Organic vs non organic food Different production systems benefits
Organic vs non organic food
To facilitate your understanding of organic and non organic food, understand the context of the current situation: the world needs to produce more and more, and the business management of agricultural processes has led to the need for ever-increasing yields. In this article we will provide you the Organic vs non organic food.
For this, the adoption of more advanced technologies suitable for large productions became necessary. In the same way, the use of agricultural inputs became more intense, mainly when we talk about pesticides and synthetic chemical fertilizers.
Thus, pesticides to control pests and diseases are used to protect the crop, while fertilizers ensure greater productivity in the field. However, producing more does not mean guaranteeing better production. And, in this sense, organic food production appears.
This has its eyes turned to the quality of the food produced and to a healthy life . Follow this content and learn about the main differences between organic and non organic foods, including microalgae! Good reading!
Organic and non organic food
Recent reviews of hundreds of scientific papers have shown that there is not exactly a difference in the amount of most nutrients between organic and non organic foods. As an exception there is phosphorus, a mineral in which organic foods are richer.
However, it is not just the quantity of nutrients that characterizes superior quality for human consumption. It is also necessary to consider food safety, that is, its non-contamination with chemical elements used in conventional agriculture, and even pathogenic microorganisms.
Spirulina, also called the powerful blue algae, is ideal for those looking for more nutrition in their daily lives. This superfood is 100% natural and has already received the title of ‘The Best Food for the Future’ by the World Health Organization due to its extremely abundant nutritional wealth, which provides a wide range of health benefits.
Different production systems
Organic agriculture does not use chemical pesticides to protect the crop from pests and diseases that may affect it. For the protection of its cultivated plants, organic production makes use of techniques, such as:
- crop rotation: at each harvest the cultivated species is changed, avoiding the successive planting of plants of the same family, since, as a rule, they are susceptible to the same diseases;
- Attractive plants: Plants that attract pests are grown close to the crop, in order to facilitate control;
- natural insecticides: plants, such as tobacco and pyrethrum flower, among many others, are used to produce insecticide mixtures used in organic farming. Organic agricultural production does not use chemical fertilizers;
- soil correction from a nutritional, physical and chemical point of view is carried out with natural products, mainly from rock grinding. The use of organic compounds is another way to meet the physicochemical needs of soils.
In addition to the aspects of pesticides and chemical fertilizers used by conventional agriculture, organic foods are also characterized by not being produced using so-called transgenic seeds, resulting from genetic manipulation.
7 benefits of eating organic food
The consumption of organic foods characterizes a more natural aspect of eating and brings some health benefits, especially for children. In turn, the environment also benefits from organic practices. See the main advantages below:
1. Exemption from pesticides
Modern agricultural production, especially for certain more sensitive crops, makes intensive use of chemical pesticides. Thus, insecticides, fungicides, among others, end up leaving residues on plants.
Often, even with a good wash, the compounds are not eliminated, as they penetrate the plant tissues. So it might be interesting to include detoxifying agents in your routine, like a detox superfood !
2. More intense flavor and aroma
In organic agriculture there is no chemical effort through fertilizers to induce food growth, as the focus is not on the appearance of the product.
In this way, organic foods are more complete and balanced in their natural constitution, resulting in greater flavors, common formats and sizes, as well as more intense aromas.
3. Water protection
Every product applied to the crop, be it chemical fertilizers or different pesticides, with the coming of the rains, soon reaches water bodies, that is, streams, streams and lakes, and contaminates them.
On the other hand, rainwater also infiltrates, moves inside the soil and reaches the groundwater loaded with high amounts of these chemical products.
The practice of organic agriculture prevents water contamination, protecting plants, animals and people from the risk of a cumulative intoxication process.
4. Soil protection
Another major point of attention when we talk about organic and non organic foods concerns the soil. Soils cultivated by the conventional system quickly lose important biological characteristics.
In this way, they become mere physical and chemical substrates due to the exclusion of the life that naturally pulsates in them.
In the same way that organic agriculture protects water, soil vitality is also protected from the residual effect resulting from the use of chemical fertilizers, and mainly, the use of pesticides.
5. Protection of local biodiversity
The set of all beings that live in a place tends to develop balanced relationships with each other and with the environment in which they are inserted.
In this context, the use of biocides, that is, products to kill invasive plants, insects and fungi, drastically affects this balance and eliminates various forms of animal and plant life.
Organic agriculture, on the contrary, stimulates relationships and causes an increase in biodiversity in the regions where it is implemented.
In this way, microorganisms, earthworms and insects, as well as large animals that participate in that balance, are profoundly benefited from the production of organic food.
6. Guaranteed sustainability
If you are someone who cares about sustainable practices and food , you have no reason to have doubts about betting on organic or non organic food.
The nature of the organic agricultural practice is completely sustainable, since its principle is to encourage the natural recycling of organic materials on the property.
Therefore, in the production of organic food, there is no depletion of the soil with the depletion of its productive capacity.
In this way, the supply of future generations can be guaranteed, especially if more and more consumers use organic food.
7. Stimulation of organic production
The more people make use of organic food, the greater the demand and thus production will be stimulated.
Thus, more producers adept at the practices emerge and the difference between the consumption of organic and non organic foods is increasingly reduced.