Generation names and years generational diversity and importance
What is generational diversity?
Here we will describe you the information about the Generation names and years generational diversity and importance.
Generational diversity, in the corporate context, is the concept of covering professionals of different age groups in the same work environment . In this way, it is possible to generate a plurality of profiles and contribute to the formation of ideas.
As well as the diversity of genders, sexual orientations and races, generational diversity is also important for building a more respectful and inclusive corporate environment , in which each individual is valued for their experiences and contributions.
However, it is important to make it clear that when we talk about generational diversity, we are not referring to prioritizing one age group over another, but rather about the inclusion of competent professionals, regardless of age group .
How important is generational diversity?
Adopting practices that encourage generational diversity can bring benefits to both the company and employees. According to a survey conducted by Forbes , 85% of companies believe that this diversity results in greater innovation of ideas.
In addition, the survey shows that inclusive teams make business decisions in less time, ensure more productivity, minimize time spent in meetings and generate 60% better results.
As for professionals, this type of inclusion is also beneficial, especially for the elderly, who suffer greater prejudice in the labor market . Since people over 50 still face difficulties in disputing opportunities with younger professionals.
One reason is their limitations with new technologies and the need for more training and development initiatives. In contrast, these professionals are extremely experienced on different fronts and can bring important visions and solutions to the business.
What is the scenario of generational diversity in recent years?
With the longevity revolution , life expectancy went from 50 to 80 years in a span of two generations. Thus, a new vision of life occurred, after all, the mature phase was no longer related to rest and “waiting for death”, but to a productive moment full of possibilities .
Despite this change in paradigms, many organizations were resistant to adapting selective processes and integration actions. According to a survey carried out by Amcham Brasil in 2011, 70% of companies still did not carry out actions to facilitate multigenerational integration.
However, the scenario has been changing little by little. In recent years, companies have increased their attention to creating more diverse teams. Furthermore, movements such as Great Place To Work began to recognize organizations that stood out in generational diversity.
What are the main generations?
Currently, the generations with higher volume of professionals in the labor market are: baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z .
Therefore, it is important to understand that, according to the context in which the individual was raised, he may present differences in his priorities, expectations and behaviors . Because of this, generational conflicts occur within teams.
However, despite some specific characteristics, it is important to avoid stereotypes , understand that each individual is unique and respect their individuality. This is essential to maintain a collaborative environment and a good organizational climate.
Now, look at some of the main characteristics of each of the generations.
Baby Boomers (1940-1960)
This generation is mainly marked by those born after World War II, a time of economic stability and a high birth rate. It is a generation marked by a great cultural, political and economic legacy, which witnessed historical moments, such as the going of the man to the moon, the military dictatorship and the protests for civil rights.
An important characteristic of this generation is that it was the first to grow up in front of television , which provided the following of historical and cultural events that had never been experienced by previous generations.
Regarding their professional attitude, baby boomers consider work as their main priority , being competitive, focusing on results and not worrying too much about quality of life.
Furthermore, these professionals have difficulties in keeping up with the digital transformation and believe that leading is the same as commanding and controlling.
Generation X (1960-1980)
This generation was born facing social revolutions and paradigm shifts. It is the first generation of children of divorced parents or families in which both parents worked. In addition, they were the first to consider women as an independent figure , assuming their social and economic role.
What marks the generation is the emergence of new technologies, such as the VCR, the personal computer and the first video games.
In the corporate scenario, those born in Generation X are experienced and dedicated professionals , who value soft skills when they assume leadership positions, committed to the company’s objectives and who know how to balance their personal and professional lives.
This type of professional is looking for stability and has difficulty dealing with immediacy and impulsiveness, however, they are more flexible and can react better to unpredictability than baby boomers.
Generation Y (1980-1995)
Known as “ Millennials ”, this generation is made up of the most in tuned professionals in the market. Generation Y is the one that grew up stimulated by countless activities and multiple tasks , in addition to experiencing a new concept of instant communication, through the internet and social networks.
Because of this, Millennials have a more immediate view of the world and prioritize projects that bring results in the short term.
A striking characteristic of these professionals is that they are not afraid to change jobs and/or seek new challenges and tend to act in a more individualistic way. In addition, they are professionals with more self-esteem and who are committed to their values.
Furthermore, they have a multitasking profile and are quite dynamic and impulsive . However, they do not like bureaucracy, control and routine activities.
Regarding the quality of life, Generation Y also has its peculiarities. For these professionals, benefits such as flexible hours, informal clothes and the possibility of remote work are as important as the salary value in a selection process.
Generation Z (1995-2010)
Generation Z is the so-called “ digital natives ”, that is, the generation that was born using technology and the internet. These professionals have recently entered the job market and already show differences in relation to other generations.
For Generation Z, it is important to work on an activity that is in line with their values and that contributes to the pursuit of purpose. As a result, these professionals, as well as those from Generation Y, have other priorities in addition to salary, such as flexible working hours and horizontal management models .
In addition, they are connected, creative, sociable, entrepreneurial, critical, resistant, detached and anxious professionals.
How to have generational diversity in the company?
As we have seen, each generation has different values and behaviors. With this in mind, the HR department must seek actions and strategies to minimize conflicts and encourage good interaction within the organization.
Below, we list some tips that can help in the development and management of people in a diverse team.
Adapt your recruiting strategy
If the company’s intention is to promote generational diversity, the first step is to adapt its recruitment and selection processes. For this, it is necessary to think about the language and channels used to advertise vacancies.
Baby boomers, for example, may be more interested in the opportunity if the vacancy showcases the organization’s awards and successes. Millennials, on the other hand, seek information about opportunities for personal development and social responsibility.
Recognize generational differences
Another important tip to improve the relationship in the organization is to recognize and respect the differences that exist between each generation. Therefore, it is necessary to create a culture of collaboration and empathy in the company , encouraging teams to see the other’s vision and balance behaviors.
Customize communication for each employee
One of the main obstacles between generations is the form of communication . Although Generations Y and Z are already familiar with instant communication, previous generations still have different ways of doing things.
Therefore, it is important to offer a different approach to each employee and enable communication to be done in a way that they feel more comfortable, whether in person, via email or an instant messaging application.
Generational diversity is an important concept that can add to the team of organizations, offering different views of work and enabling more creative ideas. However, it is important to understand that this process can generate conflicts, so it is essential that HR knows how to deal with each generation and promote customized strategies.