Epenthesis examples definition explanation
An epenthesis also: lute insertion, sound activation ) is the addition of a word to a linguistic tone to facilitate pronunciation (without etymological motivation). epenthesis are found only in morphologically complex expressions. In some cases, they also help avoid hiatuses . In addition to articulatory and sonic reasons, such sound insertions can also be made in the poem for metrical reasons. As a word-changing rhetorical figure , epenthesis belongs to the group of metaplasms . Epenthesis examples
It is called epenthesis to a linguistic phenomenon that is extending a word by inserting a phoneme. This is a linguistic phenomenon that is considered part of the evolution of language and is listed as a diction figure that is called epenthetic. This may consist of an aggregate as in the word:
Where the vowel e is called the anaptyctic vowel , producing the so-called anataxis , which is what the introduction of these vowels in a word is called.
t has no clear etymological origin and the use of the epenthesis has been cataloged by some linguists as a barbarism. Epenthesis examples
The epenthesis has received other names such as:
- Parapraxis
- Diastole
- Infixation
- Anataxis or agnatic vowel and ectasias. Epenthesis examples
Examples of epenthesis: Epenthesis examples
- Airport instead of airport.
- Wear instead of spending.
- Arrange instead of gathering.
- Agora instead of now (it is also archaism).
- Coffee instead of coffee.
- You went instead you went.
- You did instead of you did.
- You ate instead of ate.
- You spoke instead of spoke. Epenthesis examples
- Scanner instead of scanner.
- Sweets instead of sweets.
- Ruinous instead of ruinous.
- Embarrassing instead of shameful.
- Whispering instead of whispering.
- Come instead of come.
- Asleep instead of asleep.
- Sleep instead of sleeper.