
Performance appraisal competencies and how it works and application

What is competency performance appraisal?

Here we will elaborate you the details about Performance appraisal competencies and how it works and application.

The first step to start applying this tool is to know what it is in practice. Competency-based performance assessment consists of analyzing the company’s employees in a technical and behavioral manner, considering, in addition to the results, their competences, soft skills and hard skills .

Through the application of specific analysis methodologies, the team from the HR, People and Management area or similar, manages to acquire information that will allow measuring the level of performance of an employee over a given period of time and their skills.

In addition, it is also possible to identify the professional’s strengths and those that should be developed to exercise this function. For that, there are four main types of competences that are analyzed in this process:

  1. Leadership competencies: which dictate the employee’s ability to lead, whether of people, projects, teams or a company;
  2. Technical skills: referring to all the knowledge that the employee has to carry out their function and activities related to their position in a competent, effective and direct manner. Thus, the more specific knowledge of the area, the better. This competence is closely linked to the hard skills that an employee may have;
  3. Behavioral skills: everything that the employee demonstrates in their work. The way he behaves in different situations and in everyday life. Here, we have two attitudes: beliefs and personality. Behavioral skills are linked to an employee’s soft skills and they must be well aligned with the organizational culture of the company in which they are inserted;
  4. Organizational skills: last, but never least, the organizational skills of an employee are all those that he/she must develop to be able to carry out the tasks related to their position in the best possible way. Here, skills such as dynamism and attention are considered.

Finally, despite the competences mentioned being some of the main ones, it is extremely important to understand that they are not the only ones evaluated in a process.

How does this assessment work?

Competency-based performance appraisal can work in three different ways. Let’s talk a little about them.

1-45th Assessment

In this evaluation format, the evaluated employee does not participate. During the process, he is evaluated by a superior in the position hierarchy and the individual employee’s performance is evaluated over a certain period of time.

2-90° evaluation

The 90° assessment is the same as the 45° – with individual competence assessment by the leader of the person being assessed – and also has an assessment by the employee in question.

The collaborator gives grades for his performance in certain categories and these grades are compared with the grades of the superior, reaching an average and an agreement.

3-360° evaluation

In the 360° assessment, several levels and aspects of a company participate. In addition to the person being evaluated and their leader, teammates, managers, other leaders, suppliers and even customers also participate.

By putting together all opinions and assessments, it is possible to gain a broader view of the employee’s performance, effectively pointing out their weaknesses and strengths.

The performance appraisal process requires a lot of attention and tact with all employees, with valuable analysis being carried out, considering the range of knowledge and contribution that each employee makes to the company’s growth.

Why apply Competency Performance Assessment?

The performance evaluation by competences can bring numerous advantages for your company, reaching a significant reduction of costs with recruitment and selection processes. Follow up!

1-Benefits for the company

The benefits that this tool can bring to companies are the ones that shine most in the eyes of professionals in the area, responsible for applying the processes:

  • the reduction in turnover becomes visible, as the selected employees are more aligned and in line with the expectations of the company and area coordinators;
  • the teams formed through the performance evaluation based on competences are of high performance and directly contribute to the achievement of general goals and objectives of the company;
  • one communication more effective and direct between employees and their leaders, opening a mutual dialogue pathway, leading a satisfactory environment for the staff and the company;
  • more accurate and attractive processes, ensuring greater assertiveness for the HR sector.

What are the benefits of Competency Performance Assessment for the employee?

Employee satisfaction is also targeted in processes that rely on performance assessment based on competences. In this sense, we can observe that:

  • employees are aware, from the beginning, of expectations and what is expected of them for the position in question, within the company;
  • through the process, the chance of growth and of having a career plan in the company is increasing and more achievable;
  • all employee development with the company is documented so that it is possible to consult this information, generating insights that enable improvements in their skills;
  • receiving constant feedback makes him feel comfortable in his team and position, making him more productive in his role.

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