Demotivation meaning types causes of demotivation
Demotivation meaning is an event that makes individuals think, that they do not advance and that they will not reach their goals. It manifests itself through a feeling of blockage that causes restlessness and anguish in people.
This problem is mainly based on the fact that people tend to underestimate it and therefore do not define its consequences from the beginning. Generally, individuals tend to self-sabotage. For example, when starting any business, plan or idea, people only contemplate those probable problems that come from the environment or external environment, without taking into account our indecision, fear, unconscious acts that paralyze us and hinder reaching our achievements and goals. It is very common that we ourselves mask these acts as logical evidence to not achieve our objectives.
In this sense, it is important to know in depth the concept of demotivation and the way to combat it.
The demotivation.
To understand the definition of amotivation, it is first important to explain what motivation is.
Motivation is that set of things that act as mechanisms, conscious or unconscious, that motivate a person to perform, create, produce, develop, obtain, execute, or elaborate something. This something can be a goal, a project, a plan, in the short, medium or long term under favorable conditions.
Based on this definition, what is demotivation? Demotivation is a psychological state where there is a disagreement between what is hypothetically wanted to achieve and the aptitude or capabilities we have to achieve that goal.
In this sense, demotivation is related to the setback of executing aspirations, illusions or desires and also brings with it anxiety for not being able to be calm or calm to meet those goals or objectives that were proposed to obtain. This is because not doing what is necessary to reach an objective or meet a goal remains in our mind.
In conclusion, demotivation affects first by generating discomfort, due to the fact that despite striving, the objective or goal set is not achieved or achieved. And on the other hand the feeling of guilt that the person suffers.
The types of demotivation
Amotivation can occur in different ways or for different reasons, it can also have various levels of magnitude. The problem becomes more intense or serious when the demotivation covers all spaces and sides of life. For example in personal relationships, at work, in family relationships, in studies. In these cases the main reasons may be:
An environment that is not very beneficial or profitable for the person, where there are no reasons in general to do or undertake anything. For example, where there are no economic possibilities that can generate opportunities for advancement and improvement, both socially and economically, demotivation generally occurs in most areas of life.
On the other hand, due to the existence of depressive disorders that are expressed through a lack of motivation that derives from the sum of a cluster of symptoms, which includes a lack of initiative or apathy (extreme lack of motivation) added to phenomena that prevent the appearance from one or more sources of motivation, such as the inability to feel pleasure (anhedonia).
There are also particular types of demotivation, the most frequent are:
school demotivation
The demotivation of students in educational institutions is very frequent. Generally, it is caused by the appreciation that class attendance is an obligation (for example, the first day of classes), which results in opposition, rejection and reluctance to attend classes.
In addition, the teaching of the students cannot be individual, it does not adapt to the interests of each student but rather it is of the collective type, which in some cases generates a lack of attention in classes. What has been applied in recent years to attack these causes is the modification of learning dynamics or techniques to increase student motivation.
labor demotivation
This type of demotivation negatively affects both the worker and the company where he works. The most common causes of this type of demotivation are: always doing the same job, monotony makes people feel stuck, without constant professional development, which generates a cut in the initiatives and new ideas of employees.
Low or stagnant salaries, when the work and effort of the employees is not financially matched with the passage of time, but nevertheless, the responsibilities are increasing in the tasks of the company, which generates a neglect in the levels of responsibility by the worker.
Poor communication with your bosses and colleagues. Lack of communication or fear of communicating, especially with the direct bosses of the workers. Sometimes bosses do not listen to their employees, do not value their ideas due to insecurity, do not allow their opinions, or the employee remains silent in any situation so as not to worsen the circumstances. This generates demotivation in employees.
Another important aspect that causes lack of motivation is the business philosophy different from the principles of the employee, this refers to the lack of trust and agreement with the company and its leaders. All this is related to trust and respect, their ability to lead and the academic and professional preparation of their leaders. Since respect for their guidelines, opinions and hierarchy depends on this.
social demotivation
Social demotivation is what takes place when a person or individual has no interest in relating to other people, groups or social circles. Also, it occurs when the individual does have interaction or relationship with other social circles but only out of necessity, this being a very unpleasant experience.
What are the causes of demotivation?
The main causes of demotivation are:
The fear. It is normal to feel fear when making a decision or traveling on new paths. However, excessive fear can cause indecision, insecurity, doubts, and generate obstacles along the way that do not really exist. If the fear is great, the fear will demotivate.
Conflict of Values . Values are very important. They are the ones who need you as a person and show you the way to go when a conflict or problem arises. Having to give up any of your values can generate inconsistencies within you and demotivation appears with the purpose of giving up to be faithful to those values.
Pain for loss . To get some things, you have to let go, or let others go. Sometimes it is necessary to give up, many people realize this only when the loss is a fact and they can become paralyzed and feel pain, which brings with it doubts, guilt and lack of confidence.
Absence of challenges . The goals, the challenges, the challenges are necessary in the life of each person to keep the motivation active to carry them out, to achieve them. To achieve these objectives it is necessary to carry out tasks, steps, activities that are in some cases heavy, boring, monotonous that can cause demotivation.
Fatigue. When we pursue a goal, there are moments in which the processes become a little more difficult (either because you need more resources than you had thought or the execution of the activities require more energy) people are physically and mentally tired, which manifests itself as demotivation and can make the person give up on reaching the goal.
There are many causes of demotivation. Each person has an individual problem that can generate demotivation. It also depends on many factors, for example the way each person perceives life, perfectionism, the environment, vision of the future, among others. Each person must define their priorities, goals, personal objectives and direct their resources and tasks to achieve of what you want.