What is Agalmatophilia Causes and treatment
There is a diversity of strange and curious customs but they do exist and it is convenient to know what they are. This is the case of agalmatophilia , which consists of feeling sexual desire towards a statue or mannequin. The reasons why this happens are several, as well as the people who have this impulse.
Its origins are diverse. Well, although it may come from mythology, the person who discovered and applied it was the psychiatrist Richard Von Krafft-Ebbin in 1877. And it all also stems from the legend of Pygmalion, a sculptor from Cyprus, who considered that women were imperfect. and then he created an image or statue that was really ideal.
In general, and according to recent research, this type of paraphilia is quite common in northern European countries, since it seems that some people tend to have a sexual desire for statues that are usually in various public places. Other people have it as a kind of fetishism that marks their sexual practices. If this is done sporadically, we are not talking about a serious thing and it does not need to be treated, but if it is continuous, and it leaves aside knowing other people in the affected person’s life, then yes.
Causes of Agalmatophilia
The causes of these paraphilias are diverse and also unknown because everything depends on each person. The circumstances are different for each one, so that the origin may be due to some trauma that the person has experienced as a child that makes them react in this way, but it does not have to be related to it.
Other people usually already have previous psychological problems and develop others related to sexuality due to lacking this desire or having it and not being able to fulfill it.
Paraphilias, such as agalmatophilia, can be treated, although the person must know that they have a problem and want to be cured.
Thus, the affected person must go to the psychologist or psychiatrist to establish a treatment that is personalized. Another person who can act in this type of disorders are those specialized in sexual behaviors, because it unites mind and sex.
For this, it is necessary to know what the sexual life of the affected person is, their behaviors and to give the appropriate diagnosis. The important thing is to know the cause in order to attack it and find an explanation and remedy it, because that is what the professional focuses on.
The professional usually establishes a cognitive-behavioral therapy that is to face the problem directly by facing the cause so that it is treated and goes away.