Delahuertista rebellion/Causes/Consequences/background
Delahuertista rebellion (1923)
In the history of current Mexico there have been important opposition confrontations. In these, the differences in terms of political tendencies have harshly marked the episodes in the development of this country . Delahuertista rebellion
Among these movements we find the Delahuertista Rebellion. During the six months that it was developed, two factions of the country clashed, resulting in the deaths and significant casualties of the country’s leaders. Its development was carried out in response to a group that felt oppressed and marginalized by the government of the time.
What was the Delahuertista Rebellion?
This was the name given to the rebel movement that de la Huerta adopted. This insurrection was carried out against who was the president of Mexico at that time, Álvaro Obregón . Events reached their peak in December 1923. Although the town of Veracruz was the main protagonist of these rebel actions, the cities of Mérida and Tabasco were also involved. Delahuertista rebellion
Causes of the Delahuertista Rebellion
This very important space in the history of Mexico was the result of the malaise of what was known as the bourgeois middle class of the population . This social group was made up of members of the army, the church and part of the agricultural sector.
In addition, when the end of Obregón’s term approached in 1923, and consequently, elections, there were two candidates. One was supported by the government and his name was Plutarco Elías Calles, while the opposition candidate was former governor Adolfo de la Huerta. Most of the opponents of the government feared that if Calles won, who would really be behind the power would be Obregón . With regard to the election of Calles as a candidate for the presidency, the problem was that no kind of protocol was followed for his denomination. He was fingered as the successor, which was a direct case of corruption . Therefore, a feeling of anxiety and anguish was generated among the population . Delahuertista rebellion
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On the other hand, the opposition refused to accept and acknowledge the changes towards progress that the government had generated . An example of this was the amplification of public roads, which allowed better transportation and communication, and the distribution of optimal land for agricultural work. This position of disagreement was taken advantage of by Adolfo de la Huerta and those who sympathized with his ideals .
Finally, those who resisted the reform decided to create a party, a front that would allow them to make their opinions and struggles known . Although the government tried to smooth the rough edges between the two extremes, the result was the opposite: more social polarization. The opposition also became known as the Conservatives. Over time, they found the support of the military who joined their cause.
On December 6, 1923 , in the Mexican town known as Veracruz, the armed mobilization of conservatives led by Adolfo de la Huerta began . On the other hand, in Tabasco, the renowned General Carlos Greene, who had also joined the rebel movement, took the city. Their advances continued towards Jalapa and Villahermosa. Later, he won the support of the military who served under General Vicente González. With these new allies, the rebels made Governor Tomás Garrido Canabal flee, who after his flight arrived at Monte Cristo . Delahuertista rebellion
For his part, Adolfo de la Huerta, after almost three months, left the city of Veracruz and marched towards Villahermosa to meet Greene in Villahermosa. However, it remains on this front for less than a month. Upon arrival on March 11, 1924, the leader of the rebellion left Mexico for the northern country , the United States, thus beginning with the end of the rebel efforts.
Immediately afterwards, the federal army was gaining strength. They progressively advanced to where the rebels were . First they reached Mérida and then to Tabasco. During this period of the rebellion, Vicente González’s army turned against the rebels, which took away from the Huertitas struggle. This act of treason caused many of the rebel leaders to flee the country. Consequently, by June 17, the side that supported the government had already recovered the cities that had been taken over by the opponents at first, culminating in this episode of uprisings.
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Due to the rebellions started in Veracruz by those who supported Adolfo de la Huerta, the following events took place:
- The death of an uncountable number of military personnel in a short time.
- The flight of the leaders of the movement, and therefore, their exile in countries like the United States.
- Because his attempts to oppose the government did not work, Adolfo de la Huerta resided in California, United States . Years later, under the presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas, he was given the position of inspector general of the Mexican consulate in the English-speaking country, thus granting him amnesty.
- The support of the United States to the government and the causes of Obregón . In fact, during the months in which the Huertista rebellion took place, the neighboring country granted them the use of their weapons and airplanes in order to stop the uprising that their government was facing. Delahuertista rebellion
Characters of the Delahuertista Rebellion
The main characters who intervened in the delahuertista rebellion were the following:
- Plutarco Elías Calles : He came from a wealthy and influential family. However, the economic problems that the country faced forced him to carry out jobs as a bartender and teacher. In addition, he supported revolutions, which allowed him to enter the world of politics. In Agua Prieta he came to serve under the hand of Álvaro Obregón, together with whom he repelled the rebellion caused by Adolfo de la Huerta.
- Adolfo de la Huerta : He was a well-known Mexican politician who came to occupy the position of provisional president for a period of six months in 1920. His intention during this time was to take conciliation measures between the military and the revolutionaries. After this position, he remained in the world of politics. However, the differences of points of view made him start the revolution that began in December 1923 in Veracruz. Seeing that he was losing territory, he went to the United States. Delahuertista rebellion
- Álvaro Obregón: He was a Mexican military man who, due to his active participation in the constitutionalist army, came to obtain the title of Minister of War and Navy. He kept it for a very short time, as his ambitions led him to run as a candidate for the presidency, a position he managed to achieve with total success. Later, at the end of his presidential term, he faced resistance from the rebel group led by Adolfo de la Huerta, who opposed his corruption by choosing his successor. He won the presidential elections again in 1928. However, he was assassinated on July 17 of that same year while enjoying a meal at the restaurant “La Bombilla”, located in the capital of the country.