What is royal jelly Benefits Similarities and Differences with honey and FAQs
Royal jelly
In this article we will give you that What is royal jelly Similarities and Differences with honey and FAQs.
what does honey mean
Honey is a sweet substance produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. It is used as food and to prepare many recipes, from desserts to baked goods. It is mainly composed of sugar, water and vitamins that are good for health. In addition, it contains very small amounts of minerals, proteins, and digestive enzymes. Honey can be consumed alone or mixed with other ingredients such as nuts and citrus fruits to make jams or natural juices . It is also used medicinally as a remedy to treat stomach problems and even helps promote restful sleep when taken before bed.
What does royal jelly mean?
It is a natural product obtained from the worker bee from the nectar and pollen they collect to feed themselves. It is mainly composed of water, honey, amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries as a remedy for numerous ailments. In addition to being rich in nutrients and having antibacterial properties, it is believed to have beneficial effects on the immune system due to its bioactive peptide content. Therefore, it is considered an ideal nutritional support for people with respiratory problems or chronic inflammation as well as those with a low general energy level.
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honey and royal jellyThey are natural products produced by bees. Both contain a high level of sugar, which helps provide energy for the human body. In addition, both are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial for health. Honey is produced primarily from flower nectars, while royal jelly is a mixture made from insect pollen and excrement. Both have antibacterial properties and have even been traditionally used as curative or preventive remedies against different diseases related to the human immune system. Although they taste different (honey generally tastes sweet and pleasant versus the bitter and harsh taste of royal jelly), both can be eaten plain or Chinese . In addition, it was used to sweeten other foods.
Differences between honey and royal jelly
Honey and royal jelly are two products that derive from the same source: insects. Honey is a sweet, viscous substance produced by bees from nectar collected from flowers. It is composed mainly of sugar, water, essential oils, enzymes and amino acids. On the other hand, royal jelly is produced as a result of a metabolic process within the hive. Salivary glands located between the abdomen and the head of some worker bees are shed; these nutritive secretions mix with pollen to form the jelly. Although both come from the actual work of bees, their nutritional properties differ considerably as they contain variable amounts of simple or Each type of memory has its own operation, although all of them cooperate to carry out a complete memorization process. This is complex carbohydrates as well as protein, mineral vitamins and natural fat.
Benefits of royal jelly
The main health benefits of royal jelly are:
1. Increases the body’s defenses
Royal jelly has flavonoids, which are organic compounds and fatty acids that stimulate the body’s defense cells, improving the immune system.
In addition, royal jelly has antimicrobial properties against various bacteria, such as P. aeruginosa and L. monocytogenes, for example.
2. Promotes skin and hair health
Royal jelly is rich in water, antioxidants and nutrients, such as an amino acid that forms part of collagen, as well as vitamins C and E, which help keep the skin hydrated and rejuvenated, preventing the formation of wrinkles and reducing skin sagging.
In addition, these nutrients also take care of the integrity of the fur and improve the blood circulation of the scalp, making the hair grow healthy and shiny. Therefore, royal jelly can be found as an ingredient in the preparation of creams, soaps and shampoos.
3. Improves memory and concentration
Royal jelly is rich in B vitamins, zinc and choline, as well as phenolic compounds, which guarantee the antioxidant and neuroprotective properties of the jelly, helping to improve memory and concentration, in addition to preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. senile, for example.
4. Decreases cholesterol
Royal jelly helps lower total and LDL cholesterol, and increases HDL cholesterol, due to the presence of proteins in its composition that could inhibit the absorption of cholesterol at the intestinal level, in addition to blocking the reabsorption of bile acids, which have cholesterol in them. its composition.
5. Complements the treatment of infertility
Some scientific studies indicate that royal jelly could improve sperm count and mobility, positively influencing man’s fertility.
6. Helps in preventing fatty liver
Royal jelly antioxidants favor the oxidation of fats and help to reduce the oxidative stress of liver cells, preventing fat from accumulating and causing fat in the liver.
7. Helps in cancer prevention
Royal jelly could decrease the natural replication of tumor cells, as the bioactive compounds it contains prevent damage caused by free radicals to cells, exerting an antitumor effect against Lewis lung carcinoma and colorectal adenocarcinoma, according to some scientific studies .
8. Has anti-inflammatory properties
The bioactive components of royal jelly inhibit some substances in the body that are produced and cause inflammation, such as cytokines and tumor necrosis factor, in addition to protecting cells and improving the response to the inflammatory state.
9. It has antiaging activity
Royal jelly is excellent for older people, as it delays skin aging, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves memory and concentration, prevents neurodegenerative diseases and promotes bone health, as it helps to reduce bone resorption. In addition, royal jelly is able to maintain muscle function.
10. Increases libido
Royal jelly could increase libido in infertile men, as it is able to increase testosterone levels in the body.
Frequent questions
What is royal jelly and what is it for?
It is a product obtained from the salivary glands of young bees. It has been used for many centuries as a natural remedy to treat various diseases. it contains numerous nutrients, including essential fatty acids and B vitamins, which help boost immunity, reduce stress, and also stimulate collagen production. Additionally, it is believed that it can help with joint and muscle pain, as well as some gastrointestinal conditions.
What disease does royal jelly cure?
It does not cure any disease, but it is believed that it can improve the symptoms of some disorders. Some people use royal jelly to treat problems related to stress, chronic fatigue, and symptoms of the common cold, or even to help prevent bacterial infections. However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence on the effectiveness of royal jelly in curing diseases.
What effect does royal jelly have?
It contains many beneficial nutrients for the body, such as vitamins and minerals. Some of these are vitamin A, B1, B2, C and E; folic acid; iron; calcium; magnesium and selenium. This combination of nutrients helps boost your immune system and has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help with chronic conditions. It can also be an excellent antioxidant to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, some people believe that royal jelly can also improve your mental health by reducing stress and anxiety.
How much royal jelly should be taken?
The amount of it to take depends on the purpose for which it is being taken. If it is for a general treatment, the recommended dose is 1 to 2 tablespoons a day. If the person has any particular problems or is using royal jelly as a dietary supplement, then it may be necessary to consult with a medical professional before determining how much to take.