What is Futurism origin characteristics Main artists and works
Futurism is one of the avant-garde artistic movements that took place in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. It emerged in 1909, with the publication of the Futurist Manifesto , by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, in a context of political tension between the great powers that preceded the First World War and of an evident techno-scientific evolution. Thus, the movement is known for its radicalism in proposing the “destruction of the past” .
Characteristics of futurism are anti-traditionalism and the cult of war and speed , mainly. This movement, in Europe, was represented by artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini and Luigi Russolo. In Brazil, he was responsible for the emergence of modernism, which assimilated his anti-traditionalism, with a view to creating a new and libertarian art.
Historical context and origin of futurism
Futurism is one of the avant-garde movements that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. Officially, it was born in 1909, with the publication of the first Futurist Manifesto , signed by its leader, the writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944). This author worshiped violence and war , due to his extremist patriotism. From 1919, when he joined the National Fascist Party, he began to use the movement as propaganda for fascism .
Like other avant-garde movements, futurism emerged at a time of political tension between the world’s superpowers — which led to the First World War — and of great technological development in the areas of communication and transportation, which allowed for the reduction of distances and , therefore, favored speed in communications. Thus, these two factors—technology and speed—were key influences on Futurism more than on other avant-garde movements.
In addition, the advent of the First World War showed that Futurism was in line with its time , since, already in the first manifesto, the cult of war and violence was evident. In this way, the Futurist aesthetics, since its foundation, proved to be one of the most radical avant-garde movements , given its aggressiveness , which seemed to extrapolate aesthetic limits.
characteristics of futurism
- Anti-traditionalism: freedom of creation, without the constraints of academic art;
- Defense of “mental hygiene”: eliminating “dirt”, that is, traditional thinking;
- Renewal: in order to build something new, it is necessary to destroy what already exists;
- Optimistic perspective, inspired by technological evolution, regarding the future of humanity;
- Appreciation of the heroic, grandiose and dynamic;
- Cult of war and violence;
- Iconoclasm: contrary to symbols, conventions and traditions;
- Exaltation of machines: cars and planes;
- Worship of speed and technology.
Main artists and works
Futurism left its mark mainly on painting , but also on literature and architecture, among other arts. Thus, its main artists are:
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944): Mafarka, the futurist (1909), novel.
- Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916): Charge of the Lancers (1915), painting.
- Carlo Carrà (1881-1966): The funeral of the anarchist Galli (1911), painting.
- Giacomo Balla (1871-1958): Abstract Speed and Noise (1914), painting.
- Gino Severini (1883-1966): Blue dancer (1912), painting.
- Luigi Russolo (1885-1947): Dynamism of an automobile (1913), painting.
- Antonio Sant’Elia (1888-1916): Power plant (1914), architectural design.
- Francesco Balilla Pratella (1880-1955): Futurist music (1912), music.