
Cultural elements characteristics and examples

Cultural elements comprised of all the segments that constitute the culture of a society, ethnic identity country or area. Together with natural elements, they give form, cohesion and identity to societies and allow them to be clearly identified and differentiated from others.

Although generally intangible, cultural elements are solid references of the group to which they belong and describe, as they were formed over long periods of time and transmitted from generation to generation.

What are the cultural elements?

Cultural elements are, then, all models, patterns or expressions of a society that regulates, unifies and conceptualizes its behavior, way of being and thinking. It includes all the aspects (abstracts and non abstracts) which a society uses during their livings. These are the basic needs of their lives.

These elements are dynamic and this concept is not very old. It has been developed in the recent decades.

This is due to the advancement of technology, means of transport and transculturation, which allowed different cultures to have contact, sharing and exchanging elements that can slowly modify certain cultural aspects.

In addition to the transformation to which they are subject, this globalization can also be harmful to the preservation of cultural elements, especially when aspects such as intolerance and political or economic interests intervene.

Examples of what has been described above are the colonizations of some empires for other empires or civilizations, as in the case of the conquest of the Spanish Empire, the Inca Empire and the Aztec Empire. However, although there were negative aspects, such as the death of millions of people – especially due to diseases brought from Europe – the Europeans brought to America a general advance in society, technology and knowledge.

In ancient times, the cultural elements of a city could be modified by conquests, invasions, crusades, etc.

A still palpable example of this mix of cultural elements can be seen in Turkey, where the passage of various empires (Roman, Ottoman, Christian) left their mark for many centuries, resulting in palpable syncretism in cultural elements such as religion, food, clothes and typical dances.

Characteristics of cultural elements

– They signify and recognize a human community

– They are cohesive elements.

– TThe human being is indispensable for its manifestation and communication..

– It is a collective manifestation.

– Even though not all, maximum are generally immaterial or have a solid unimportant element.

– They require oral or practical transmission for continuity.

– They are portion of a social, ancient and tangible phenomenon.

– These are purely creative expressions.

Examples of cultural elements

The tongue

Language identifies a nation or region, but there may be local dialects or languages ​​that represent more specific cultures.

The religion

It is an element inherent to the cultural work of societies, from which various manifestations and creative processes derive.

Religion, for example, can be decisive in the manifestation of other cultural elements, such as clothes, food and daily routines.

Take the case of Jewish communities around the world: their way of dressing is particular, there are certain foods they cannot eat and their religious beliefs do not allow them, for example, to work on Saturdays.

Beliefs and Rituals

In addition to the religion itself, beliefs can revolve around it or be related to myths, folk customs, or entirely pagan practices.


It is a cultural element marked by fashion, the geographical and climatic characteristics of the region or religion.

In some cases, clothes are an element that clearly identifies the culture of the people who wear them, as is the case with the use of the burqa by Islamic women.

Music and dance

The rhythms and instruments of a social group are, if you will, the most descriptive and transcendent cultural elements.

Music is a universal language and, therefore, its manifestations are shared, understood and accepted by the majority. That’s why music is a very powerful element to expose the culture of a certain social group.

culinary traditions

It is here that the combination of different cultures is most clearly perceived. Nowadays it is difficult to recognize the typical and typical foods of a region, without some that came from other latitudes complementing the indigenous recipes.

However, the typical dishes of a region are a resounding way of expressing their culture. Examples: Mexican tamale, Spanish paella, Italian pasta.

games and sports

Many have already become universal, but had a strong local cultural component in their beginnings. Others are playful representations of ancient traditions.


The architecture of a city, country or region leaves clear evidence of its history and its influences over the years, not just in terms of architectural styles, but in the use and function that buildings built or had at different times.


Perhaps it is the purest cultural element, as nothing but the hand of its author intervenes. The materials used are indigenous to the region and the manufacturing techniques are passed on through observation and practice from generation to generation.

Many of them were industrialized (as is the case of silk manufacturing in China), but they still have a high cultural component.


Different cultures have very marked dates to give importance to a fact. These are the famous celebrations and parties, which can be individually or intimately (quinceañera party) or collective and universal (Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro). 

Continuing with the case of Carnival, it is not celebrated in the same way in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) as in Venice (Italy), Barranquilla (Colombia), New Orleans (United States) or Cádiz (Spain), each one putting its idiosyncrasy and traditions.


Human development and therefore its culture are linked to technology. Political concepts such as capitalism or Marxism are born precisely from the evolution of technology, affecting entire nations in their daily lives.

History has also led, as certain peoples are more predisposed to develop one type of technology compared to others.

For example, in Germany, the automotive industry was more relevant than in other countries, despite being an asset used internationally. This very well defines the concerns of its population and its history, as they were pioneers in this sector.

UNESCO as guarantor

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), established in November 1972 the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, in order to identify valuable elements for humanity and assume responsibility for its rights. . protection and preservation.

Later, in 2003, this same organization expanded its field of action to intangible cultural elements, understood as uses, expressions, knowledge and techniques inherent to a community.

In this way, each year, numerous elements of priceless cultural wealth are added to the list of societies that, when declared by UNESCO as Cultural Heritage, manage to protect themselves for future generations.

All this thanks to national and international entities that guarantee the protection and transmission of these assets.

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