
What is artificial intelligence with examples types

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence or computational intelligence is understood to be what machines or computers can display. This is a controversial term in the sense that it is difficult to define exactly what intelligence is, although it is usually understood as the ability of a computer system to rationally perceive its environment and adapt its strategies to achieve its objective. In this article we will elaborate the artificial intelligence with examples.

Commonly, artificial intelligence is limited to an imitation of human intelligence by machines, giving the user the impression of being in front of another being endowed with individuality.

However, as technology and computing advance, the emergence of true intelligent computing beings, commonly referred to as AI (Artificial Intelligence), is expected.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer research and study that seeks ways to mimic the functioning of human neurons in machines and solve various problems based on human behavior, through mathematical and logical mechanisms. Discover 16 examples in your daily life.

You may have already wondered: What is artificial intelligenceAnd to answer this it is very common to say that artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines , giving them the ability to learn, reason, deduce, make predictions, etc.

And we often associate it with the image of a humanized physical robot, like in the movies. But, in most cases, this is not the case, especially when it is present in our daily lives.

Therefore, the purpose of this text is to go further: to explain in detail what it really is, how it is created and to present some examples.

Types of artificial intelligence

There are many types of artificial intelligence with different capabilities, it depends on the algorithm used.

Some use extremely specific algorithms, such as natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. But for the most part they are based on machines and deep learning techniques.

machine learning

Intelligences based on learning machine , or machine learning, use neural networks, computer systems with interconnected nodes that act like human neurons.

Therefore, they can modify their behavior autonomously , based on their own experience, derived from the training that we mentioned above and from the interaction with the data and information provided by the user of the technology, the so-called navigation analysis.

They are a bit simpler compared to those based on deep learning as they process data at a slower rate and therefore work with less specialized capabilities.

deep learning

Intelligences based on deep learning, or deep learning, use large neural networks with multiple processing layers, or learning layers, so they can learn more complex patterns and are capable of processing much larger amounts of data in less time.

They are typically used for more specialized functions, such as audio and image processing.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

On the other hand, natural language processing (NLP), as we said, is an extremely specialized type of artificial intelligence that uses unique algorithms to understand and simulate human language .

That is, it allows a technology to understand what a human being says or writes and formulate understandable responses also using human language. Well-known examples of the use of NLP in our daily lives are virtual assistants and chatbots.

computer vision 

Artificial vision, in turn, is a branch of artificial intelligence that studies and develops image processing by machines , giving them the ability to interpret visual information, that is, to see. And from that beginning commands.

Unlike NLP, artificial vision does not try to imitate human vision, but to go further. Therefore, it is considered more powerful and assertive than the human visual capacity itself.

This type of AI is used for facial and image recognition . In the industry, work is done on the identification of labels, codes, etc., inspection and prevention of problems in machines; in autonomous cars, it is used to check the signals; We are search systems , allows you to search by image.

Examples of artificial intelligence in your daily life 

Below are the examples of artificial intelligence

1) Virtual assistants

Increasingly present in Brazilian homes, virtual assistants are among the main examples of artificial intelligence in our daily lives.

The best known are Siri (Apple), Cortana (Windows), Google Assistant (Google) and Alexa (Amazon). With them it is possible to do many things, such as online surveys; voice purchases; ask to hear a song; and even talk. Children’s party with these characteristics, and adults are not far behind.

2) Customer service 

Chatbots are a great example of a robot without a physical body. They simulate a human being in the chat conversation and are an excellent service tool, as they allow immediate attention to each and every one of the users, resolving them or directing them to the responsible sector. This streamlines the process and optimizes employee time.

3) Email

Today, most e-mail services , like Gmail and Outlook, use artificial intelligence to identify possible SPAM messages and prevent them from filling your inbox or even harming you in any way, through viruses. or fraud.

4) Social networks

One of the reasons why social networks are so addictive is the ability to personalize and this is possible through the use of artificial intelligence.

As it monitors everything that is done during browsing and in real time, it is able to make more assertive friend recommendations and show the most relevant ads for each person.

In addition, artificial intelligence also understands the emotionality of users based on their publications and, with this, highlights the most relevant content and images and eliminates those considered inappropriate.

5) Streaming Services

Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify are also very successful in entertainment because of the personalization that artificial intelligence does.

This personalization occurs mainly through recommendation systems, which, through browsing intelligence analysis, are capable of displaying the most relevant content : podcasts, music, movies and series similar to those most viewed and listened to by each person.

6) Games

Another example of the use of artificial intelligence in everyday life is the universe of games. This segment is increasingly innovative, and some of the capabilities powered by AI are Augmented Reality and virtual realities , which make games more realistic every day.

7) Banks

Banks are also an example of the use of artificial intelligence to automate and optimize processes. And not just digital banks. The traditional ones are also throwing themselves fully into this technology to carry out market data analysis, financial management, customer relations (with the aforementioned virtual assistants and chatbots), among other things.

8) Google

Google is one of the biggest examples of the use of artificial intelligence in everyday life. The global company has been using this technology for a long time and in almost all the products and services it offers.

It is present in the functioning of emails —as is the case cited in example 3—; in applications, such as Google Lens, which seeks image recognition; Google Maps; and even software created by the company and aimed at other sectors, such as medicine.

But it is worth mentioning the Google Ads and the search engine, which is the most widely used in the world and which, through intelligence learning, has evolved and brought more and more assertive research results.

This technology allows search results to appear faster and faster and the tool recognizes synonyms, related topics, similarities between letter sounds, among other things. and that the more people use it, the more you learn about search intent and behavior, leading to a better user experience .

In the case of Google Ads, artificial intelligence focuses mainly on browsing analysis, using this information to recommend personalized and therefore more assertive ads.

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