
What are Cognate words examples and false cognates

Cognate words

Cognate words are words that have a common root and meaning, having the same etymological origin.

Words cognate with earth

  • terrestrial;
  • ground;
  • bury;
  • terrace;
  • terreiro;
  • ground floor;
  • earthly.

Words cognate with sea

  • maritime;
  • marine;
  • navy;
  • sailor;
  • sea ​​air;
  • tide;
  • sea.

cognates of dust

  • dust;
  • dusty;
  • dusty;
  • dust;
  • dedusted;
  • dust off.

cognates of stone

  • mason;
  • Boulder;
  • high;
  • stone;
  • gemstones;
  • cobbled.

Words cognate with body

  • body;
  • corporeal;
  • corpuscle; 
  • corpanzil;
  • incorporate; 
  • corporation; 
  • little body.

From book

  • bookstore;
  • bookseller;
  • bookish;
  • booklet;
  • booklet;
  • bookstore;
  • riddled.

By mouth

  • oral;
  • nozzle;
  • foul-mouthed;
  • gaping;
  • embouchure.

Of light

  • shining;
  • glossy;
  • shine;
  • glitter;
  • shiny.

Paper words

  • stationery shop;
  • paperwork;
  • cardboard;
  • stationer;
  • paper;
  • paper.

Words with flower

  • bloom;
  • flowery;
  • flower pot;
  • florist;
  • floral;
  • bloom;
  • flowery.

Of home

  • hut;
  • big house;
  • houses;
  • House made;
  • kennel;
  • to marry.

Words with door

  • gate;
  • concierge;
  • concierge;
  • portal;
  • cover;
  • porthole.

Of rain

  • drizzle;
  • rain;
  • to rain;
  • drizzle;
  • drizzle;
  • shower.

Words with shoe

  • shoemaker;
  • tap dancing;
  • tap dance;
  • sneaker;
  • shoe shop;
  • bootie.

Cognates of balance

  • balance;
  • tightrope walker;
  • balanced;
  • unbalance;
  • unbalanced.

False cognates

There are words that can be considered as false cognates, such as hungry and infamous. Although they present some similarities in their form, they do not come from the same meaning radical.

The existence of false cognates between Portuguese and English is very common. There are several words that are similar but have completely different origins and meanings, such as the English word custom which means fantasy and the Portuguese word custom which indicates a habit.

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