Employer branding definition importance HR and branding strategy
Employer branding
Employer branding is the conscious development of the employer brand, with the aim of improving the company’s external view and attracting the best talent in the market. In this article we will elaborate the definition of employer branding along with HR and branding strategy.
Marketing and HR: the two areas together can enhance the way people see a company. The concept and application of employer branding , which has everything to do with the two sectors working together, has been much talked about and deserves attention from HR professionals.
Understanding what employer branding means and, above all, how to bring this type of strategy into the work routine , is challenging. But it is also a path of good rewards and results.
In this post, we have gathered some tips for you to help your company take the first steps towards positioning as an employer brand. Come on?
Why is employer branding so important?
Branding is a concept that has been used for a long time in the context of marketing to define the strategies adopted by a company and maintain a good image in front of the market and consumers.
It is the way the company positions itself and how it wants to stand out from the competitors. No wonder the jargon was exported to the HR context.
The concept of employer branding applies the same logic, but considering other stakeholders : current and potential employees of the organization .
By positioning yourself and maintaining strategies consistent with your brand positioning, you create a reputation as a good employer .
But… What is it for?
The question is valid and the answer involves several questions.
The strategy contributes to the employees’ feeling of belonging in relation to the company, which brings with it a feeling of satisfaction, well-being, quality of life, greater engagement and a desire for growth.
This type of transformation invariably impacts team motivation and company results.
In addition to this great and important benefit, when employer branding becomes part of the company’s strategy, the market’s view becomes different.
Some suppliers and buyers take this kind of reputation into account before signing a contract.
Thus, competitiveness is gained in several aspects: both by increasing the productivity of employees and by having access to interesting business partners who value this type of positioning.
Finally, but just as important as the previous benefits, is the fact that employees themselves can become brand promoters .
Even today, with so many marketing resources available, nothing can be as powerful as the famous “word of mouth”.
This, in itself, is a great reason to invest in employer branding strategies.
It is important that HR is clear about its fundamental role so that the desire to become a well-established employer brand is part of the employees’ routine and can be perceived by those who may wish to work in the company.
How can HR put the employer branding strategy into practice?
Amanda Groppi, HR analyst at Meu Acerto , reinforces exactly this by stating that “HR is capable of disseminating and making both the purpose and values of the company more tangible, for current and future employees”.
We have put together what we consider to be the first steps to take for your company to position itself as a strong employer brand. Come on!
1. Listen to what employees have to say
It is very common for many managers, based on their experience and knowledge of their subordinates, to assume that they know what they think and how they feel about the company. In some cases, this is a big mistake.
When a safe space is opened for employees to talk about how they feel about the company, what they are satisfied with and what has been bothering them, in general, we start to see a range of issues that we can’t even imagine.
Therefore, the first step to be taken when creating an employer branding strategy is to create safe environments and opportunities for employees to give their opinions.
2. Establish internal communication processes
If there is one complaint that we can consider as frequent, and a constant challenge for HR teams in all companies, it is the issue of internal communication .
In fact, keeping communication aligned in the correct form and channels, without noise, is the desire of every company.
In addition to ensuring the fluidity of the work of all teams, good communication is a powerful tool for preventing errors and conflicts at work .
When communication goes bad, there’s no escaping it: the company goes bad.
If employees feel that the work is flowing, that the areas are communicating properly and that they have space to dialogue, be heard and also express their opinions, HR will certainly have more space to motivate them and also to identify what needs to be done. improvements.
3. Offer market-consistent wages and benefits
This topic occupies a very important place when it comes to employer branding.
Without consistent salaries and benefits, no matter how much other strategies are underway, it will hardly be possible to position itself as an employer brand.
The relationship between contractor and contractor needs to be a fair exchange and, therefore, offering competitive salaries and benefits is essential to ensure talent retention and attraction.
In addition, when employees are offered good remuneration, the satisfaction in speaking well of the company they work for increases, which can generate interest and curiosity from other professionals who can add even more value to the team.
4. Create an attractive work environment
Having an interesting and inviting work environment is a factor that contributes to the company’s positioning as an employer brand.
Offering a space that encourages creativity, with good internal communication, where employees feel comfortable , is a factor that carries a lot of weight.
But make no mistake: the tip for improving the work environment goes far beyond offering sofas, ping-pong tables and paçoquinha.
The suggestion goes through the choice of quality work equipment, furniture that favors comfort, planning of the environment that facilitates the flow of people and air circulation and adequate lighting, among other issues.
5. Offer a well-defined career path
Few things can be as demotivating for employees as not having a career perspective within the company.
Therefore, to favor your employer branding, invest in career plans and individual development plans that are aligned with the reality of employees and the company, so that they are guides ー for both HR and employees ー of evolution in the career.
6. Treat candidates as consumers in selection processes
Selection processes are the great gateway for new talents in your company. If the first impression is not good, it may be difficult to retrieve it at some other time.
Pay attention, therefore, to make candidates feel welcomed and comfortable.
Create opportunities for them to feel the company’s culture and values, and be motivated by the possibility of working there.
Just as marketing seeks to understand the needs of consumers, HR should strive to understand how it can help the candidate in their professional journey.
7. Use social media to your advantage
There is no denying that today social networks are part of the routine of most people of working age.
And social networks can be a powerful employer branding tool, both in terms of engaging and motivating current employees, as well as attracting the attention of potential talent.
Valuing the initiatives and results achieved by the company through its social media channels can bring very positive results, in addition to the possibility of sharing by employees.
In addition, today it is common for many candidates in selection processes to seek to know more about the company and the work environment through social networks , with due emphasis on LinkedIn.
Therefore, having a presence in these channels, offering relevant content that enhances the company’s strengths is one of the important steps in the employer branding strategy.
By following the recommendations that we have given here, your company will be able to identify strengths with employees, as well as those that need to be developed so that you understand, in practice, how to position yourself as a strong employer brand.
This knowledge should be used as a great tool for transforming the work environment, in order to make it more attractive to current and future employees.