
How to Calm Anxiety Quickly with 10 tips of this remedy

How to Calm Anxiety Quickly

The whirlwind of experiences we live daily can lead us to unexpected situations where unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors arise. In this sense, if we receive news that disturbs us considerably, it is understandable that nervousness and uncertainty appear due to the unexpected. In this article we will provide you 10 tips of How to Calm Anxiety Quickly.

News can be pleasant or unpleasant. Therefore, the perception that human beings have about the movements that occur in their lives has a great influence on the processing of events. However, it is possible that some people have greater disorders in dealing with these sensations that can appear both in the body and in the mind.

10 tips of this remedy

Here we will provide you 10 tips to calm from Anxiety Quickly.

1. Breathe deeply

First of all, taking a deep breath often has several health benefits for a person. On the one hand, it relaxes the central nervous system , since the air that enters the body makes it possible to reduce existing muscle tension. On the other hand, the fact of breathing allows one to reflect on the situation linked to anxiety.

When this happens, it will be necessary to inhale and exhale air gradually and sustainably for a few seconds.

2. Talk to someone else

Faced with situations involving a high degree of tension and uncertainty, recurrent ideas about the present and the future often arise, generating excessive discomfort. In this sense, putting into words what affects you is effective in reducing the mental load that anxiety produces.

In short, this method can be carried out in person or virtually, as it is possible to establish communication with a trusted person even if he is at a distance.

3. Drink a relaxing tea

There are several beverages that can produce extremely beneficial bodily relaxation . Among the best known are chamomile, linden, lavender, lemon balm, passion fruit, passionflower or valerian, among others. A few minutes after having ingested some type of infusion, there may be a decrease in nervous tension.

Likewise, it is important to clarify that its consumption must be carried out in a place away from stimuli that prevent relaxation. In this article you will find other natural Anxiolytics to calm anxiety .

4. Practice mindfulness

This type of practice is often effective in those suffering from anxiety. In this sense, mindfulness is a therapeutic activity that is carried out with the aim of withdrawing awareness from negative thoughts . When it can be performed satisfactorily, there are great benefits for the person’s mental and physical health, as they can deal with stress and/or anxiety situations in a more pleasurable way.

In the following article you will find more information about Mindfulness: what it is and how to practice it .

5. Practicing physical activity

As you know, anxiety symptoms can be witnessed in the body. Therefore, given the state of nervous tension that is reflected in an anxious person, it is advisable to perform physical activity to find a possible way to unload .

However, it is necessary that the physical exercise performed is of self-interest, as pleasure also plays an important role in calming anxiety.

6. Count to ten

Before carrying out any action that has a negative consequence, it is preferable to stop this impulse that causes anxiety. One of the ways that facilitates this is to count to ten slowly to avoid actions that are harmful to the person or others.

The count should be maintained for an extended period of time or until the anxiety subsides.

7. Listen to relaxing music

Music is a vehicle that connects us with our deepest emotions. Although there are several musical genres, it is recommended to listen to relaxing music in moments of anxiety to decrease the intensity of the thoughts that haunt the person.

This, in turn, produces a body release that translates into an improvement in mood.

8. Create distractions

When someone is immersed in a state of anxiety that prevents them from thinking clearly, creating distractions that avoid harmful thoughts is a valuable tool. In this sense, thinking about pleasurable activities will generate a temporary remission of anxiety symptoms.

9. Asking yourself questions about the situation

Sometimes managing anxiety can become complex because you feel the urgent need to do something without thinking about it. Therefore, it is important that the person asks questions related to the specific moment.

For example, knowing why, what for and what would be the use of letting oneself be carried away by a certain impulse.

10. Appeal to artistic means

Art is a means of expressing feelings. Within this area we can find painting, writing, drawing, reading, etc. Therefore, in the face of immediate anxiety, another option that proves to be beneficial is to use this type of resource because expressing feelings produces a motor and sensory discharge .

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