar responsible for studying all the functions and connections of the parts that form the sentences and their respective clauses.
The synthesis is the elaboration of unpublished information, based on the content of a scientific work already carried out. Synthesis comes from the verb “synthesize” which is the same as “create”. It is a process in which a developed theme is used to generate new concepts and ideas.
The synthesis is used in various processes, both organic and inorganic so that it is not only applied in the formation of content, but also in the formation of substances, objects, or other elements.
Difference between analysis and synthesis
Synthesis comes from the Greek and means ‘the bringing together or merging of several things into an intimate union to form a whole’. It is a rational capacity for generalization through which thought discovers similarities and identities, demonstrating that an explanation has validity for many different things. An example: beings such as man, dolphin and horse, apparently diverse, can be grouped, due to structural similarities, in the more general category of mammals. Analysis, also from the Greek, means ‘the action of disconnecting and separating a whole into its parts’. It is the rational capacity for differentiation that allows us to understand differences where there seems to be similarity or identity, demonstrating that facts or things that appear to be the same or similar are, in fact, different. An example: blood, seen with the naked eye, looks like a homogeneous liquid. However, when we see it through the lens of the microscope, we realize that it is composed of other elements, invisible to our eye: red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, plasma. Therefore, through microscopic analysis, what appeared to be a homogeneous substance is shown to be a junction of diverse elements.
- Synthesis is a process in which something new is created from an existing element or content.
- The analysis is the reduction of something raised into smaller fragments, in order to make it better explained or more precise.
- Synthesis is a process that is applied in many areas, including botany or human physiology.
- The analysis is exclusive to logical sciences such as the philosophy of mathematics.
- The synthesis is new information. Difference between analysis and synthesis
- The analysis is fragments of a larger composition.
- An analysis is the reduction of a text “idea by idea”, highlighting only the essence of each one.
- A synthesis is to elaborate from a text, another shorter text but that contains similar information.